How to Plan a Beginner Camping Trip | Camping

How to Plan a Beginner Camping Trip | Camping

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I wrote my book for women and also men who were reluctant campers, people who are born in cities, who never saw anybody camping. Like me. I didn’t know anybody who camped as a kid and I just was never exposed to it and the whole idea of it seemed scary and gross and dirty and a chore. And then I fell in love with it.

So the big thing I can tell you about planning a beginner trip is to make it manageable and plan it so that you still love camping after the first trip.

For a beginner, a great first trip is car camping. It really gets you a little bit initiated to the great outdoors and suddenly you realize how nice it can be to be away from electricity and television and your cellphone and conveniences, and even your bed, but at the same time, you’ve got your car there, so if you forget something you can always run and get it.

You can bring a lot of stuff, so you don’t have to stress about packing. You can bring water, you can bring a cooler, so you can have the foods that you like to have. Car camping is a great way to get started as a camper.

If you want to try a primitive camping trip, there’s a couple of things I think you should think about. I would recommend just about a one- to two-mile hike in and what I mean by that is you park your car, you put on your backpack, and then you hike one to two miles in to where camping is permitted and that’s where you set up. And then I wouldn’t plan the kind of trip for a beginner where you’re traveling. I would say you hike in, you camp, and then you hike back out.

From home base, from your camp site, you can plan hikes, but you’ll always come back, like the center of a tire, that’s your home base and then you can take trips out from there. I think that makes a really nice beginner trip. I think it’s just enough to feel that you accomplish something and you feel like you really tried primitive camping because there won’t be a way to go to the bathroom, you’ll just live off of what’s on your back, so you’ll have that really exciting feeling of doing that, but you’ll also be so close to your car that you could run and get something if you needed to. And you’ll have that safety of knowing that the car is not that far away.

So a one- to two-mile hike in off of the trail head to your camp site, it gives you the chance to experience living off of just what’s off your back. It gives you the chance to experience primitive camping, so there is no bathroom to run to, there is no outhouse with running water, a place to wash your hands.

So you’ll get to experience all of that, but you’ll be close enough to the car that leaving is easy when you’re done and you just want to get home. You have a quick little hike out, you’re in your car and you’re on your way to the conveniences of civilizations, and you also have the safety of knowing that the car is not that far away if you decide you hate it.


  1. @phanphan9884 on January 12, 2025 at 9:09 pm

    this is boring

  2. @CaptainQwazCaz on January 12, 2025 at 9:09 pm

    I’m just going to wing it with an axe, a taco, and shrek’s swamp house.

  3. @ckm9827 on January 12, 2025 at 9:12 pm

    Her mic is so good that I can hear every time she’s gasping for air. You can hear each time shes sucking in air when she permits herself a break to breathe. Lol… Other than that, this video was pretty boring… Nice job Howcast

  4. @Chickennugget562 on January 12, 2025 at 9:14 pm

    This video sucks

  5. @msafirimhehe on January 12, 2025 at 9:18 pm

    Car camping is the best but you can bring a tent as well for afternoon rests or naps etc. Make sure you bring all necessities for camping and have fun! I did it for two nights in an SUV and it was fun!

  6. @AmiteshRoy11 on January 12, 2025 at 9:27 pm

    i am the 1st 1 to comment on this video!!!

  7. @gostevemode on January 12, 2025 at 9:28 pm

    Zzzz… <– if that was you during this video check out our version of camping tips 😀

  8. @randolphpatterson5061 on January 12, 2025 at 9:29 pm

    I’m an experienced camper, and this is actually some really intelligent advice for first-timers. You’ve answered some of the key questions that novices would be wondering about. And there’s not an overwhelming bunch of minute details to have to memorize. It’s really important to get an easy start, and not try to mount a major expedition until the beginner gains some experience. If you haven’t already done so, you might make a follow-up video that adds some info regarding which items are the most important for loading into a backpack. Things like fire-starting materials, water, food & cooking utensils, toiletries, bedding & clothing, & a couple good flashlights are near the top of the heap. Another thing to consider for the newbies might be to try camping in the back yard a few times before going off into the wilderness. That way, they can make sure their gear is doing the job before it becomes a situation where total reliance on that gear is critical. They can also try out their campfire recipes & cooking techniques, plus learn how to set up & pack a tent. I once showed my daughter how to set up the tent in darkness. She’d already learned how to fashion a makeshift shelter & sleep out overnight in the winter by the time she was in high school.

  9. @revorezaki5492 on January 12, 2025 at 9:30 pm

    oi bagi jawaban dong

  10. @DISTINCT5INSTINCT on January 12, 2025 at 9:37 pm

    Call of duty camping tutorial lol!

  11. @banohindu9712 on January 12, 2025 at 9:43 pm

    thank you

  12. @alexmateos619 on January 12, 2025 at 9:48 pm

    "I wrote a book for women and men" … so everyone

  13. @vdog22100 on January 12, 2025 at 9:49 pm


  14. @Sunset553 on January 12, 2025 at 9:57 pm

    Thank you. This is what I was looking for. Thanks

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