Training Tips for Hiking… that Actually WORK!
Training Tips for Hiking… that Actually WORK!
Xero Shoes:
Walking Treadmill:
Adjustable Kettlebell:
Favorite Weight Training Equipment:
Training for the Uphill Athlete Book:
This video provides some tips for how to train for hiking and backpacking. I am not a doctor, physiotherapist, or certified trainer. This information is just what I have learned from numerous sources and has worked for me.
Garmin InReach Mini:
Decathlon Down Jacket –
REI Flash 55 Pack:
Enlightened Equipment Enigma Quilt:
Garmin Fenix Watch:
Lanshan 1 Pro Tent:
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Thanks! I just went hiking for a backcountry snowboarding trip and i really struggled. Iām 36 and was very surprised how tough it was, when I was 20 tours like that were cake. I love snowboarding and I love backcountry and would love to be able to summit those difficult mountains for amazing riding.
Donāt forget about acclimatizing. Donāt make the mistake of flying into a high elevation location and think you can do a big hike the next day.
ā ā¦ and some HAXā
Wear a backpack while on the treadmill and doing the stairs. Will do wonders for your endurance under load. Start fairly light and work your way up to what you will carry on the trail. Especially on the treadmill – you might want somewhat less on the stairs. But you need to be ready to carry that weight for hour after hour.
Also, start several months before your big adventure. You only get more fit slowly.
I hit these stairs all the time! Great video.
I have been doing a 7.4 mile round trip up 2300 ft into the Olympic mountains- three days a week. Been doing this for two months non stop ā¦ā¦seems to be working
did I see xero shoes on your feet? I LOVE xero shoes!! thanks for the tips.
Great advice. I am preparing for the Camino from SJPDP this coming June and your video has great insights. Thanks.
I was glad I went on a test hike before the real one. Turns out my shoes are not good for me. I have unusually shaped feet and it’s hard to find shoes that are wide enough. I’ve had my hiking boots for a year. I only used them on shorter walks (40 min or less). Didn’t notice until I hit the hour mark that they were hurting my pinky toe.
Pada vidio di topic 15 ini, kita dapat melatih kaki kita agar kuat dalam aktivitas kita khususnya di alam dengan berlari di lintas alam ataupun mendaki. Untuk itu ada beberapa tips agar kita terbiasa dengan hal itu. Yang pertama tredmill dirumah. Hal ini dapat di lakukan kita di dalam rumah dengan melatih langkah kita. Kedua yaitu naik dan turun tangga, ini bertujuan agar memperkuat kaki dan otot kita apabila melalui medan jalan yang menanjak. Tidak hanya itu dengan sering melakukan latihan dengan naik turun tangga juga dapat melatih kesimbangan kaki kita.
What works for me is run for 2 min as hard as you can then 1 min walk for 15min, then 21min and longer or the same time. It let’s me keep my breath but is still strenuous.
get on a mtn bike and climb. No overuse or pounding injuries and its an incredible leg and cardio workout.
Training while watching Dan Becker. I love it.
Body weight exercises, for strength, work best for me. Lunges and stair (real stairs) climbing help me a lot. Burpees (via HIIT) help me maintain aerobic capacity. Thanks for your insight on this subject.
Please God let’s stop using the word hack as opposed to just telling someone something?
Stretching is key
Love u watching Dan not working bahaha
Before heading out on the JMT a few years ago, I started wearing a weighted vest at work just to get my body used to carrying the extra weight. It helped me a LOT!
What do people think of stair masters?
The Science of Ultra Podcast:
Training for the Uphill Athlete Book:
Chase Mountains YouTube Channel:
Stairs n steep trails for the win! After my last trip I’m pushing harder on training. I can’t run with a bad hip, so slow heavy is how I do it. 900 floors of the moving stair this week, probably gonna do a small overnight thus weekend testing out some new gear.
Run the hill. Screw the stairs
Try rucking. Start at 10% your body, increase that. Cover about 1hr (4 miles) and over hills. Walk briskly. I am now on 16.5% my body weight, about 13.5kg and I find carrying that weight easy. I will aim to comfortably carry 16kg easily over hills for 6-7 miles.
I’m watching this video to prep for a single 4-5 mile hike. š
I hope your 1100km hike went well!
When i was hiking and backpacking, my biggest pain was from my shoulders and upper back. I just couldnāt hold up the weight for hours or days even with hip belt. I was too laxy to strengthen my upper back and shoulders. Now I swim 5/6 times a week for an hour each time, my problem area got much stronger. I can run without collapsing the torso.
