Mysterious Ancient Text That is Found Throughout the Desert Southwest
Mysterious Ancient Text That is Found Throughout the Desert Southwest
In this video, we’ll be exploring an ancient petroglyphs that are found in the desert. This mysterious text is a remnant of a long lost culture and it’s something you don’t want to miss!
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Imzackson sent me over. Very cool video brother of the glyphs! Greetings from Apache Junction AZ

Maybe…the coyotes drew them

The ancient education system must have been local to be successful. How did the ancient desert dwellers make notation of their music? Notched sticks to record the intervals might not have been widely available in the desert. How did they teach mathematics?
Good videos!

Maybe some mad dude came and carve that petroglyphs, recently.
You walk by an informative sign and didn’t stop and show the sign , ya think someone watching your video might possibly want to read that sign ?
Maybe ya…
Cool video and tale about brother Coyote sharing the shade with you….
This is great makes one wonder WHY this spot and how old are they

The dead rabbit with the arrow is a great petro. Love the coyote story.
Where are you?
Ancient graffiti some kids did it
The rock looks super hard !
Fascinating. Thank you so much for your videos, brings back wonderful memories and seeing what’s changed and what hasn’t, in 30 years is so amazing! Can’t wait for more videos.
Bro! Awesome video! Where exactly us this at?! Love to check it out!!
I really appreciate you as you are a such type of man who enlighten us about the unknown to our knowledge. I enjoy a lot———- From EASTERN INDIA THANKS.
You are…….. incredible
Why don’t you 4 wheel to there?
4:43 – an attacking Triceratops ? … incredible
Nicely done video and as others mentioned in their comments, it’s nice that you keep the location a secret to try and avoid the vandalism of these historical sites. I am in my 70’s now and love the desert, in my younger years I travelled in my 1986 Jeep CJ7 all over and what is interesting as you already know, is that a lot of these symbols/petroglyphs are repeated throughout the Mojave Desert and elsewhere. Apparently this area didn’t have Big Horn sheep or maybe you saw those Petroglyphs, but didn’t show them. A lot of the symbols are repeated throughout the desert regions, so there must be some standardization in their meaning. Thank you again for a nice and interesting video. Happy trails…
So when you were sheltering under that Joshua tree with the coyote – did you offer it some water? Could have made a friend for life.
What is known about them?
What`s a technique of this rock art? what was used to draw them? It was obviously created already on crashed stone pieces, because no one of visible compositions are interrupted – they all are complete and adjusted to the certain shape of the stone. But those stone piles are even more interesting than petroglyphs they are holding. Is there known any background about their origin?
Some hippies done that in the 1970s. How dare they. St.Paul.
Are you sure it wasn’t peyote not coyote j/k

It could be Naga glyphs . Thanks
Find the tunnels dug all throughout the PW from Alaska/Canada down to Arizona/Mexico/Texas by the workers they’d bring in from dif countries (another form of human trafficking)
"Kilroy was here" messages go back a long way in spirit if not text. Wonder which one of the glyphs might be a Kilroy . . . { : )
Those rocks are not natural to that location. The broken rocks with the picture glyphs were placed there. Guessing there may be a man made worksite nearby. Or at least there was a worksite at some point.
Young people, teenagers. They explored just outside of their Huts and would draw just to past their day, after their chores were done… Pottery shards are always nearby, revealing the Camp sites. The very nice drawings are by an Adult to get them started, and for them to practice.
One looks like a roadrunner
. Have seen petroglyphs but exploring days are over.
Any arrow heads?
Well done

Very Kool man , thanks for sharing !

Thank you.
Very cool video..thank you!
At 4:48 you have a nice panel of petroglyphs. Those are unique for me. You also reveal mechanical weathering at it’s finest. What a complex fracture as this slab stayed in place. Heat and cold unrelenting over the years. Well, I wasn’t there so it could have happened suddenly, but I digress.
Nice desert varnish on one of the three major types of lava.
Hey DT, have you checked out Florine Lawlor OFLV AaDA?
Yes, I am speaking in code and playing Johnny Cash’s “I’ve been everywhere man”as a dedication to DT.
Amazing!!! !!!!!!!!!
Edited to add exclamation points. Not enough. Better now;)
What’s the bet it say, "Help, we’re Lost" in Caveman Glyphs….
At 4:28 there is a cross with circle at the ends of each line. I have seen a very similar looking one in Nevada. There does seem to be similarities all over. Hawaii and even Guam. Obviously no evidence of contact but they must have seen the same things in the night sky.
It’s just the usual kid graffiti, nothing astounding or magical. It’s also getting worn-off, and not all that old. The weather –rain and snow will have them warn down soon. Why do people get all that excited about olde kid scribble??

Love Petroglyphs. 6 years ago our daughter took us to Parowan gap. I was hooked. We now live in So. Utah and love to explore. Thanks for sharing.
repressentions of what they saw. plasma/ electrical sprites
Very cool yes don’t tell anyone where it is unless you know them well, I never do that’s for sure

Might you host some Meetup hikes out to the places you show on this channel? I’d love to come down and traipse around that region.
And if you put all the pieces together correctly, you get the plans for intergalactic travel…
One of those looked like a boat with a mast with sails.
Those little diggings might be an insect, scorpion or a little animal like a mouse?
If a person wants to convey a message to the generations that follow them stone is a good way. However one language would be more likely to be lost to time than using several languages for the lasting purpose of understanding
From a civilization that was destroyed by whom we call Asian native Americans today?
Sometime before Europeans;
"Where is that boy? He’s supposed to be learning to hunt!"
"Oh he’s over there scratching on rocks again. They call it GRAFFITI."