Rock river stone skipping championship | ESPN8: The Ocho
Rock river stone skipping championship | ESPN8: The Ocho
Dave Ohmer AKA “SpiderMan” shows off his skills in the Rock in River Festival at the Stone Skipping Championships.
#ESPN #TheOcho #ESPN8
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Idk if it’s because it’s 2 In the morning but this is relaxing to watch.
that last one was at least 30
Billy, this is Dave Ohmer. He’s a rock skipper. His defect is that he throws funny. Nobody in the big leagues cares about him because he looks funny. This guy could not just be the best pitcher in our bullpen but one of the most effective pitchers in all of baseball. This guy should cost $3 million per year. We can get him for $237,000.
Super Nice Performance

I Like This
Lml now I need to know how much the Winner earns
Yo I do thos all the time wat the heaven on earth!!!! I’ve skipped a rock on Winston lake 60x
Love that rock skipping is on espn but even more that it’s on ESPN the Ocho
Math is hard
These judges are intense..
i did more
These commentators are hilarious
10$ for pros. Lol
Let me tell you, rock skipping like this hasn’t occurred since the Helsinki episode of 1919, and I think we all remember how THAT turned out!
i did not know there is a competition for throwing rocks
It’s hilarious how this dude appears to be in great shape for a sport that has seemingly nothing to do with that, gotta respect that
But will this sport get you chicks…? There’s gotta be slutty chicks involved somewhere…
Girlfriend: “he’s probably out getting drunk with some chicks”
“It’s amazing that these athletes don’t cut their hands on the sharp edges of these rocks………. Pure concentration”
is this serious? it sounds like the narrators are mocking it all the time
Bold strategy Cotton
if you remember espn in its infancy this is what they would show at 2:00 am
Let me guess, you saw this on a short and didnt believe this wasnt a troll? Yea, same here dude!
Do they actually make money rewards ??
You know you are insane when youre on espn8
first professional corn hole now rock skipping, what else am I going to discover on YouTube
"This is a rich man’s sport." That got me, these commentators sound like they have a dream job.
Last person to touch that rock maybe
I identify as a rock and find this utterly appalling

They should have a competition for the longest to
I have skipped rocks way too much when they’re identicao to these
I didn’t know $10 was a rich man…
How do they count it
theyre gonna figure out the infinite rotation
The 3 people clapping in the audience full sent me into a laughing fit
This makes me so upset as the idea for competition rock skipping just popped in my head
but dope lmao this is a sport I can get behind
Still skipping… wow… jeez….. wow….. look at it go……. Amazing
that water is not meant to skip stones on, terrible place to skip stones
I remember during Covid this was the only “sporting event” on one Saturday. I was so bored that I actually watched it. It’s wild to look back on 2020. I watched corn hole, darts, and rock skipping on ESPN lol
25. I need a few more to go pro then.
life skills that have real world application
The fact that ESPN uploaded this makes it very hard for me to tell if it’s real, or if it’s taken straight from the Dodgeball movie.
Had I known stone skipping would be on espn I would have committed my life to becoming the best skipper ever
I’ve fell in love with skipping. I have a little spot I skip at and just get away
ESPN 8, THE OCHO is real?
"they call him the spiderman" or "spiderman ohmer" lmao

This is a sport
It just awes me how they manage to count the skips
There’s 8 espn channels
i looked this up just to see if it was a thing. Of course…
Is that Kenny and vick?