What To Do Camping (18 Fun Ideas) – Camping for Beginners Series
What To Do Camping (18 Fun Ideas) – Camping for Beginners Series
Get a few of my favorite activity ideas for what to do camping in this video. Also be sure to check out our new “Camping for Beginners” Playlist, which I made to help people who are new (or new-ish) to camping get up to speed.
Please send that but this is how you spell my name KAWTHARHAR Kotar yeah that’s how you spell my name cow tar tie and this is how it goes you know that’s how you spell my name but I’m 6 years old and I want to learn how to go camping and what to get stuff too Well I get all my kept in stuff and I got my toys but I got wipes too but mommy keep getting them out but The wipes out yesterday and that surprised me so I put rock in my backpack but it’s very heavy too I don’t know no backpacks could be that heavy stuff serious but I chalk a lot I chocolate and I have no idea why oh my God oh my is hot oh my God oh my God OM my oh and my and then God wait I love God of God kisses can kiss it
Great video! I especially like #18. Some people forget, or just don’t slow down, and take in the beauty of Nature! I’ve been guilty myself. Going camping this weekend; gonna seek the views!
Weed, cooking and physical activity like throwing knives or archery i also like learning how to play an instrument
Bird watching has just become fun for me. Cornell has a great (free) app called Merlin Bird ID. We like to use the sound ID and see what birds we hear. My we have become interested in seeing how many we can identify in the morning.
After dark, it’s fun to find stars, constellations, etc.
Hammocking is very relaxing at the campsite.
Coloring. Pholography.
Not a beginner here. I’ve gone my whole life camping only one way. We ultimately go camping to ride ATV’s, swim, and go fishing. Not usually on camp grounds but in the forest. While camping, we cook over a fire and sleep in a tent or a camper depending on the temperatures/where we camp.
I personally will go hiking and bird watching. But I feel like there are more things out there and I am glad I found this video.
Camping on Friday and if our bikes kept on what we do because we have a lock for bikes and we don’t we can’t bring it so what do I do
damn, no hate, but i was hopin for things to do at nights while being forced to go camping and you cant sleep at night
nintendo switch.
Camping sounds so chill but so boring as well, it’s sounds alright
Welp I’m going fishing and camping for the first time. Can’t wait
Man this is such a good video! Sometimes I struggle in the creative realm of things and this video helps so much. You are such a good talker and friendly with ideas that are so simple yet brilliant
You are using Expiry Tshirt 2016
Bringing up politics during campfire conversations is always soothing
Thank you so much, i’m going camping soon, this is very useful, thanks again.
Hi I’m new today and I’m 6 years old and this is how you spell you this is how I spell my name K AAAAAA
Stand up paddle boad and biking?
Oh my good lord. What a boring list. Tis like camping with mormons.
Thanks! great ideas.
I like arguing with my friends and family while camping……..its pretty fun
So good
#19 Enjoy stars. (Bonus points if you have a telecope)
The light pollution in cities blocks the majority of the beautiful view of the nightsky. Camping away from these pollutions is an opportunity to see never seen before (by some) amazing views of the Milky Way galaxy. This is always the absolute highlight of my camping trips.
I lovvvve camping<3
I like arguing with my friends and family while camping……..its pretty fun
Im morely thing of stuff like building alittle fence around your tent for bears and shit keep in mind I got a 12 guage, clean up camp, and explore lmfao
Local Wisconsin cheese, it’s spongy squeaky and fresh
Another thing to do when your bored when your camping is rubbing your d-…….
20 seconds of this video feels like I’ve lost 30 minutes of my day
He has a lot of subs but no views
I love Camping to bits! Especially the little memories it creates. I was woken up at 1am last time i Camped in the Woods, by a deer doing that ‘barking’ thing.
Must’ve picked up my scent, but couldn’t see me obviously. Jumped out of me skin, the laughed my head off. UK Woods are loads of fun. You even get told off by Squirrels. 
I love this. Thanks for doing this playlist. I used to camp with my ex but he did all the work lol. I miss going so now I’ll be going mostly alone with my pup since I don’t have camping buddies and I can use all the advice I can get!!! My biggest struggle is cooking and getting a good night sleep.
Watching P 0RN
Rockhounding—collect rocks from different areas to tumble. Lookout for gems, petrified wood, fossils. Depending on where you are, bring a gold pan and/or a metal detector with you. Have a BB gun to ping beer cans with.
My family is going to be camping this summer. First, we’re going to have a small camping session for only 2 days. Then after that, my brother will be coming back from a 2-year mission that takes him away from home. We’ll be going "camping" in a modern cabin with my brother for atleast a week. I’m very excited. We’ll probably be doing other camping stuff that summers too. We’d just have to fit it in with a family reunion. This year so far has been the best year I’ve ever had.
I love your vids
Play Dodgeball,
Make a nature craft,
Find a swimming hole,
Pick wildflowers and make crowns,
Skip rocks on the lake,
Tell ghost stories,
Play spotlight or ghost in the graveyard
Fly a kite,
Make jiffy pop popcorn
Bring some rope make a swing.
I like arguing with my friends and family while camping……..its pretty fun
Nice job! you’ve offered some great ideas to keep new campers excited!
I love nature, and I love hiking
Thank you
My friends end i am camping 2x end dont know what to do thank you for making this video

Geocaching on a camping trip is fun
i like to have sex while camping
The majority of my camping has been with my wife and dog/dogs. We have backpacked into wilderness areas, floated down numerous rivers in either a canoe or kayaks, gone on horseback, on a motorcycle, and occasionally our p/u truck. About once out of every 10 trips, we go to established camping areas that are either state or federally owned. The rest of the time, we get away established camping areas and other campers. I cannot ever remember getting bored on any trip we have taken. We hike, explore, fish (ultra light gear or fly rods), swim, or hunt (when in hunting season) during daylight hours, and at night, we sit around the campfire with our dog/dogs, and listen to the peace and quiet. No electronics (not even a cell phone), no game boards or toys, no one around for organized sports, no reading a book because after we get through cooking and eating, all the lights go out except for the campfire.
I usually climb trees, shave tree branches or sticks and make little campfires and forts
Okay, I’m a trifle antisocial, but I still like my camping entertainment, so what do I bring for the downtime? Like torrential rain/floods/social unrest/breakdowns, etc.? I used to do motorcycle camping but what I took holds good for car camping, too.
Handheld off grid devices are still recommended. My old Nintendo DS XL handheld computer game with game cards for chess; solitaire; scrabble; 100 classic books, learn a foreign language, etc., has enough entertainment for weeks, if not years. Doubles as a nightlight, time clock, etc. I have an emergency battery operated power unit for it as well.
My old 1980s Franklin WordMaster portable computer dictionary comes with a range of games, like Anagrams, Hangman, etc.
I have a portable Casio calculator that plays Number Invaders.
An emergency solar radio with torch and clock.
For low tech stuff, I carry a portable chess / checkers set, with some printed games and puzzles. A paperback or two to read. Writing material and a small note pad.
This may sound like a lot, but fits into a shoulder bag, with space to spare.
I never got bored at nights or during the inevitable downtime that can occur at any moment.
Geocaching is also a fun activity. It’s like treasure hunting!
Blackberry picking
I’m afraid to leave some stuff behind at the camp site while out doing activities. My friend stuff got stolen once.