REI Co-op Gear Guide: Best Camping Lanterns
REI Co-op Gear Guide: Best Camping Lanterns
Want to discover the best way to illuminate your camp? Our experts dish on our favorite lanterns in the REI Lantern Gear Guide. Learn about lumens, burn time and extra features to decide which camping lantern is the right fit for your next adventure.
Our picks:
Best Lantern for Car Camping, 00:38: Goal Zero Lighthouse 400
Best Lantern for Backpacking, 2:29: LuminAID PackLite Max Phone Charger
Best Lantern Under $20, 4:14: Black Diamond Moji
Best Lantern Setup for Group Camping, 5:26: BioLite BaseLantern XL Bluetooth
Best Non-Electronic Lantern, 7:35: Coleman Dual-Fuel 2-Mantle
Check out our favorite lanterns at your local REI:
Don’t see your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
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The biolite looks like a claymore mine
It’s funny how they say "this GUY" when talking about an inanimate object. I like that Goal Zero Lighthouse 400…..(Seems like a really nice guy).
That dudes hair is so cool
Productive video until anyone would notice it’s not done on the dark.. lanterns are useless if they dont produce enough light.. yes you could use a low dim light for reading but people will want a lantern for more heavier use e.g. setting up camp, walking, going for a 1 or 2
that hair is fantastic
I bought a Moji and liked it so much that I bought a 3 pack when they were on sale at REI. So I now have 4 of them. One goes with me backpacking to hang in my tent, and all four will go with me car camping – one in the tent, and 3 hanging around the campsite. With Eneloop batteries, they’ll provide me with enough light for a 3-5 day trip without needing to recharge (I don’t always need full brightness in the tent). My old Orbit lantern now gets delegated for geocaching at night.
Even the dumbest “Florida man” knows to stay away from trees when it’s raining…
Let’s do a light review and show people during the day! Great idea…..
Super lame review.
Liked for the dorito fire starter
Best lantern: shine your headlamp into a bottle of water and save your money
One of my biggest parameters that needs to be checked for me, and a few others I know that like camping, other then it’s size is it’s light color. I don’t mind the bluish led light color for flashlights, I’d prefer a more neutral white like 4000k, but for lanterns I can not use that 6000-8000k blue led light color, gives me migraines, I have to have something around 3000k color, a more warm light color and I know plenty who would rather have and would pay more for the more warm colored camping lanterns. So if any lantern manufacturers read this, please, please give the people who do not like or can not use those lanterns with the cheap blue led light colors, make some with more naturally warm colored LEDs. I know they’re out there, I actually have plenty, but they often are not available with all the bells and whistles of the better brands, and you’re kinda stuck with the off brand Chinese lanterns and lower battery capacities, just over all a lot more limited.
I hate videos that review products that don’t show them working as advertised in real life conditions.. eg IN THE DARK.
cutesy lamps
I just purchase claymore 3 sided lantern. it’s perfect if you are have a family and a tarp with daisy chain as a living space or it can go on anywhere on the site or just lantern stand.
How did you get your hair like that? It’s awesome
My favourite lanterns:
– MPowered Luci Lux Pro: runs more than twice as long as the LuminAid, matte finish, another one of these is sent to a third world country for each purchase
– Snowinspring Hurricane Oil Lantern: 10 times cheaper and 4 times lighter than the Coleman, cheaper fuel (Paraffin/Kerosene), looks a lot more antique
– UCO Collapsable Candle Lantern: collapses to only 4.25 inches in height, spring always holds candle in the same place, makes for nice ambient
– There are also various alcohol lamps the size of a lip stick that’ll run for hours, available for less than 5 quid.
Trip As lol
Coleman dual fuel is not running on liquid gas like propane, it runs on camp fuel and gasoline (I I believe). There is another version of coleman lamp which runs only on propane, which is obvious that one will be on top of propane tank.
I was very disappointed that they did not even show how turn it on properly, these guys probably do not know themselves how to do that. Also the fuel lamp is probably the brightest by far out of all these giving out more than 800 lumens.
For backpacking I always just put a bottle of water on a headlamp. That way I don’t need to Bring additionel gear
You guys are waterproof. Awesome!
North american lady! Ufff…
How water proof is that backpacking lantern? Wondering if you have on the outside of your pack and it starts raining. Great video!
The rain is super annoying in the back
Neat reviews, cheerful outdoor people..
Makes it more fun than a lot of very tech reviews.
Love my lumen light for 24 dollars on amazon. Can plug in wall to charge or solar. Very bright only downside is attracts bugs which most lighting will do so.
The new Lighthouse 400 in Europe is totally different. No legs, no hand crank. Need to get the 600 for these specs.
A very very fair presentation. Brother, you need to deal with that horrible hair and teeth.
Not a single one shown in a real world use case.
These two ladies are so friendly and helpful
My goalzero claim its 48 hours but I left it on 5 days, so it last me 160 hours
Really like the luminaid pack lights. The biolite sun light is also great for hiking. Pretty light weight and small. Have reviews of the channel as well
All these lanterns except the last one are gimmicks which is the last thing you need in the bush, Typical millnenials view of the great outdoors.
Love LuminAid! Have one, my bro has one and I gave one to a friend. Great soft light and it floats….
Not only do I get to listen to gear reviews, but the rain is so relaxing
sick hair
Real camping lanterns use white gas and mantles, but these are ok too.
when is we the moji WHERES THE LINK
12 hours of sun…where do you live to do that, Tatooiene
Don’t bother with the first one, car camping. It’s not even available.
Here’s a list that helped me out.
In the end, I went with #1.
I love REI. I live in Puerto Rico. Most of my gear is from REI. An Eureka and a Kelty. A Nemo Shadowcaster 16, amazing product, very durable. I was so happy to be able to visit REI Orlando. It was a dream come true, very friendly staff. Go REI.
Needs more burping
Thanks very much for making this video!! I was looking for backpacking lanterns and what you reviewed is PERFECT for my needs! Just joined the CO-OP as it appears my work furlough has been extended. Just gives me more hiking/camping time here in Western Massachusetts! Stay safe guys!
Propane lantern on top of a gas tree. Not "old school", just The way it was intended.
Best Lantern I ever had for camping was the Oxyled Q6 ice light . I can’t seem to find em anymore. Mine is still going strong after around 6 years but would love to find em again.
1:22 red light is barely visible why its recommended to use while hiking in the night so your eyes stay accustomed to the darkness. Saying ‚there is a red light wow so cool so disney very useful to find your camping site‘ shows me that you either didnt field test this as you claimed and lied or you are incompetent on the matter.
The Goal Zero Lighthouse 400 is terribly made. The Li-Ion batteries are cheap Chinese junk that refuse to accept charge if you leave them in storage for a few months.