What I Bring to HIKE and BACKPACK with My Dog! | Miranda in the Wild
What I Bring to HIKE and BACKPACK with My Dog! | Miranda in the Wild
So many people have asked for a video about my dog’s backpacking and hiking gear! I’m excited to finally show off what my dog uses hiking and backpacking as well as how she carries everything. Nala is my adventure dog and favorite backpacking buddy, and dialing in her gear has been just as important as working on my own kit. What will be right for you and your adventure dog will vary, and you probably don’t need all the gear I use, but hopefully this video can help you decide what backpacking and hiking gear will help you and your dog on your outdoor adventures!
*This video is NOT sponsored by Ruffwear. They just make a lot of great outdoor gear for dogs!
Backpacks for dogs: 1:02
Dog sleeping bag and sleeping pad: 4:35
Dog leash for backpacking: 5:28
Cold weather gear for dogs: 6:10
Food storage and collapsible dog bowl: 8:25
Dog first aid kit: 9:25
Shop ALL of my gear: https://www.rei.com/s/miranda-in-the-wild?cm_mmc=vanity_-_mirandas-gear
Ruffwear Front Range Pack: https://www.rei.com/product/189519/ruffwear-front-range-dog-day-pack
Ruffwear Palisades Pack: https://www.rei.com/product/115958/ruffwear-palisades-dog-pack
Ruffwear Highlands Sleeping Bag: https://www.rei.com/product/170245/ruffwear-highlands-dog-sleeping-bag
Ruffwear Highlands Sleeping Pad: https://www.rei.com/product/182028/ruffwear-highlands-dog-pad
Ruffwear Roamer Leash: https://www.rei.com/product/189571/ruffwear-roamer-dog-leash
Ruffwear Booties: https://www.rei.com/product/179640/ruffwear-polar-trex-dog-boots-pair
Ruffwear Fernie Jacket: https://www.rei.com/product/160660/ruffwear-fernie-dog-jacket
Ruffwear Collapsible Bowl: https://www.rei.com/product/129588/ruffwear-quencher-dog-bowl
Adventure Medical Kits Trail Dog Kit: https://www.rei.com/product/113073/adventure-medical-kits-ads-trail-dog-first-aid-kit
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Linnea and Akela, she used a sleepingbag liner and then fills it with her clothes. Awesome idea for a sleeping pad!
Well I don’t have a back packing dog. But I do have a back packing cat. Except I carry all over her gear. And although she walks on leash for most of it. I end up carrying her as well.
Your dog can ski?!
Does Nala not get tired on really long hikes with all that weight on. I know dogs can carry a good amount of weight, but in my experience once we start going alot of miles my dog will really get exhausted.
I wanna boop Nala’s nose.
Something that helps encourage our dog to eat when backpacking is adding condensed milk to her food. Otherwise she won’t touch her food. It’s rich in nutrients and helps convince her to eat after camp is set
What size is the palisades pack? Small or Medium? Thanks for the video.
hey…i would love to know 2 more things! 1) how do you protect her food from bears if your bear canister is full? 2) how do you actually pack her pack to distribute space/weight and what just doesn’t fit (dog sleeping bag?) Thanks!
Cool, but it’s like a ruffwear products introduction
Might want to keep Nala’s first aid kit with you. If she was to get into a dust up with an animal it might be damaged or ripped from her. I’m in NorCal and have seen what mountain lions and coyotes do to even large dogs and s backpack would be no obstacle.
Is there a dog backpack which also doubles as a life jacket?
Excellent video! So useful. Thanks for uploading and the link provided to the website article
I have two mini doxies that act like collies, energy for daaaays. However, I know I’d always have to carry their gear because 1) they would only be able to carry about two pounds each which would certainly help but here is where the catch is 2) their little bodies are so awkwardly shaped I’ve only ever found one harness that they can wear for long distances without any chafing so I couldn’t buy them packs because I KNOW they would chafe. Probably wouldn’t be able to find a pack small enough either.
the palisade draped over miranda’s leg at 3:53 looks like a dog smiling lol
Nala is the name of my dog as well. She was named by the rescue and I kept the name. She is a very beautiful German Shepherd/Pitbull/Poodle/Golden Retriever mix.
