Trails – How To Play
In this video, we’re going to learn how to play Trails! If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to post them in the YouTube comments below, ensuring you abide by our Code of Conduct:
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00:00 – Introduction
00:41 – Game Setup
03:32 – Game Play Overview
03:59 – Advancing A Hiker
05:09 – Action: Gain A Resource
05:25 – Action: Trade Resources
05:38 – Action: Take A Photo
06:37 – Resolving The Wildlife Bear
07:43 – Reaching The Trail End
08:05 – Sun Bonus
08:30 – Earning A Badge
09:09 – Badge Bonus Actions
09:56 – Badge Type Bonus
11:16 – Night Actions
12:16 – Reaching The Trail Head
12:44 – End Of Turn
13:28 – End Of Game
14:50 – Calculating Final Scores
15:45 – Conclusion
#watchitplayed #boardgames #tutorial
Badges? Badges? I don’t need any stinking badges!
Great explanation as always Rodney.
Those this How To Play started with "Watch it Plaid" ? Or my ears are tired…
Good gravy, that box cover flip was all over the place and somehow you caught it on the right side. I think box flipping has become your top proficiency ahead of teaching games.
Absolutely love the way you explained everything. And the video quality of the close-ups for all the pieces is impeccable! I’m definitely getting this game! thank you!
Thank you for this great explanation! I recently tried to play Trails as a 2-person game (before finding your video) and have a question. On the 2 person side of the “trail end” tile, the only icon at the top is the bear icon. How does this impact the movement of the sun tile? Thanks for any help!
Perfect video. We set up while you explained set up, watched to the end, and I was ready to go!
Congrats on having the company themself reach out to you; it’s well deserved!
Thank you for teaching me the game! That was very helpful!
This looks nice.
We played for the first time and loved it. We have one question that was not answered by you or the directions. If I use my canteen to move to the trail head, does it instantly refill because I am at the trail head? Or do I have to go to the trail end and back to the trail head to refill?
Can you make a video on parks plz!!!!
Great video explanation of the rules (as usual)! Thank you for stating that all actions along the trail are optional. This was not explicitly noted in the rules and caused confusion during our first few games. Your video, and confirmation from Keystone games set us straight. Thanks again!!
I really love PARKS, it’s the most pleasant, aesthetic game I own. Every element is just fantastic. What would be the draw card to play this release over it? TRAILS looks good too
Wow, nice video man! I like your cheerful explanation. I just got this game as a gift and looking forward to playing!
How does the sun work in a two player game since the trail end only shows the bear? Do you only go back and forth once in a two player game? Thanks in advance!
You saved me a ton of time today, as you do every time I view one of your videos. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this. My wife got it for my birthday and both of us were left scratching our heads. You made this make sense.
I recently bought Parks, and OH MY GOD the production quality is by far the best of any game I own. The rulebook is canvas for goodness sake. And I absolutely love the game. It’s very simple but also very intelligent and hyper thematic. So I’m very interested in this game.
We have discovered that the best way to play the game is to use dice. Even numbers would represent 2 moves and odd numbers meant you move 1 placement. If you’re 1 away from the trailhead or trail end, just go the 1 move. Once at the trail start or end, just keep buying up the badges with your resources until you can’t get anymore then move on or your badges pile won’t budge much. Important! The Sun only moves when any hiker reaches only the trail end and is ready to turn around. Don’t forget to get your badge rewards or Sun reward. Only take and keep the Sun when the Sun reaches the trail head sun icon on the furthest left. All players have 1 turn then it’s count ‘em up time. Hope this helps! Happy playing.
Hello, it’s not Christmas time, but maybe you would consider playtesting my short fun game Sheepocalypse on Tabletopia?
Best explanation of this game for sure. Thanks for your hard work!!!!
Awesome explanation! Thank you so much! So excited to play now!
I just bought this game and was struggling a little to follow the rules. This video was very helpful and we love the game. Thank you for making the video!
I love your videos as well as Parks and Nightfall. The game has been a real surprise hit with my parents.
When I received the Trails announcement email from Keymaster I was happy to see you featured!
Looks like a nice twist on Parks in a smaller package. Might have to grab this one too!
Simpler version of Parks + Night expansion. I prefer this over Parks cuz Why would u need the campfire to land on the same spot with another hiker?
And man, the art is always stunning
This has shades of Tokaido–thematically, and gameplay-wise. Beautiful art!
Question 1 – performing actions at each trail sites is optional or mandatory?
Question 2 – after reaching the trail end, is there an order in which the below actions are performed?
– gain Sun bonus
– earn badges
My wife and I just tried playing it and we got stuck on the card bad called resources where it tells us we can pay less for one badge? Is that a one time use?
I have cognitive/concentration issues and difficulty learning new games but your videos make it a lot easier. You don’t rush and you don’t miss any details. You’ve improved the quality of my life and I expect many could say the same. Peace!
Thank you for such a detailed walkthrough! Question – Can a person choose to not resolve an action?
Always professionally done! Thanks for such a great tutorial! And thanks for getting Adam into board gaming. I enjoy watching both of you channels!
Thanks for the vid Rodney,I’m bringing my copy to Airecon… hopefully to teach a few people…don’t think it’s available in the UK yet..
Picked this up today! Thanks for the video! Sometime soon I’m gonna get sappy in one of my posts and let you know how much you and everyone on the channel mean to me. But alas this is not that post. Soon to be long story short, thanks a ton!
Awesome explanation Video
You are doing an amazing Job with this kind of Videos
All those great COIN games … have you done any videos for them?
For a moment I thought that you were going to grab the Dune box
Picked up my copy yesterday. Target didn’t even have it on the shelf, I had to have someone grab it from the back.
It’s interesting you gain/find more resources in the dark ; ) I understand the mechanism though you need more resources as the game progresses. What are average scores you’ve ended up with?
As always, a great and easy explanation! Thank you!
Very helpful video. Enjoy Parks and this looks different enough to be worth a purchase as well.
I just got back from vacation, and this game makes me want to go back on vacation.
So excited for this one! Parks is one of my favorite games to casually play.
I was confused at first but as soon as we started playing it all made sense. Thank you!
WOAH! That box flip at the end was awesome!
Thanks Rodney! Helpful as always.
That lamp in the background is perfect.
Can i trade a resource with 2 different resources or they hv to be the same resource?
I see that COIN shelf growing in the background of the intro.

Thanks Rodney! We played this and had a question…if I use my resources to get a badge, and the badge awards me new resources, can I then use those to get additional badges?
This is the best Trails explanation yet! Thanks!
Thank you