Tent Camping for Beginners (Planning, Setup, Campfire, Cooking)
Tent Camping for Beginners (Planning, Setup, Campfire, Cooking)
This video covers how to go on a simple overnight tent camping trip, and it’s intended for beginners or as a refresher for those who haven’t camped in a long time.
We cover the following:
0:00 Intro
0:27 Planning your trip
3:24 Campsite setup
4:37 Campfire building
5:25 Cooking dinner
6:59 Making s’mores
7:42 Breakfast options
8:43 Bonus tips
Here are the additional resources I mentioned in the video:
Firewood regulations resource: https://www.dontmovefirewood.org/how-to-help/camping/
My camping packing tutorial: https://youtu.be/Jy78HF7JlyU
My tent guyline tutorial: https://youtu.be/i-4dTOuqTGo
I’m camping indoors
I need to know the bathroom situation. If there are no bathrooms, do u take a plastic bag with u to throw away the toilet paper? Lmao what do u do if ur a female on ur period??!!!
Why can’t you speak normally like a grown man?? you sound sus…
You forgot one essential item. A powerful boom box with a good selection of rap CDs and heavy metal.
I love catching my marshmallows on fire then I blow them out get them black that way they are gooey inside
I hate s’mores. Yuck.
It’s pretty funny ppl need tips on how to go camping
I ❤ his voice😂
Dryer Lint makes excellent fire starter, most of you will have easy access to it, so bag it up and take it with you! Great video.
I love this – no long-winded Youtuber intro, no loud music montage, no bullshit, just some good info communicated clearly.
Thank you so much me and my dad are going camping tomorrow for the first time and I am camping alone in my own tent
I just realized Ive been looking at camping videos and have never thought to tap into videos made by scouts 🤦♀️
Top split buns. Hell yeah
As a former Scoutmaster and dad of 2 Eagle Scouts I approve this video. You captured all the right marks for proper camp planning. We used to have the older scouts show the younger scouts how to plan food (what do you want? what are the ingredients needed to make that? how much do you need? what tools/utilities are needed to cook/eat that meal? etc). Of course when the scouts were cooking hot dogs the "adult leaders" always ended up with steak dinners….because we took a different approach to meal planning. Congrats on a great video. Once and Eagle Scout ALWAYS and Eagle Scout!
Great video for a noob like me!!
Is it common to get stuff stolen from your camp site?
So I am just gonna comment…Your Eyes are crazy and your hand signals tell all, so I am not a newbie and though I hope many see the evil in you but take the information as knowledge and learn that we are not safe from Satan. Like they say, YOU always show us, and I stumbled on this video, but I hope many that see it, repent to GOD, because Satan loses and so will you with your AI Look. AI is not good people. Illuminati, Free Mason is not good. People look at his fingers as compared to his body. Good Grief, Evil surrounds you, but their tips are good and you should prepare, because they are coming. All the Illegals in this Country, are being paid with your tax money to get rid of you. Think about that. You are paying for them to depopulate this country. SMH DO NOT CAMP in an EMERGENCY in a State or Fed Forest. FYI First place they look
That wiener looks good
Ketchup on a hotdog>!>!>>!>NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I think its not camping if you need to register or pay to stay
Real campers catch and cook their own fish.
Can u just bring regular blankets instead of a sleeping bag?
Thanks so much for these videos. My boyfriend and I are beginners and learn a lot from your content!!!
Thank youuuu !!! New camper and needed this
I loove camping in a thunderstorm ⛈️🌩️ super relaxing 😎
I love the bubbles
Give a video or answers on what food to bring on a week long tent camping trip. And I am not taking about an ant hill tent!! I am talking a 10x10x6,5 canvas tent with vestibule. Nice size cot and sleeping bag. What food would you bring for the 7 days?? How much water? I also get a shower tent with a 5 gallon water pouch to bake in the sun with shower head and hose. Help
Anita max wynn
👍👍👍 .. good ideas, especially for the newbies.
To add .. site selection .. do NOT set up your tent in a depression, however slight it may appear to be (I’ve seen the outcome with someone who chose to do so, contrary to advice from surrounding campers .. and it rained).
Also .. at sites without drinking water, instead of using those ‘cool box freeze bags’ to keep stuff cold, replace them with deep-frozen boxed wine bladders filled with water. The bladders are tough, reusable and, if kept in an insulated box, stay cold for an appreciable length of time. When thawed, the water comes in handy.
I pack up the same order that I un-pack my stuff. Nice video.
Don’t Americans know about putting crushed chips on top of the hotdog? I hurt me seeing that bag unopened next to the hotdogs
Just a tip for the instant oatmeal. You can actually mix up the hot water those in the packets. Works really well to reduce dirty dishes and doubles as a handwarmer on cooler mornings. Just be mindful not to burn yourself.
Ugh, who set my playback speed to 2.0x? Oh wait, it’s just a Little Campfires video.
This video wasn’t very informative about tips or tricks on how to camp. It was like getting instructions for a microwave when what you wanted was a recipe for spaghetti.
Some locations – e.g. Fort Stevens, at the Oregon coast, near Astoria – need reservation several months in advance, as well as prepaying while reserving.
Never count on drinking water, always bring enough for your trip as well as something for if that runs out and there’s no other choice, the first thing you’d need in survival situations and all campers ik are interested in survival, the more the merrier and never to much unless you have to carry it on your back
After leaving the poles at my last camp, I highly recommend doing the walkabout to check for left items!!! Don’t trust the kids to pack things up either!!! Lessons learned the hard way. FYI, had to buy a new tent today.
Ketchup AND mayo on a dog? You sir have the palate of a rhinoceros. 🙂
YouTuber video make did ever serve in the U.S. military?
What a brilliantly comprehensive video. Thank you for the details!
No ketchup on hot dog, but thanks for the information.
This is a great video for beginning camping. Very informative, in my Camping Groups on social media…and new campers I will direct them for this video
Regarding bear country, you may be following all the safety protocols, and there’s that one guy nearby who doesn’t.
I am considering camping instead of RV( maintenance, breakdowns, towing, storage, costs etc), any safety tips? Going to bathroom at night(developed camp) scary? thanks!
i know to some these may seem like common sense or basic knowledge but to an absolute beginner like me this video is awesome
thank you so much
thank you so much. planning my first camping trip for me and the boys. Your the man for this video. NEW SUB
When you put ketchup on a hotdog I lost all faith in you. That’s gross.