Soo Cool!
Is Nala wearing the large or medium pallasides pack?
OMG nice to meet you Miranda
I’m Miranda!
7lbs is way too much for. Dogs are anatomically not made to carry things
Those, like most booties, aren’t warm, too much cold drafts and snow get into them and a lot of dogs hate them as it feels weird and uncomfortable to them.
I would love to see more dog jacket/sleep systems for larger dogs who are also double coat/long coat. Idk where you would find such a dog, but that’s my particular doggy needs. I want her to stay warm but not overheat at night/ during the day. Cooling vests too maybe?
4:30 Poor dog:
_-You are serious about me carrying all this stuff?_
My boston really enjoys going out. I like the idea of larger dogs having grown up with rottweilers and Dobermans, but one thing I think should be considered about dog size is ::: can you carry the dog out if need be?
Mags can’t carry much more than her food/ water and a coat for 2 days but since she’s smaller she needs less weight,and if need be I could carry her back to the vehicle.
LOL don’t kill me with the recreational donkey comments.

Just ordered the Palisades pack for my labrador. We’re gonna have some fun adventures
Bond would happily use the Palisades pack,but God forbid he uses a sleeping bag. Doesn’t fit with his Stoic philosophy….
. Miranda,you’re the best thing to happen to REI. Keep
up the adventuring!
thank you – this really cheered me up – love how real you keep it. I am a bit of a tom boy and there is literally no one around me that can get excited about this stuff so seeing a female present these things was inspirational – thankyou
Heard about Nala in another video. So sorry for your loss.
Great video. I have a terrier which is a smaller breed. I use a cut nemo switchback pad that I put inside my zipped up down jacket to creat a small cave for him to crawl inside. Really helped out with both our sleep
An episode on dealing with poison oak/poison ivy and dogs on the trail would be awesome. Dealing with exposure and preventing transfer from dog to human.
I just got off about 100 miles of the Long Trail in Vermont with 45 lbs. hound mix. I used that sleep system you have which I purchased at REI and its fine but to be honest it’s pretty heaving for a tiny bag. I use all super light gear, mostly Zpacks does anyone know of a company that makes light sleep systems for dogs and for that matter packs. All of this Rough Gear stuff is fine but on the heavy side. That tiny bag and backpack weighs more than my own. my dog loves to hike and does 20 miles a day no problem. She does not carry any of her own gear. Any advice? Take care
I wish my dog would carry a pack! She acts like it’s crushing the life out of her even when there’s nothing in it!
Thanks so much for the video. I day hike with two dogs, so I am really interested in the hands free leash option! I love Nala’s attitude – I wonder what she is thinking…
Any recommendations for hiking gear for a small (but adventurous!) dog?
Really enjoy the content when Nala is present and to see the possibilities with dog hiking! Gives and extra extra warm feeling to your videos
Great content!! =)
Ruffwear for life!
I don’t mean to be gross but in the backwoods I would consider just flinging my dogs feces into the woods. Or into the outhouse? Bad idea??
My dog has the same issue with drinking water, and we’ve found that a doggy water bottle works miracles!
MOUNTAINSMITH makes the best K9 packs on the market
Rip nala
Who is gashdarn referred to in the start as in "Its my show gashdarn"
Looking at the Ruffwear Approach for weekend trips for my Ellie
All the gear no idea
Such a great video.
My dog said for me to save my money, she’s staying home with mom.
Nala does not like her pack. She would rather turn her back to the woods, then turn it to all that gear.
You did not show us how the extra gear for Nala fit into your pack.
This was just so helpful. Thanks, Miranda and Nala!
Also: I think we need a spliced video of every Miranda burp on MIW!
Commercial for ruffwear.
WOW! Nala is such a good girl!! ♥