My Favorite Gear For Backpacking With A Dog

My Favorite Gear For Backpacking With A Dog

Full Gear List:

00:00 Hey Y’all
00:44 Dog Backpack
03:51 Preferred Pack Weight
05:15 Sleep System (Pad)
06:35 Sleeping Bags
09:13 Coats
10:07 Rain
11:08 Footwear
13:34 Leash
14:18 Food and Water Bowls
15:18 First Aid
16:42 Muzzle
19:48 Umbrella

Frisbee/Disc in the thumbnail:

Backpacking With A Dog:

Budget Gear List:

CDT Gear List:

PCT Gear Lists: Desert –
Sierra Nevada –
Cascade Range –

AT Gear List:

Camino de Santiago Gear List:

Homemade Wanderlust Merch:

* I do NOT accept anything from gear companies. I do not do paid reviews. I do not have any sponsors. All opinions are my own, based on my experiences. I do not plan to ever incorporate sponsorships on this channel in an effort to remain 100% impartial. If I were to accept gear in exchange for a review I would disclose it per FTC regulations.

Disclosure: There are Amazon Affiliate links in my gear lists and possibly in product links in this video description. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases (doesn’t only have to be backpacking gear).

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*Gear Wish List:
(Purchase an item from my gear wish list. Some of the items may require contacting me for shipping details. See address below.)

*Buy My Book
Take A Thru-Hike: Dixie’s How-To Guide for Hiking the Appalachian Trail (ebook):

-Bitcoin (BTC) Wallet: 1PLcRstR4bamTYKpwd9Nzus75WjfjMY6gG

Contact information:
twitter: @homemadeWL
Instagram: homemadewanderlust
PO Box 4192 Opelika, AL 36803

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  1. @christinenatvig9094 on December 10, 2024 at 8:05 pm

    UGQ makes a quilt for dogs. You can also use the shorter Klymit sleeping pad. UGQ recently had a sale where they offered both for a great deal.

  2. @XA1985 on December 10, 2024 at 8:05 pm

    I couldn’t bring my dog on trail, I would be more concern for my dogs safety then mines 😅

  3. @rammix1 on December 10, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    Haha, this was very funny. 😂

  4. @hremaddox on December 10, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    I have 2 chihuahuas. 10% of their weight would be a chapstick. Lol

  5. @brittanyouldcott2912 on December 10, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    Do you have a lightweight muzzle or is it a standard basket muzzle? I’d love a light weight and compact option!

  6. @walterpaton8698 on December 10, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    How does the sleeping hours go??? Mine would hear every noise and smell.

  7. @misslenaism on December 10, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    You can use your umbrella to blockscare an approaching dog to give yourself time to scoop Fancy up.

  8. @Y2J3469 on December 10, 2024 at 8:13 pm

    Your dog hates your BO (body odor) and really wants you to start wearing deodorant when on the trial! Respectfully, it was your own armpit issues that likely caused the chafing to occur…. Just saying…….

  9. @nickp.2432 on December 10, 2024 at 8:14 pm

    You will probably hate me but dogs don’t need raincoats, sweaters etc.😂 Boots I can understand but take the time and effort to get the right set for your dog and always monitor the situation. They can do more harm then good.

  10. @owjbehdobw4711 on December 10, 2024 at 8:14 pm

    That zlite pad is only an R value of 2. No wonder your dog is freezing even with a quilt. Have to apply the same principles to your dog as yourself.

  11. @Josie-6 on December 10, 2024 at 8:15 pm

    For anyone watching this, keep in mind the leash laws. Most (not all) trails require dogs to be on leashes. Others allow them to be off leash unless they are aggressive or chase other animals, but they are required to come when called. If your dog doesn’t have an excellent recall, they cannot be off leash. You also can’t pass through areas that enter national parks, so keep that in mind on trails like the PCT, which cannot be a true thru-hike with a pet dog because there are multiple areas along the trail where dogs aren’t allowed. 🙂

  12. @matthewmallan1164 on December 10, 2024 at 8:18 pm

    Because -Doggz

  13. @amyjames6118 on December 10, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    Really helpful video. Thank you 😊

  14. @TennesseeSlim on December 10, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    I’m sad ground bird went out of business

  15. @sirsir108 on December 10, 2024 at 8:25 pm

    I’ve been looking into using something like a fleece or thin wool blanket or some super thin yoga mat or flannel sheet to put on my air pad so my dog can get one the pad and under my quilt with me he usually snugs up close at night

  16. @davidhall8874 on December 10, 2024 at 8:26 pm

    Just out of curiosity, do you have to bury dog poop?

