What Can Astronauts Eat In Space?
What Can Astronauts Eat In Space?
What do astronauts EAT in space? Well, sometimes PIZZA. And chocolate cake! But also… liquid salt?
Most of the food on the International Space Station is either heat processed and ready to eat Or freeze-dried and just needs water. The lack of gravity makes assembling and eating food a bit harder…
It also means there’s certain foods they simply can’t bring! Any loose crumbs could float into equipment and damage it, so salt and pepper come in liquid form, and to avoid bread crumbs, they eat a lot of tortillas! Zero gravity also makes food behave weirdly…
As more people go to space, and for longer, we’ll need to find ways to effectively grow enough food with limited resources.
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#space #tech #science #astronaut #food #snacks
They eat your mom!!!!
i dont know if anyone else heard it but like the astronaught had whjat i thought was zombies music that scared me
with 0 gravity, it seems almost impossible to grow food there, so they need to make artificial gravity sooner than ever
are there any health issues causing damges, when eaten up at zero gravity?
Careful, they’re ruffled
When they go to the bathroom, does their excrement… float?
Geotropism in space gonna be confusing 😂
I’ve mastered the Tomato and peppers plants
Please pause after completing one sentence.
I like your jacket/shirt thing. What is it called? Thx
She looks like Anne Hathaway
Not feasible to have salt and paper but we are talking about soil possibilities to grow. Science is awesome if we think there might be alternatives to soil to grow
Red meat is the only food they need.
I’ve spent too much time on social media today. When asked what astronauts eat, my first thought was "the rich"
For context: healthcare CEO got got recently
Or they could just have one module for eating where there are minimal and shielded electronics so they don’t have to worry about food particles sabotaging something important
I really like your coat, it looks amazing on you! Do you know where i can find one for myself?
Beauty and brains
I absolutely love that voice😊❤
I will never get myself over how goofy astronauts look because all of their body is at the same pressure
Samantha Cristoforetti ❤
How do u swallow if there is no grav
in the movies they can turn on/off gravity could we do that?
Mmmm maple cookies
Do a video on HACCP ❤ love the videos
This remembers me that Space Force episode where they argue why spend that much money to send a orange to space. Very touching.
I would bring my moms deer meatloaf. It stays together completely, easy to reheat, packed full of protein and other nutrients cause she blends up veggies and mixes it into the meat before cooking.
A spinning space station would solve SO MANY problems.
So why not?
I saw roti there
imagine a whole family having a breakfast while floating around
do you have onlyfans
Cleo, please cover this topic LA NINA EFFECT in 2025
Of course I wanna learn more! Your channel is inspiring
I kinda want salt and pepper as a liquid sometimes
what if we grew mushrooms insted of plants
Hmm….so, the food containers…
Astronauts need a condiment centrifuge?
Have they tried to farm in Zero G yet? Thatd be interesting to see how zero G effects long term crops
Rocking an X-Men top! I love it!
hope we get a full video on space cuisine in the future! 😃
How can you grow food? Food doesn’t grow like magic? You can bring up 5 lbs of soil to grow food, or you can just bring up 5 lbs of food itself. Doesn’t make sense.
You look exactly like Penny Barber 😂😂
With scientists managing to embed chlorophyll into animal cells, its a matter of time until we have solar powered chickens up there.
I would love to see you talk more about this!! I worked on the Green Gate/Kennedy project with Dr. Massa when it was first starting!
37.173 like
The food with the air bubble has faces in it which resemble things in a selenite crystals cave, the Naica cave in Chihuahua, Mexico.
This is just so crazy to think about. Gravity can sometimes be a bitch but imagine having everything floating. That’d be so much worse.
Amazing energy and she is always very excited about advances in science and things that actually matter. Wish there were more women who cared about these things that looked and acted like you.!! 😊
Wait.. Know more what…?
Where’s my optimistic science woman? 🙁
She got that dreams face reveal angle 😂