INSHORE Fishing Setups 101 EVERYTHING You Need to Know to Start Catching Saltwater Fish!!
INSHORE Fishing Setups 101 EVERYTHING You Need to Know to Start Catching Saltwater Fish!!
Full guide to getting started with your first inshore setup! In this video I go in depth on the proper setup to get you started with inshore fishing. This video covers the basics to getting started with inshore fishing!
Thanks man this is really helpful! 1st time going salt water fishing next week and this is great info!
Any info for targeting mangrove snapper inshore?
Does the c3000xg fit the bill for all of these recommendations you made? Found a good deal on marketplace for one, not sure if I should find a regular c3000, 3000hg, or if that xg will work? Thanks!
Whats the name of the rod you’re fishing?
Awesome video man. Thanks
New Stradic FM or vanford?
Great video!
Excellent video Brother. I love this channel.
I’m moving to Gulfport tomorrow and was researching setups. Googled local shops and boom “sea to swamp”. I was like hey that’s where this dude is lol
Thanks for the information.
Been using a Toadfish med/heavy fast with a matching 4000 Toadfish reel. Light and strong! Excellent video and superb advice! Keep the Lines Tight!
Great and informative video
Excellent information for new Fisherman! I watch you videos regularly.
Thanks for the Video! It was very Informative!
Crazy Steve – Coastal SC
With so much out there, you kept it very basic which is cool. There is no need to break the bank when it comes to fishing
Your Mirrodine instructional video is still one of the best and I’ve watched it repeatedly.
This is an excellent video for beginners on inshore startup.
Heddon is pronounced “head’ on” said quickly.
Thank you brother. Super helpful
7/6 medium, fast action, ugly stick makes great inexpensive inshore series. Less than 100
Daiwa feugo 2500-3000 with 10-15 braid. Around 100
Get some 15-20 lb mono or floro for leader to 1/0-3/0 circle hooks. Learn the uni knot to start.
Live or cut shrimp to make it easy.
You will catch fish. And do it cheap.
awesome video man. im just getting into saltwater fishing and looking to start fishing the biloxi back bay. im from hattiesburg and this definitely helped me to get started. ill be targetting reds mostly but really open to catching any fish. happen to have any extra tips on catching reds in the bay?
Love this dude awesome video. Thanks
Seems like everywhere I’m looking everyone seems to like the 7ft, medium power, fast action. Doesn’t matter if it’s fresh or saltwater, is that just the general workhorse setup for most generic anglers?
Bro really put me on a lot
Great video, very informative!!!
When running braid make sure you use a decent rod with good eyelets. I have two rods that started cutting my line. It was because the braid cut into the eyelets and created sharp spots . I hooked up with a jack crevalle and that sucker cooked my set up. Lews Custom inshore brought that bia to the boat
Perfect setup
Great video and i use them hoodwinks myself
I like a 6’6" for jigging. I would love to see a baitcaster for inshore video. I’m definitely surprised the Stradic wasn’t in the lineup. I’m gonna have to check those other reels out since I need a go-to spinning reel for sheepshead and bull reds.
As always very good video and thanks on all the information you provided very helpful indeed you always provide down to earth basic information and cover everything perfectly
I have a 7′ M Okuma Inshore Elite paired to a 2500 Stradic FL running 20# Maxcuatro…my favorite setup of all time! I even use it surf fishing
Great video! Nice to know great minds think alike LOL
Hope I’m not sounding dumb here, but I am confused. At 10:44 you said you’re not going to use a 2-0 hook on a shrimp but use a number 1 or number 2. Kind of new to fishing stuff, but whats the difference between 2-0 and number 2?
I got the Penn 7 foot inshore medium heavy paired with penn spinfisher 4500 bailess
Thanks. Very informative. Great video.
Hard to beat a Vanford! Great video for those getting into inshore!
What kind and strength of line would I use (or what would be preferred) if I was using pretty much the same thing as flounder/speckled trout, and say, the same gear(or similar) as if I was fishing for crappie, and large mouth bass? I’m mainly fishing mostly in brackish water where there seems to be a lot of different multi species of fish to choose from. Tell me what’s good to use for something like that please, Nathan.
I do appreciate what you’ve been doing for my fishing game for the past few years. GOD BLESS in everything you do!
Great info
– tight lines PuraSal Angler
Bar-none, this is the best instructional videos I have ever encountered. I learned so much. I have been fishing off NYC/NJ for 65 years. I encourage everyone to listen and learn. I hope there will be a follow-up video about northeast/southeast party boat fishing, connecting the best tackle for back bay then transitioning to open ocean for fluke (summer flounder) especially (also porgy and blackfish too). Thank you.
good show this is MrBear in hudson fl. my ? is zman 7inch padle or jerk bait what size hook would you use on a weedless setup. one more thing when you comeing back to ozello would like to fish with an expert im not. thanks a bunch stay safe.
We love all your videos brother wished i lived closer to L.A im in North, AL i was in gulf shores orange beach a couple weeks ago got some southern salt hoodwinks at beach bum outdoors amazing Quality baits! Cant wait to get down there again
Always enjoy ur videos dude. Will that chubby medium spinning rod excel with popping cork for reds? Thanks
Wait, so do I have to use the braid and the leader?
Where are you located.
Can you make an educational video on surf fishing? Thank you for this video. Big fan.
Great demo nate
Where isthe store your making your video please and thanks this video he
P will need to watch it efew times
I fish Long Island. That was a perfect video of recommendations. Seriously… Nicely done.
During the summer I’ll use a 30 lb mono leader because those damn skip jacks will fray your line every time.
I’ve never fished saltwater and you answered most questions I had. Thanks
Thanks for the video