Loggers Rush To Save A Moose Who Fell Through The Ice | The Dodo
Loggers Rush To Save A Moose Who Fell Through The Ice | The Dodo
She was so tired from treading water — watch these four guys try to help her
Footage provided by @viralhog
Loggers Rush To Save A Moose Who Fell Through The Ice | The Dodo
She was so tired from treading water — watch these four guys try to help her
Footage provided by @viralhog
NICE! Good thinking and amazing hardwork! Men of action!
I can’t stand her voice!
"make a fire"…
yea, sure. What am I now? An human? What should I do? Flip a car? lol
This just freaks me out
thank you for being there 

God bless all the people that was involved in this rescue
Make a fire

Mil bendiciones por ayudarla Mil bendiciones

That’s a good name for your show… you fit it perfectly
چقدربعضی ازمردها خوب هستن آفرین برشما چندنفردرود

and they didn’t even stress her out
Sorry guys, but I’m digging the guys accent That’s pretty neat…. I have no idea where he’s from.
Shes exhausted. Thanks to her rescurers!


"Make a fire"
You guys are freaking awesome. I really wanted to cuss there lol
Will she be ok, drenched in ice cold water, in winter? How can she get warm after that?
It’s pretty amazing how she was eventually able to understand what you were saying to her
‘Make a fire’ lol. Och, God Love Good Men.
bless these lads

God bless them
Best page on youtube not even close
Lovely guys

Thank you to this amazing man for knowing how to help this hopeless moose.

Saw this a while back here on the tube, posted by someone else. I think half the data on YouTube is copies of other’s copies–maybe way more than half.
Thank you for saving her. You’re her hero

At the beginning of vid I said “oh geeze. How are they gonna do that?”



And people think we have it hard.
so grateful you saved her. Most people wouldn’t even be aware of what was happening to her.
GREAT rescue…! BUT, I have a question for YOU: your voice dios down into a gravelly level…which is…distracting…(just wanted to let you know…).
Poor thing got to be cold

But she’s all wet will she be okay???
editor from dodo, please step away from the mic slightly so you arent blowing it out every couple of words
That IS crazy! … Can’t believe that guy thinks a moose can make a fire.
Thank you guy’s
“Make a fire” kind AND funny. What a guy
Ty for rescuing this moose




The moose, probably, would’ve died if it weren’t for you coming along. Thank you for the rescue.
Thank you to the kind nen who helped save the moose

Shes about to sleep good af after that experience
No towel…a big fluffy bath sheet size?
faith in humanity…restored
How DO animals get their body temps back up after something like this?