How to Hunt Wild Hogs | 4 BEST Ways
How to Hunt Wild Hogs | 4 BEST Ways
This is a hog hunting video discussing how we have been able to take thousands of wild pigs. Boar or sow, these are tough critters and a worthy pursuit even with a bow.
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I hate them with a passion.
I have been attacked two times by hogs you need to to careful they can hurt you one I had shot already the other just charged me on the ground with crossbow 10 yards after I shot right over it’s back lucky for me had a tree right next to me
I’ve been looking for places to hunt free range hogs I have no problems paying for a license I just ain’t paying a ranch 2000$ up to hunt fenced in animals I want the whole experience.
Yes hogs have a GREAT sense of smell.
a very exciting adventure, I also like hunting in my area. You can use rifles with modern technology or traditional methods, mostly because using weapons is very limited due to existing regulations from the local police, so we often hunt using nets to catch live wild boars, in addition to training our hunting dogs to be better able to recognize them. prey (wild boar), I hope you will visit my YouTube channel, thank you.
Q: ‘How did they get here’ A: Like most problems in America, the white Europeans brought them.
I hunt central Louisiana for hogs with both rifle and bow, On several occasions I’ve had sows absolutely charge with mayhem on their minds. Got run over a couple times by sounders. I just froze the first time and luckily they just brushed my legs. The second time i cut loose on them with my squirrel rifle. On a few occasions sow wouldn’t let me get down out of the tree at dark. Funny thing is i find that boars just grunt and runaway. You just cant assume anything. One duck hunter had has daughter run a tree by a few sows with pigs and had to shoot them multiple times to get them away. I hear that Arkansas razor backs are not to be trifled with. Maybe Texas hogs had a different daddy!!!!!
My son and i would love to go hog hunting, but we don’t have hogs in Indiana and don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars for a hunt.
Illinois is no hog hunting
Ive seen more hogs deer hunting this year than i ever have, come on down ! I enjoy watchin yall videos, you guys are awesome
Great video guys, appreciate the content. Hunting hogs in two weekends on my Florida property, time to lay the smack down
If it’s born on the land it is now considered native to where it’s born
KC I have to argue about them not being aggressive, I’ve been charged 3 times by them. They were either wounded or I surprised them within 10 yards so usually they will run.
1:23 my boy is packing
What’s going on with that Elks member 1:24
come to big island
lots of wild pigs!
Are those real little pigs piglets or whatever you want to call them? Or are they good eating? They look like they might be just a whole one thrown on a spit or something I don’t know
Are we just supposed to ignore the size of the dong on that elk?
There are places where you can create a cheap out of state trip and support the local economy.
What is going on with that elk’s thang!?!?!
My grampa’s neighbor in texas went hog hunting at night with a thermal ar he shot into a big group of hogs and they stared charging him he emptied his mag and pistol and they pushed him off a cliff into a river. Thats how the story was told to me anyway he also killed a werewolf with a silver bullet while it was murdering a hog sooo……
So you have killed 3000 hogs but you just figured out that there nose is there best defense lol im glad its not critical lol
It’s not "balancing" it seems. They are increasing out of control with the natural environment. They are an invasive pest.
They have not reached any kind of equilibrium. Also not all of the feral swine we have came from Columbus, OK? Pigs revert very, very quickly in the wild from the domesticated varieties. You can see plain evidence of this with all of the spotted pigs we see in sounders. Now there are the all black ones which we tend to call "boars", and they originated in Europe and Asia. But the others, no. So, you are misinformed sir.
KC is absolutely right about aggression. My guess is a lot of these charges in the comments are bc pigs have poor eyesight, run away in your direction. You cant convince me anyone was treed by a pig. They simply dont chase anything, they can charge or hold ground, unlikely unless wounded. Sows will not defend their piglets. They have a lot of piglets bc that is their defense mechanism along with camouflage. One is killed but not the other 8 hiding in the grass. Those arnt characteristics of an animal that has aggression. Think black bear with 3 black cubs.
Get yourself some hog dogs and you’ll have the time of your life watching your catch dogs
APBT or pitskies
Is a 400gr arrow with 125 G5 mega meat with a halo nock ok for pig hunting?
You guys are very detailed and spot on in explanation on how to. Great job on that! Also and finally someone that is truthful on how dangerous hogs really arent!
How close can y’all get to them pigs with a bow without them spotting y’all.
are those buggers covered with lice or no-see’ums or fleas
Great timing guys, thanks. Heading to public land here in NTX this week w/ the crossbow for the first time. Hoping to fill the freezer.
Hogs came with DeSoto
Canuck here. We are at the very beginning of a hog infestation. The prairie provinces (states to yanks) are going to be most affected, and i want to be in on the sausages, smoking, and grilling tasty fun. Unfortunately, we have very little corn due to growing season length. I heard dog food works (if you can keep the raccoons away
). Any ideas or criticism regarding dog food?
What size buckshot do you recommend for hogs?
Just to clarify, just because you can’t hunt them down to zero doesn’t mean you’re not still making the environmentally ethical choice by hunting as many of them as you can. Even spiritually, as a Catholic or any Christian denomination, hunting invasive feral hogs makes you a proper Steward of the earth and makes Jesus smile because you’re taking responsibility for your fellow man’s inadequacies at handling livestock with your hunting adequacies. It’s literally biblical: there’s zero shame in hunting hogs in America as much as you want. Rejoice!
Noyce !!
I walked up on a little boar (little being 100-120lbs) when I was 10-12 yrs old squirrel hunting. We were nearing a tank dam and I had the right idea to crawl up a game trail that made a perfect little hole through the brush. I could’ve touched its snout I was so close.
I think both he and had an “oh sh**” moment lol.
Next video: Best arrow set ups for pigs
The shotgun shot at 26:25 Let’s go!!
Thought from a nutmegger: y’all said hogs haven’t been a considerable threat to you guys in the woods and they tend to choose running almost every time. I wonder if that’s because they now recognize humans as a direct consistent predator whereas they used to fight back and earned the reputation before we went so (pun intended) ham on them. In CT, we have a quickly growing bear problem which’s compounded by the complete lack of fear bears have for people. The hunters and even our Dept of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) have agreed that some manner of bear season is required for management before we have worse problems in the imminent future. Mind you, we had 2 attacks in our tiny state (one was a child in their own yard) and over 70 confirmed home invasions by bears in the past year. I wonder if we could ever get bears to fear humans and run the way y’all anecdotally say hogs do if we had an open season on them too.
Just moving to north texas loving this video would love to see more hog content around different regions of Texas