  17. @TennesseeSlim on December 10, 2024 at 8:27 pm

    If you combine sock liners with the boots it helps immensely. But your right I recommend developing the natural hardness of their pads.

  18. @patriciacasey7290 on December 10, 2024 at 8:28 pm

    I have this Ruffwear Palisade pack for my dog. I noticed that you did not have the saddle bags tied down. They are a little fussy because they are tiny but there are straps you clip on to keep the saddle bags from flopping around. We have had no problems and my dog LOVES having a job to do. These packs are crazy adjustable (luckily, since my dog got larger than expected!) and you do have to get that figured out just right.

  19. @fitzcoyote on December 10, 2024 at 8:31 pm

    Silk bag liners over the inflatable pads work great to protect from dog nails!! Worked from all of the CT for us and 2 dogs. Check out Horsewear- Rambo dog coats- they make a 100% waterproof well fitting shell with removable liner. I use a Rough wear fleece ( or your purple puffy she has) under it and the combo works well.

    Dyneema would be awesome! Use the Rambo ad a template! I don’t sew! But I wish I did!!

    I also use the dyneema bowls- I use it only for food then carry a water bowl- I use one from Ruff wear!

  20. @thanebrown5717 on December 10, 2024 at 8:31 pm

    Dixie, i really want to ask you what you do with your dogs when you are thru hiking without them? Im worried about leaving my 2 cats for so long, i know ill miss them a lot. Im torn between leaving them with a friend or maybe asking the neighbors if they can check on them every day to clean litterboxes, feed them and give them the lovin’ they need! Lots of things to think about when you live alone but want to thru hike .. most are easy things, have mail forwarded, hire a landscaping/grass cutting company, etc .. but its my pets thats worry me the most. One more thing, totally off subject. How do you upload/edit your videos while doing a zero somewhere? Do you take a laptop with you or maybe use a computer at a hostel or something? Thanks for all your informative videos Dixie .. youve answered so many questions for me and youre a really good vlogger

  21. @15halerobert on December 10, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    Your pup is like every other pup out there. Of course she moves over to your side. Its warmer from your body’s warmth and she is a bed hog.

  22. @Mr2greys on December 10, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    @18:50 we have this issue when we take our rescue greyhounds on local walking trails. We try to avoid ones where off-leash is allowed but you will find the irresponsible owners who ignore that. Our rescues look at any dog smaller than a cocker as basically the same as a rabbit. Someone almost a yorkie if I hadn’t grabbed it by the scruff of its neck. They weren’t happy until I pointed out that 1. their dog is a chew toy and 2. They were breaking the rules of having their dog offleash

  23. @BurroGirl on December 10, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    Hi Dixie! Been watching a lot of your videos as we prepare to go burro packing this summer and we always take a dog or 2 or 3 w us. Great tips 👌! One thing to consider bringing is antibiotics (prescribed by your dog’s vet of course) in case of dog bite wounds, or puncture wounds, lacerations etc. The sooner a dog gets on oral antibiotics – after immediately washing/flushing a wound out thoroughly if the dog allows – the less likely the wound will get infected. Especially deep punctures from dog bites or sharp objects. I haven’t watched your other video so forgive me if you already mention this there. Folks also might want to consider educating themselves on how to wrap a leg or foot without causing more problems by putting it on too tight. Your vet can certainly help show you. And then there’s the whole snake bite stuff. I’ll shut up now, you probably cover this stuff already elsewhere! Thanks so much for all your videos and the doggie info too!

  24. @2006Whippet on December 10, 2024 at 8:33 pm

    Give Chillydogs out of Canada a look for jackets and rain gear for the pup. I had the Great White North jacket for my whippet and that kept her pretty warm on even cold CO days. They also have an uninsulated rain jacket which looks like it provides pretty good coverage. That said, they do not fall on the budget side of things.

  25. @KìŧŧyDąrlìng2024 on December 10, 2024 at 8:38 pm

  26. @georgeattaway1848 on December 10, 2024 at 8:39 pm

    Is Fancy a long lost relative of my Ingrid?Her birth mom was a Catahoula mix/unknown papa.She and her sister are southern girls,born and raised in South Carolina.We have a female with the same markings as Fancy.1/2 inch white tip on her tail,white socks 1/2 the amount of Fancy,and the white line down her face is on the left side and narrower band.Even how they hold their ears is the same.Cheers to great dogs and the humans they love.

