I Spent 15 Days Alone in the Remote Yukon Wilderness – Here's What Happened
I Spent 15 Days Alone in the Remote Yukon Wilderness – Here's What Happened
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Snake River, Yukon Territories, Canada
Day 1: 0:00
Day 2: 3:48
Sponsorship: 4:15
Day 2: 6:03
Day 3: 14:53
Day 4: 28:00
Day 5: 36:08
Day 6: 45:55
Day 7: 53:48
Day 8: 1:05:36
Day 9: 1:13:14
Day 10: 1:25:44
Day 11: 1:36:24
Day 12: 1:43:07
Day 13: 1:54:27
Day 14: 1:58:56
Day 15: 2:03:29
#Solo #Camping# Adventure
What an adventure your granddad took you on, lad, and the memories you hold of him always forever BUT also he wasn’t taking you with him . God be with you both on your journeys of today and yesterday
Take care Xander Budwick 
انا لااقصد الاساه لاي احد اقسم بالله كلكم رائعون احبكم جميعا انتم الافضل انا لاستمتع الا عند ماكون معكم لكم كل حبي جميعا
If you are killing flies and cutting yourself with a knife at the same time – camping is not for you.
8:38 jim carrey cameo

Probably one of the Best Outdoor Videos on Youtube !
Don’t hike without a firearm on you at all times in Alaska. Be safe first
The screw coming off the spinning rod is 100% your fault. The drag should never be that loose
Thoroughly enjoyed your video!!
anda buat kami sentiasa muda biar pun sudah usia lanjut terima kasih Amin
Love it here in the Yukon wilderness so pretty and I’m right next to the snake river
يالجمال المكان هذا يجنن
It’s freezing death there like antarctica, go to Myrtle beach forest
i love your camerawork so much
I could swear that Pixel phone is waterproof??
Wonder why he didnt get something like a Samsung with advertised water resistance? Woulda made sense for his…job?
You should go climb Mt Fuji. My buds and I just went the "long" way (Gotemba Trail) and it took us around 6 hours to go up and about 5 to go down. Def a bucket list check off.
13:04 what are those? They grow in the mountains of Norway
We want to see an episode like Ed Stafford, 30 or 60 days
it would definately test ur skills
Good sir, i can find myself in the things you were struggling with now at this time. My main thoughts are that i wish to escape the city. I wish i had the oppertunity to go out in the beautiful adventures you are putting yourself in. It gives me inspiration and motivation to start my path of recovery. In fact, it gave me so much motivation i will start first day in the morning. Also i will be putting all my effort in leaving the country i am living in currently to find myself in more challenging country’s. Thank you so much!
you Amin
Brave man
walk down the mountain? nah, train in a wingsuit, it’ll make your time worth it
You don’t have your rifle. I would be so afraid of running into a bear. When, you climbed that mountain.
Food? Youre not allowed food
What an epic adventure. Condolences to you and family. Can’t wait to hear you at the Toronto Outdoor Show.
اتمني ان اكون معك اقسم بانها ستكون اسعد ايام حياتي
Any sign of Sasquatch Xander? Always curious if folks come across anything so far out of civilization and the bush.
Wonderful video, that’s for taking me on an adventure!
Wanna see a real survivalist? check out Les Stroud no matches no big knives/ no gun/ no food or water hes been right there where you are with nothing…
You’re gorgeous

You can really feel the energy shift after you see the grizzly poop on day three. You wanted your get out of there asap and honestly I don’t blame you, you can feel the bear watching through the video lol
35:13 lol
Those shots of you walking into the scene, you should go a ways then turn around and make a beckoning gesture to follow you. That’d be funny.
Such a great video!! Impressive trek, and i almost felt like i was there!
17:00 idk what it is, but I LOVE the music, and the scenery. It is so gorgeous
1:51:29 *man loses self esteem, breaks phone and camera*
*Man learns kung fu*
i cant remember a youtube channel that has inspired me so much. thank you.
This looks like middle earth damn
48:46 prob my fav shot, holy shi
Hey brother! I wanted to share with you the love of Jesus, as i’ve offlined some of you’re videos and i geniuinly enjoy them for the content and knowledge.
God is as much loving as he is just, he must punish sin, but he can also choose to be merciful if we accept Jesus Christ as our lord and saviour as he took the punishment for our sins on the cross, so repent and believe in him for the kingdom of God is at hand.
So there it is its that simple, I hope this message helps and blesses you in unimmanigable ways and whatever problems you have you can just give to Jesus cause he is happy to help you carry that heavy burden on you’re back. Peace and
Xander, you have come a Loooooong way!! Wonderful! Ty Lord!
Nothing happened……absolutely ,positively nothing…….BORING
bro u are in heaven.
X Have you ever watched any ;Ed Staffrd’ stuff ?
Who got those sick drone shots while you were in the kayak???
Sleep next to your Benelli Shotgun! Beautiful video I don’t know of a more beautiful place! Make up bear songs as you walk! Love this shit man!
I love how autistic this guy is
انت انسان رائع ومرح احب انسان مثل هذا
Absolutely beautiful!
how did he record if he was in the river?
واو كم انت رائع
What kind of tent are you using?