I Visited The Darkest Place On Earth
I Visited The Darkest Place On Earth
So i visited the darkest place on earth.. not even kidding
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1:42 the women
His face when it’s making that noise on the plane

this some kinda joke.Absolute fukin pish!!!
The synscan AZ mount now has a dongle you can buy, takes the place of the hand control and sends a wireless signal to your phone , your phone has a ap on it and you control the driven mount with your phone from inside a warm place, I have the SV Bony wifi camera in the eyepice and can see the scope view on my other device (computer or phone , Tablet). NO WIRES! Looking forward to trying when clouds clear, in about 6 months I guess in Manchestet UK.
Imagine what past civilisations could see without all the light population in the world.
Thanks for getting me into astronomy mate

the one on the second page with the dog says:
Today we climbed Bejenado one again in tribute to our little dog Lola who acompanied us up here like a champ, and she still is. Thankyou for everything you have given us.
Goes to the darkest place on earth.
Does all the night shots with a giant light in his face. WTG.
What type of telescope do you use
I grew up in tampa Florida.
Used to be able to see the night sky. Not no more too much light pollution So sad
im scorpio
1) If you need light at night, please use red light at the slowest end of the visible spectrum. It affects night vision least, and if you’re around other astronomers, you’re not THAT GUY.
? Wouldn’t it be somewhere in the middle of the Sahara, Siberia, Antarctica in winter, or Point Nemo? La Palma is the darkest point on Earth
? I call B.S. Y’all change my mind.
2) Also, how are Las Canarias the darkest place on Earth
Idk why but I got so emotional
Bro looked like he was in a black void
This is incesible
that is just…. Wow
6:38 What little Kids be like
if i had to guess, the stars at 10:29(ish) are castor & pollux
Why did you take photo of Saturn or Moon in the darkest place on Earth? You should have taken photos of deep sky object like galaxies or faint nebulae. Those are the things that you cannot see in light polluted area like England. You can take good photo s of Saturn or Moon in England.
With risks comes rewards is just amazing quote
so… you said youll go to tenerife and then you ended up in la palma? well i already knew when you said the darkest place on earth that you would refer to la palma but i didn´t expect the mistake with youd make with tenerife :))
My biggest wish for myself is to see the night sky with little to no light pollution. This is absolutely beautiful. I’ll probably cry when I see it lol.
This is unbelievable…. My compliments for this superb and unique though very risky journey… Never saw the sky as such… Absolutely wonderful video.
That’s not the darkest place on Earth.It’s not even the darkest place on that island.La Palma has darker sky for example, 100 km away.
Tell people who believe in FLAT EARTH they will start to see reality
Aww he captured the stars for her
that’s the sweetest. What beautiful sights
Looking up but wearing a hat cutting your vision by 30% silly goofy ahh
I get an headache watching
One of the text that you showed at the end said, I gave time to time and finally I’m here.
in minute 16:12 the last paragraph said, my first time in this island and this beautiful place, thank you so much for this wonderful experience.
Some ad that sumsung want.
I would love to go there .awesome enjoy
Are we in the Milky Way
You should of went to the bathroom
7:23-7:24 "omj"
This gave me the chills
Bro needs to cut his beard
6:34 stop screaming in my ear please
I feel like i just went on this journey with you. Amazing captures, I love you passion for doing this. Keep up the good work
My wish is for everyone in the entire world to see the stars and planets like that. It’s unbelievable how much it takes your breath away literally. Let’s look after this gorgeous planet we are lucky enough to be on.
yes, mr. bottle of water
Earth is FLAT
I only wanted to watch this bc I didn’t believe that this was real
I would state it as ‘one of the darkest places on earth’ I live 5 hours from Grasslands National Park, in Saskatchewan Canada. Definitely one of the darkest places anywhere. Several square kilometers of Bortle 1 sky. As a bonus, is it is mainly flat and open. Easy to see horizon to horizon.
1:41 Behind him