  27. @misskellyann1013 on December 10, 2024 at 8:39 pm

    I know this is a earlier video but I would love a updated dog video since groundbird seems to be out of business.

  28. @genehunt8670 on December 10, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Great job thank you!

  29. @sanecrazy12 on December 10, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    Enjoying the videos.. I see the mommy comes out about keeping your baby warm.. Makes me feel back about my neighbors pitbull that lives on my front porch even in the winter. He never goes home except to eat. He could sleep inside at his home but chooses the front door mat at my house even when it’s 5-10 degrees. Dogs can take the cold more than we think. Of course my dog sleeps in my bed 😆

  30. @CakewalkHootenanny on December 10, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    I like your channel and advice. I love your devotion to including your pooch on the trail. I am doing day hiking with my dog so I don’t have much experience with overnight planning. I have a few comments about your medical advice. I treat humans and not dogs for a living so my perspective could be skewed but I think a styptic powder application is going to be much more effective to control bleeding than baking powder. With baking powder you would still have to apply pressure for awhile and I think the pressure will do the lion’s share of controlling the bleeding. However, styptic powder can stop bleeding with only application. Another point is I am wondering what allergic reaction you might treat with Benadryl (diphenhydramine). This drug does many things and can be very useful in a human first aid kit (anti- motion sickness, anti nausea, sedative, treats hives, sleeping pill) but in humans it would not help with a serious reaction like anaphylaxis, or even a semi-serious one like swollen lip, tongue etc. I would suspect this would be true with dogs too…
    Thanks for your inspiration, I want to emulate you and go on some bigger adventures with my buddy.

  31. @christygatto on December 10, 2024 at 8:41 pm

    Bela wore the ground bird gear harness, backpack and the turtle quilt during our 2020 thru attempt. That turtle quilt was amazing and we got soooo many compliments on the trail with it. Only made it about 85 miles before covid struck and we had to leave the trail. I hope to someday try another attempt when I can work it into my life again. Stupid covid. I use the dog sled booties but generally only if absolutely necessary such as if she has a sore foot. I also use a similar plastic dish for water. For a bed I took an extra long sleeping pad and Bela slept at the bottom. No puncture issues, however, she’s a bed hog we will not be doing that again! I plan on cutting down an old pad I have for her. My first dog was reactive i used to also carry a muzzle. I really think off leash hunting dogs should be outlawed I’ve run into problems with them attacking my leashed dogs twice. Fortunately other then cuts and some bite wounds no one was badly hurt but I carry pepper spray for that purpose now and double check local hunting schedules and laws.

  32. @CharlesBlank on December 10, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    i think klymit makes a dog inflatable pad

  33. @nickp.2432 on December 10, 2024 at 8:44 pm

    Look into tuf foot. Apply to your dog’s paws and it works wonders to keep a good tough foot pad before you hit the trail. Mushers wax is good to have on hand as well. Coconut oil is phenomenal as well..

  34. @jimizxztheorginal on December 10, 2024 at 8:45 pm

    There are 6 other Jimmy, Jim, or James usernames in the comments. ~7/220 seems too high to be a coincidence, 2-3 seems statistically high. But 7? I know more youtube viewers are male and most of her viewers are probably from the US which skews the odds a little. Also James is a name primarily given to white males, which is also the highest demographic category of people who camp. But 7 still seems high to me. I wonder if there is something about the name that makes you attracted to this kind of sport. I also wonder if she has more subscribers with the given name James than any other name or if this video is the odd occurrence where all the Jimmys showed up.

  35. @TennesseeSlim on December 10, 2024 at 8:47 pm

    15% is the recommended but that too is excessive. Your 10% suggestion is spot on.

  36. @mistysmeanderings6428 on December 10, 2024 at 8:48 pm

    Have you found an air pad yet?

  37. @scooter2202 on December 10, 2024 at 8:48 pm

    What sleeping pad did you end up using with your dog or are you using the same one? Curious if I should get one for my dog or not…. Since my dog is like Velcro lol.

