ROBLOX | Hunting Season | Tips & Tricks
ROBLOX | Hunting Season | Tips & Tricks
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I got a piebald moose and 2 diamond moose and 1 diamond deer! the piebald is on my channel
if u wanna see it its in my community posts!
I can’t find the controls for pc:(
Idk if Im bugged or if theres massive drop in the bullet, but I shot a moose like 6 times and even when it was like 10 feet away and it never went down, same thing happend with a dear and I am never able to find them after I shoot them??
When I move the scope it move
Jit I shot a deer 15 times and still won’t go down
I know I’m a few months late but i do want to mention that the animals can stop bleeding now, had it happen to me with a non vital butt shot
How to buy anmo
I played when it released
Is a ruby moose good I just got one and it looks big as
They should add more predators like foxes, bobcats and cougars. I also wish there were non-North American maps. For example in an Asian Mountains map we could kill snow leopards, amur leopards, siberian tigers, etc it would be so fun!
On mobile the aiming is so hard
Tank you
I have shot a few animals that 30 minutes later required a 2nd or 3rd shot. I know how to gatuntee them dropping but it doesn’t always work put that way which I’d why I trail them as much as possible
What is the score? and how do we do to get it up? i really can’t figure it out.
i went to the north house but it didn’t save tell me why
btw i’m in mobile
why when I’m hundreds of yard away and crouching and not moving they run away whenever i scope them
im late but is there bullet drop and bullet speed to make it to the animal
For the people who dont have roberts lodge. Go to aspen river. theres always deer on the other side of it when i go there. Sometimes moose if your lucky
How do i use the second binoculars from the game? (I forgot the name)
how the hell do you even attach a scope to guns
My sensitivity is too fast
Whats the difference between the 3 types of ammo in this game? I bought the soft one, but idk if its the best choice, im lvl 16 and im using the second weapon
How do I get my settings from pounds over to kilograms?
How to zoom in your scope on Mobile
Yo i got a ruby moose for my first animal im not kidding
Are there only moose and deer or am I missing any I’m new
Can i play with you?
How to make a private server?
can someone please tell me the keybind to reload
How do I visit Roberts lodge please tell me who ever has visited it
Another tip is to trap them on the edge of the big lake not crystal lake the other one in the corner then they sometimes run past you but it uasally it works
hey bro, i like your video, but i just wanna know how to unlock the 2 other house spawns (i don’t remeber the exact name)
How do you unlock the Aspen River and Roberts’s Lodge because when I go to the house locations nothing happens. And when I press play the locations are still locked. Please tell me how to unlock them. I’m also on mobile if that does anything.
I hate the game on ipad the sensitivity on the scope is so fast i cant aim
This is a really good tip and tricks about the game, but am lost where to find Roberts place or any does anyone wanna friend me and help me out?
im a little late but i got my first 2 kills as diamond, is that good?
how does footprint works?
3:50 wrong, depending on ur ammo and the animal u sometimes hit it and they stop bleeding, happend with my first ever moose wich had a special fur type
this is useless
I shot a white tailed deer in the leg and it folded like a pretzel
I don’t understand shooting. is it realistic so you need to calibrate your aiming or do u just deadzone the dear and shoot?
Roblox devs try to make an original game challenge: impossible
I’ve killed like 3 or 4 moose so far with a starter gun
Animals can survive shots in hunting season
i just shot a gold coyote from the new update
I didn’t realize until now and I’ve only started playing within these few days but I think my first or second kill on a deer had a ruby. I believe it was my second. At the time I didn’t even know what a ruby was so I kept on selling everything for money for a better gun.
i shot 2 dimond moose so the moose is a good chanes of beaing a dimond
My biggest deer whas a 212lbs
Can someone help me bc i am out of bullets but i can’t find where to get them.
Shay can you give me Tipps in which body are to shoot at the deer bc I hit deers but they don’t die