How to make the BEST CATFISH BAIT recipe in the world!
How to make the BEST CATFISH BAIT recipe in the world!
Tried and true catfish bait recipe, you can make from home! Reel in the big boys when you use this secret bait!
#catfish #catfishingtips #catfishing #fishbait #fishingtips
Garlic salt and bacon grease? Catfish must like rare steak, lol. Weird
Where can i get cheap chicken liver
I have to truly say, Big Game Nation has one of the best recipes on making the best bait for catching catfish-bar none! Thanks for sharing your recipe, now guys go catch some fish!! Take it from the old (adventurer)
You sound like forest gump
Best catfish bait I ever tried. I tryed it on a lake on blue catfish and in 8 hrs i caught 14 catfish. I added some shrimp and worked great!
Chicken in a bag with strawberry jello works great,been using it for years,with a lot of success!
Thanks for the video. One question- it sounds like after this is done, you donβt use the livers at all, just the chicken breast chunks, correct?
That’s similar to what Muddy River catfishing does with his chicken liver, except he blends them up in a blender and soaks his chicken breasts in that.
Thanks for sharing! Just subbed!
You could also dip bread as an attractant with blood on the bread
Something I’ve tried: inch and a half hot dog chunks marinated in grape or cherry kool aid with garlic salt. After it marinates,I pack it in a container with pool salt. Stays good for a year and works like a champ. You can even leave it in the boat.
Thanks for the tips. Easy to do
I’m taking my son out kayak fishing this coming weekend. I’m really excited. I think I’ll give this a try. I want him to get a good fish on the line. I’m going to set him up with 2 poles in his rig. One will be on the bottom. One will be for crappi or bass. We’re going to be at Weiss Lake in Alabama. Crappi fishing capital of the world π
So do you fish with the chicken liver or the chicken I’m confused
Great idea that i have to try. Only question i have is, do you use just the chicken chunks as bait or do you use the livers too?
My granny taught us as children to freeze the chicken liver and then it won’t fly off hook but still catch the fish
I thought bacon grease was what you fried them in.
Wrap your chicken livers with sewing thread and if you twist-wrap around at the end 2-3 times there’s no tying needed. I wrap it at least 15 times with red thread.
#GetItGirl π£
Can u tell me the third ingredient, what its that?
Use chicken skin: put the chicken liver in chicken skin and sow the chicken skin together with the chicken liver inside.
I’d run up and slap that fellar , just for kicks and giggles. I wonder what he’d do about it ? From the looks of him ,he got all freaked out because he got his right hand dirty . Probably nothing . Germ freaks are usually big crybaby’s . Lol. Peace.
I use cheese cloth and rubber bands to hold thr chicken liver on
I don’t doubt you catch a lot of catfish with your bait, but I went a different route. I took my cue from the commercial catfishermen in Louisiana. Those guys use large hoop nets and almost all of them use old cheese scraps for bait. I make punch bait using scrap cheese, fish oil, Anise oil and cattail fibers. I buy the scrap cheese in 5 gallon buckets for $40 from a tackle store that sells commercial fishing tackle in East Texas. That’s about 40lbs for $40 dollars. It’s refrigerated when you get the cheese, but I always leave mine outside. It gets better with age. I buy the fish oil from a place online and I get the cattail from the banks of the lake I fish on. I heat the cheese to melting, add some fish oil and some Anise oil and some cattail fiber. I put it in half gallon containers and let it cool. It doesn’t need refrigeration and just gets stinkier the older it gets. Most commercially sold punch baits are made the same way. My way is a LOT cheaper though!
I use panty hose make bite size ball and send them out with out having them falling off
Put the chicken liver in pantyhose tie it tight and put it on the hook ππΌ
My grandpa use to grind up cattails and mix them in the bait to keep it sticking to the hook a lot better
Red jello kool aid any thing red you eat or wear. Pigs blood. I was a meat worker
Some people used to tell me that they drop it in pantyhose like mesh net and put it on the hook I’ve never done it myself you know but I’ve done the wheaty dough balls and everything else man π. I’ve heard it from a few old times but I never did try this pantyhose thing. It makes good sense too
I tried a tampon once in livers,
Thanks for sharing this recipe. Going to make a batch and try it out this weekend.
Shit-ken? Lol
I’m definitely going to try it. Thank you.
I’m also wondering if after mixing everything then pureeing it in a blender, then cut say 1"x 1" cubes of sponges and soak them in the puree. that would for sure be a bait that stays on the hook
This looks like something that one kid at the middle school table would make
The next part is wha??? Cant understand what it was he put in at 1:56….obviouly others cant either since its the most replayed part of the video according to youtubes new stats….someone translate please
Didn’t catch anything with it.. idk why smells terrible to me catfish should love it but no luck unfortunately
A loop knot will keep chicken livers on the hook.
Late to say love your videos
On your bait try adding koolaid
Very nice, buddy… I use chicken chunk with liver, oil and garlic salt. Never thought using bacon grease. Thank you! π£π
Prove it.
Now no offense here my man but you better leave the catfish bait & tactics to us boys from the south & south east & y’all stick to your elk & mule deer hunting
Can I use chicken feet and gizzards