Hi Justin. What is a bit problematic for me with running is that I have knee problems and flat feet, and even with orthotic insoles I feel pain in my knees . Iām currently just try to make day hikes as much as possible
Great. šTashi Delekš
As an older hiker who also skied way to many bump runs my running days are over. For training in lift every weekday in the gym. I do a lot of leg exercises to strengthen my legs, core and upper body. I am a big fan of the stepper machine over any other machine. I also hike often before big hikes with my pack fully loaded. Most of my gear is Zapcks so my base weight is low, about eight pounds. This has been a game changer and my body no longer hurts carrying my pack. I hiked the Long Trail in Vermont and there are no switch backs. Straight up and straight down for 273 miles. Next up the Colorado Trail, lots of switch backs. Good advice. I really do wish I could still run I must admit. Wearing one size up in my shoes really helps with my feet. After a few days on the trial my feet swell as do most peoples. Take care
The one thing that gave me the best increase in hiking ability up mountains was doing squats. But you have to remember to work forward hip flexion as well because that will become your weak point, use ankle weights for that.
I hike and bike (not backpack). I do yoga, body weight exercises, walk/hike/bike locally when weather permits, and use a rowing machine at home. The rowing machine is a good full body cardio workout that includes your core. Going barefoot outside where I live is a no-go (hot pavement, bugs, snakes, etcā¦). Even the dogs donāt walk barefoot down here from June to October!
Optimize the treadmill time with 20 minutes of uphill backwards walking. Great for the wuads above the knees and the tibial tendons above the ankle. Accelerated my knee replacement recovery enormously.
My biggest weakness when I go hiking is my quads. They start to hurt 3-4 hours when I’m on a hilly trail. They hurt quicker when I walk on flat ground. Could it be the way that I walk?
Great tips!
Do you recommend climbing up the stairs barefoot?
Am I wasting my time spending 10 hours a day with three pound ankle weights. Iām an old man but I still need to do 50 miles of the trail just to scratch it off my bucket list. Iāll do it alone only because I canāt find anyone else to go with me. All my pals are dead.
The one thing I find interesting is that people oddly avoid adding rucking to their training plan. What better way to strengthen your body to not only carry weight a long distance but to also have the endurance needed when on long unweighted hikes or even long runs. I absolutely love rucking, Iām not military, but I instantly noticed the benefits and added it to my training plan.
Love the video, gonna climb mount Fuji in April.
So, I like to asking you about training in trail(s); Is this mean good to training on stairs to climb if running time isn’t enough to prepare for races??š¤š¦š I live by aberdeen, WA side and not have places that is good to run outside as other states/cities around the statesš so, I was just wonering if build more time on stairs/trail would be good training to improve running skills
Maybe I can hear more about how many days eaxh week would be good to run I did finished Full marathon races last two years
take up trail running
Volume is never the key to performance. Do less but harder.
Is this actually Chris griffins voice actor?
1100km…..holy crap
I often walk on a gravel road. Instead of walking on the two gravel paths,I walk on the narrow weedy part.The weedy lumps help strengthen my feet,and improve my balance. I was surprised by how sore my leg muscles were from switching from gravel to bumpy weeds.
I hike and bike (not backpack). I do yoga, body weight exercises, walk/hike/bike locally when weather permits, and use a rowing machine at home. The rowing machine is a good full body cardio workout that includes your core. Going barefoot outside where I live is a no-go (hot pavement, bugs, snakes, etcā¦). Even the dogs donāt walk barefoot down here from June to October!
Your definition of straight training shown in this video is "weak".
For these steps I would recommend adding a backpack with min 20kg of weight. Maybe 40kg.
Strenght training requires failing after max 15 reps. This switches on the adaptation of bones, soft tissue and muscles you were talking about. Since the volume is relatively small, it makes it easier for the body to adopt.
Additionally, at the gym for hikers, one leg exercises are recommend. Walking is not a symetrical exercise. š
Best hiking prep / training advice I’ve seen.
āThose sections of trail where they forgot to add switchbacksā
We call that the Adirondacks. Havenāt seen a single switchback in a few hundred miles of high peak hiking š
I always wear minimalist/barefoot footwear for the training side of things- been doing 10-17km daily with lots of hills. It makes you very aware of foot placement too as you’re going to try and avoid stepping on a pointy rock, because you’re gonna feel that.
As someone who has osteoarthritis in an old ankle fracture and weight that puts extra stress on my ankles and knees, a wobble board was a game changer for gently building up flexibility and strength in my tendons.
Excellent advice. Thank you.