Top 13 Camping Hacks that ACTUALLY work
Top 13 Camping Hacks that ACTUALLY work
13 Camping Hacks, Tips, and Tricks for everyone who spends time in the outdoors! And the best part – they don’t cost anything!
#camping #campinghacks #campinglife #bushcraft #survival #survivalhacks #bushcrafthacks
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00:00 Camping Hack 1 – Red Toggle
00:32 Camping Hack 2 – Headlamp Battery
01:05 Camping Hack 3 – Double Rock
01:36 Camping Hack 4 – High Point
02:42 Camping Hack 5 – Drip Line
03:04 Camping Hack 6 – Taut-Line Stowaway
03:33 Camping Hack 7 – Fix a Ripped Tarp
04:20 Camping Hack 8 – Patch a Tarp
05:15 Camping Hack 9 – Sharpen a Blade
06:04 Camping Hack 10 – Bundle Split
06:33 Camping Hack 11 – Split a Log Without an Axe
07:08 Camping Hack 12 – Camp Candles
07:52 Camping Hack 13 – Clean Camp Dishes
It’s also recommended to reinforce the tie points or grommet
Yes but headlamps nowadays got integrated battery…
your video was peacefully informative.
Good stuff!!
Amazing tips. Thanks for the video. Got my follow for sure
Always with the light into the camera
Many comments indicate this is not an ideal hack and may still drain the battery.
This should be corrected by putting a small piece of tape or plastic between the terminals so they don’t touch.
(Very sorry – I wish I could correct it on screen. In the headlamps I’ve used, the terminals don’t touch when you flip the battery around, but this isn’t the case for all, as the comments have told me)
This is so amazing!! Thank you so much!!!
The one thing I do for my 3m X 3m tarp is use an interior ridgeline of course but tied to the 2 peaks of the tarp are short pieces of the same rope both about 10” long. I then drape the tarp over the ridgeline and tie an old tree climbers knot (tautline hitch) with the short pieces of rope on the two peaks. The tree climbers version of the tautline hitch is specifically designed to be tied onto the same rope. The tree climbers version is just 2 in the front and two in the back with the small tail popping out. Works amazing.
There’s something about your instruction that is awesome!! Thank you so much.
FYI: for my tarp ridgeline and two little pieces I use some reflective guy line I picked up off of a large internet retailer that everyone knows about
Take care.
Just wonderful! I especially love the knots, you do them slowly, and repeat. I’m finally able to learn some of them. Thanx so much. New subscriber.
Wow! Legit 13 camping hacks! For battery I use a piece of plastic tape.
To get rid of the grease, one thing that work really well is to use the ashes from the fire. Simply scoop some of it into your pan of plate, and it will make a sort of soap (there’s a way to make soap with wood ashes, distilled water/rain water, and pure fat)
@The_Bear_Essentials Most of these web "Top 10" type lists are filled with nonsense. Not this one. Every item was useful, and despite many years of camping, I had never seen some of yours before, and I can vouch for the others. Two thumbs up on the list and your presentation style. Great job! (I subscribed).
Some neat hacks that I’ve never really thought of before !
yeee I learned how to make a knot! thank you
Where’s the part about drinking your own piss?
If you’re with someone camping that’s kind of annoying, the poison Ivey toilet paper trick is always my go to…
Super sweet hacks! TY
Clear. Concise. Not seen a lot before. Good visual aid. Quality shots. Engaging personality. And you don’t scream at me. Thank you, that’s a sub.
Always keep your first aid kit in a water proof pouch on the OUTSIDE of your pack.
Great tips. Thank you
Love your content, thank you
Nice video! Direct and straight to the point with all the hacks. Thx!
I subbed a couple of hacks in, then immediately unsubscribed when I saw you wash your dishes in a body of water. Do better, or stay home.
Liked and shared with wife
one addition about cleaning pots and pans– if youre cooking something greasy like bacon, you must throw campfire ash in the pot before scrubbing with water, mud. this creates ‘saponification’ its a genuine soap thats formed from the lye in the wood ash. old cowboy hack
scrubbing pots with bull rush works well and they grow near water
Hack 13 is a violation of the Leave No Trace principles. Pans need to be washed well away from water sources. That way, spilled food resume is filtered by the ground before returning into the water source.
0:45 Many headlamps have a lock-out function so try using that feature instead of the battery hack. Most of them are hold a button for 3-5 seconds to lock it out. The headlamp stays off no matter what touches the button. Hold the button again for 3-5 seconds to unlock it.
In cold weather, or if you find it difficult to go back to sleep after urinating outside, keep a p1ss bottle in the tent. Have a specific bottle for this, with a wide neck and a completely sealed lid. If you are out in cold weather, keep it in the bottom of your sleeping bag after filling.
Actually useful hacks! Very good – thank you Sir!
camping/fishing hack. go buy a bag of small colored marshmallows. start with the pink ones. put two of them on your small trout hooks. on a two-foot leader. the hook will float the hook up off of the bottom. if they quit biting the pink ones change to green ones or mix and match colors.
Please don’t do your pot cleanup in a lake or river. some one around the bend is drinking out of the river
Great tips!
Do not wash your greasy dishes in a water source!!!!
Horsetails (the plant) make excellent scrubbers for cleaning pots because it’s rich in silica.
Ashes are great for cleaning too and I especially use it after washing my carbon steel buck knife, which has kept it from rusting for over thirty years.
Vegetable oil or alcohol work very well for getting the resin off of you and your stuff (because resin is soluble in alcohol/oil). Rub it on and then wash off with soap and water. I prefer using oil for my hands because it’s better for my hands and doesn’t dry them out like alcohol does. I usually have a little olive oil with me for cooking and there is usually alcohol in the first aid kit.
Thank you! Finally some simple education instead of "buy this uber new expensive gear".
Best camping hack-someone elses credit card and a hotel
Instead of using mud in your pans to clean out the bits use wood ash. Much cleaner and acts as a cleaning agent due to the lye in the ash mixed with a bit of water.
i love your videoes! they to me seem like some of the best ive encountered. awsome stuff!

Hey DJ, What is a good hatchet and a knife. I am looking for one that is good quality that doesn’t cost a fortune
Number 8 reminds me of the old method for repairing a birchbark canoe: a mixture of spruce resin and bear fat.
Great video and tips.
started getting a whole bunch of camping stuff and me being me i watch a bunch of videos to prep me, as you dont know what you dont know..
This video i must say, has been one of the best ive seen.. really interesting as well as educational, even includes the taut knot too.. incredible, defs saving this.
Keep up the great work!
Very helpful instructions
Welcome to Himalaya
Love From BHARAT
WOW thanks!!!
These hacks are amazing. I’m an avid outdoorsman and some of these hacks were even unknown to me. Be careful with pine resin torches though. Burning resin is basically napalm. Always hold it at an angle and mind where it drips.
Thank you handsome for hack tips, that very useful
Very useful hacks! Thanks!