How to Scout a New Hunting Property – Deer Scouting Tips
How to Scout a New Hunting Property – Deer Scouting Tips
Join me as I walk a new hunting property for the very first time! Whether you are a beginner hunter or more advanced, these deer hunting and scouting tips will help you be more successful during hunting season. Scouting is what separates the majority of successful hunters from the pack, so I highly encourage you to learn as much as you can about scouting for deer This is deer scouting 101. I’ll discuss things such as:
– How to scout a new property
-The importance of off-season scouting
– Simple trail camera strategies to get more pics
– How you can determine and manipulate deer movement
– How to find more shed antlers
– Using Onxhunt to have better results hunting
Amazon link to Upland Pants:
Amazon link to Trail Cameras:
If you got any value out of this video, please like and subscribe! My goal is to help shorten the learning curve for other hunters so you can make fewer mistakes and knock down more bucks! Happy hunting!
Climbing Sticks:
Camo (SAVE 20% with code NSO20)
Release –
Flashlight –
Headlamp –
Binos –
Bino Harness –
Water Bottle –
Folding Saw –
Grunt Call –
Ozonics –
Best sleeping pad system I’ve ever used:
Tent I used for this trip:
Portable Jumper Pack
Main Camera:
Mirrorless Cam:
Favorite Lens:
Camera Arm –
Fluid Head –
Shotgun Mic –
360 Cam:
GoPro –
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#scouting #deerhunting #hunting
Hey what is that app you are using?
What program were you using on your phone?
Great video alot of good knowledge, my only dislikes is corn, you’re surrounded by AG and your not gonna be able to compete, save money time… i get your trying to get as much info on new property with camera’s etc but just not worth doing especially when food is literally 100 yards any direction! the other is touching the rubs, now you’re scent is all over the rubs, the key is to slip in and out without them knowing your there as much as possible. those two things are the only thing i disagreed but you covered alot of great stuff, good work 👍
Just got 260 acres in Alabama of all hardwoods and this helped me
Exactly the information I’m looking for, thank you.
Would love to learn more from you , keep the vids coming , I could never get a grasp on scouting but this is a huge start . Thx man!
Agree with the others, really enjoy these kinds of videos. Keep up the good work!
Did OnX sponsor you? Just curious!
Good information on how to scout an area. Would have liked more information on how you intended to access the area undetected. As well as how the wind affected how you hunted it. Stand placement how you determined that other than by sign. Hunting a small patch of woods is difficult. Good luck.
Any luck on this ohio property?
what the heck is a deer?
Nice video glad I found your channel
If only I can get permission to hunt on private land, hate going to state and public land, gonna try early this year, really wanna get something bigger then my 10 pointer
I can tell you for sure those rubs aren’t his bedding area. It’s in the wide open & I’ve never seen a mature buck bed in wide open woods where you can see 100 yards or more like that.
As someone new into the bow hunt scene and trying to learn the ropes of scouting, have ever used a drone to spot deer bedding? Or know of anyone that uses a drown? Or what your thoughts are of using drown all together?
Also, what’s your typical approach on getting in contact with private land owners without coming off as intrusive?
Would love to learn more!
I would like to see more videos like this in the future!
I’m brand new to deer hunting and I appreciate your video. It gave me some thing to think about.
All the "hunting for beginners" videos i watch talk about gear and licensing. THIS is the type of stuff I actually can’t just figure out on my own. THANK YOU
Great content, hope you got some nice bucks. The video was jerky and a little disorienting to watch. Slowing down your movements and holding steadier will improve the presentation and enhance the experience. Keep up the good work.
new to scouting as a young hunter, what would u recommend doing in a small private area with a crop field, and a small patch of woods. does scent matter when scouting in late summer? would love to hear from you, love the vids man.
Favorite video yet, Love listening to the scouting tactics. share more of your knowledge with us.
Part 2?
Definitely picked up some good information on this video. Liked and subscribed!
I hope you keep us updated with your hunt, this was super informative!
Nice video, informative.
Ive wanted my own land for years and finally got a house on 15 acres.. watched this to get a idea on how to scout.. the previous home owner said the property is flooded with deer so im looking forward to a successful season.
I live in Appalachia myt should I hang my cam that high also?
Does onX have a wind indicator?
You had me until “sling a bag of corn over my shoulder.” That shit ain’t hunting. Embarrassing
Good work man, a little work, them good things come to those that weight
Corn gives deer the shits.
Where at in Ohio I’m in Lorain country
Is there a follow up 2 this video?!? Any bucks on the cams u set up etc
These are the types of videos I’m trying to see more of. Really want to step it up scouting this year.
U know what might be fun. U could hunt those deer instead of baiting them.
Hey I am in north central Ohio and going to look at a new property
Blizzard out here.
Well that told me enough.
thanks for the video it’s what i was looking for
Those are some of the best finds. A scrape. I found my scrape last season and bucks still visit it. Only me and buddy knows about it.
Great Job!
Been bowhunting for just over 2 decades now. Self filming is difficult, but rewarding, and I am proud to subscribe!
Respect from Wyoming!
Just subscribed like your video this is the kind of videos that people learn from so happy you was able to get your own land keep us updated on your hunt . thank you buddy good luck
Good video. Is it best to scout in winter after deer season? I think a lot of this could be less obvious when everything is green and tall in late summer
Iam new at this and this video really helped me understand what to look for when scouting an area look forward to more videos
Btw thx good stuff … we headin up in sept to do EXACTLY this!!! PUMPED
I have access to a 40 acre parsel connected to 4500 acre state forest. This year I have not seen deer and not much sign. Got does on cam at night and just before and after hunting hours. I’m in a no bait state. Any suggestions if you’re not seeing a lot of great sign like you had in this video?
Like 2 see results?
how high did you put the cam ?
Why put corn down after doing all the scouting? Find the spots you know deer are traveling, and “hunt” them….
Just started getting back in the deer woods
after a decade.Scouting property is a good idea,hoping to do more of it this coming season.
Thanks buds – nicely done – best of luck getting that trophy 👍 this season