How to Kayak – What Beginners Need to Know | Perception Kayaks
How to Kayak – What Beginners Need to Know | Perception Kayaks
In less than five minutes, you can learn kayaking basics like proper entry/exit, how to correctly hold a kayak paddle, paddling forward and backward and making a turn. Watch to paddle better and enjoy your time on the water more.
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thank you for the in and out instructions. i’ve been in other paddle boats but those were easier to get into. I had no idea how to get in. cant wait to get out there!!
Last tips. Dont bring your girlfriend
Put the center of your shaft above your head
Amazing content
Watched after I bought one!! Never did things in the right order
Now you are also forklift certified
My upcoming kayak video, it’s apparent I could have used a couple of tips here. At least it’s funny.
Well being kayaking 100 times now the first time in the ocean did not know it was hard all this time till I saw a video telling you how to do it I just hoped in and went lol
Wish me luck, I’m going kayaking in a bull shark infested river this Saturday, hope everything goes well, plus I haven’t had any prior training, just this video lol!!!
It’s funny but he says how to do stuff but the ladies in the ad aren’t doing them!
i was scared i couldn’t paddle but its so similar to stand up paddling but sitting down HAHAHA
The soil erosion between each continent would have accelerated because of the hot and cold waters salt and fresh traveling in opposite directions.
This is my second kayak of this model. It’s a very nice and very well built kayak.
Must learn it

Filmed at Folly Beach
Going kayaking with my date soon, he’s been doing it for years, while I never did any kayaking. Trying to watch videos to seem a bit less stupid when we’ll go, hopefully everything goes well. From what I heard, my arms will go sore rather quickly, at least we’re using a kayak double I guess ? Welp, wish me luck !
I am gonna go kayaking with my family in 2hrs. This is how I watched dmv road test and passed it too.

which way to paddle on river is it same as boats
New follower here from the Philippines. Here’s my YT Channel Bryan G Wapak Fishing TV.

Bro I got to learn by friday I got a field trip for it
Music is very irritating
여기 천국인가요? Emerald Cave Kayak Las Vegas – Is this Heaven?
That not to include the trade winds as you can see the natural contouring around Panama
Just wondering if a non-swimmer with life jacket on can do kayaking?
Tbh the first time i went kayaking it was very easy
I’m watching this just to see how much someone can overthink a thing
I am also going kayaking tomorrow so this was a lot of help!

"Put the center of the shaft on the top of your head."
I would like that blonde to hold my shaft
Good tips, new to kayaking needed to know how to move
I think i wanna learn kayaking, it looks so peaceful, attach me a radio somewhere and I’ll be in heaven
My first ever kayaking . Please check it out
Shanahan Squares
Thank you for this information

And, great selection of women models
Thank you! I’m looking after my neighbours dog and cat. Found a kayak in the garage and i’m going to borrow it. Wish me luck
i love my perception kayak!
Love kayak, but fear the sharks. Always be alert of your environment. Check the waters constantly
Bought my first kayak yesterday. It was so fun!!
I’m so sad cuz I had a bad experience me and my grandma went and there were so many mangroves and we got stuck in them and we had to quit

The little rubber piece on paddle are to remember where u hands were at and to keep them from moving
I’m not sure why I’m watching this. I honestly thought I was going to see something I didn’t know, and I just started today. Seems more like common sense than something you have to learn from a video.
2:02. What you laughing at fine lady?
Thomas Mark Miller Jessica Hernandez Jose
Now I am pro
I’ve done a little kayaking and I find the position of the seat/ back support is very important. Reduces the strain on the back.
I don’t know how to kayak, but this video helped me learn about it. God bless you.
Wow I really like this… Just bought my first kayak…and man, I’m not trying to make no mistakes at this age.
Hello. How do you get into the PE kayak alone, from a high bank, jetty, or on a bank with deep water where you can’t stand next to it in the water?
so great!!!
Audible and visual queues don’t match. Audible is great though visual is terrible. Virtually everything the lady does is what you should not do.