  38. @nicolereneepeters5682 on December 10, 2024 at 8:49 pm

    Thank you for making this video. With a background in animal rescue, I can sadly say that there are a lot of people who don’t take the well-being of their dogs into account enough- in life in general and even out on the trail. Your content may help others to consider important protective and preventative measures for hiking with their dogs that they might not have otherwise considered. As far as dog gear goes…I am very happy with the high quality of Hurtta’s line of well designed and well thought out dog coats. I have a little rescued 14lb Chihuahua mix, Bettyleana, who only has one layer of fur and is frequently cold. She LOVES hiking though! Her Hurtta parka has an easy on-easy off adjustable design and is lined with reflective material to direct her body heat back at her. With this coat we’ve been able to comfortably hike in some pretty extreme weather. The Hurtta dog sleeping bag has been on my wish list for awhile now. New to my wish list is an ultralight down dog sleeping bag from a company I would love to support- Whyld River, a cottage gear company that donates one of their sleeping bags to an animal rescue for every ten bags sold. If I had the funds I would have already purchased one. They make their bags in different sizes, offer good sizing guides and make them compatible with a sleep pad connecting system. They also have a synthetic variety which was their original design. Their new ultralight down bag can be attached to and used as a liner inside of the synthetic bag for hiking and sleeping in very cold weather.

  39. @curcapsicum on December 10, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    Hahah that’s so sweet that she ends up on your pad when you leave the tent. It’s *probably* more because she wants to be in your space/smell than comfort. I wouldn’t be surprised if you got her an inflatable pad and she still did the same thing and moved to yours if you leave the tent hahah. Fancy seems like a sweetheart and fun, just like her mama!

    edit: That being said, try it! Spoil that doggo!

  40. @Trail_Trash on December 10, 2024 at 8:52 pm

    We had the same armpit chafing with a Ruffwear approach pack and Enzo won’t go near that pack anymore, for good reason. Our last hike I used my friends Ollydog pack and it does not have the front chest straps/pad and worked well, I tried to order one and that model does not exist and the new model from them has the typical straps thru the chest area that caused the problems as the Ruffwear. Still looking for the right pack, did find a Norwegian made pack that was temping but at $200, Seleverkstedet TOGO

  41. @nickp.2432 on December 10, 2024 at 8:56 pm

    Been hiking with English Labradors most of my life. Ruffware palisades has worked great for me. Never heard of the company you mentioned. Will be looking into them for sure. Seems like a better design. Thanks! Get out and backpack..👍👍

  42. @Zapporah85 on December 10, 2024 at 8:58 pm

    I also carry muzzles for my dogs, they’re both friendly with dogs and people but it’s good to have just in case, and especially if your dog is a forager.

  43. @alitouray5751 on December 10, 2024 at 8:59 pm

    Have you seen equafleece

  44. @joanrusche6918 on December 10, 2024 at 9:00 pm

    My pointer hound mix, Star, loves my sleeping pad and down quilt. I found a down lap quilt at Costco, so she keeps warm. She sleeps on a CCF pad cut to her size. She carries a modified Outward Hound pack. K-9 Apparel made her custom fleece jacket.

  45. @JustAGirlInTheWild on December 10, 2024 at 9:00 pm

    Hey Dixie! I also backpack and hike a lot with my two dogs and the best part for them is to cuddle in the tent at night. Once the tent is set up my husky shepherd rolls up in his sleeping bag and cuddle with his teddy bear (yes, this big bad wolf need a teddy bear to sleep!) My other dog has short hair and she sleeps very cold. I am in Canada and when we go Fall camping, its cold for real! I found that Hurtta are making great dog gear. I do not own any rain jacket for the doggos ( I guess I am a bad dog mom as well haha), but their Winter stuff is amazing. It might be worth checking it out 🙂

  46. @TennesseeSlim on December 10, 2024 at 9:00 pm

    Whenever you get a new pad give fancy your old one. You can shorten them and reseal it with a iron

  47. @Mujirama on December 10, 2024 at 9:01 pm

    muzzle also in case a stranger has to take your dog in an emergency

  48. @seancarroll1090 on December 10, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    My dog does not need me to lift him 😂 I wish he could lift me over trees

  49. @Allan_aka_RocKITEman on December 10, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    Great video, Dixie {and Fancy}…😉

  50. @khaosdaly566 on December 10, 2024 at 9:04 pm

    For the bed thing- a friend of mine got an inflatable pad, and some heavy duty carhartt type of fabric and made a cover for it!! It worked great! He used some waterproofing spray on it too and it was phenomenal.
    And THANK YOU for being aware of your dog’s reactivity and taking those measures to keep her safe! I applaud you for taking her out on trails and being prepared for her. So many people figure out their dogs are reactive and they never take them anywhere again. Thank you for making her world as big as yours!

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