How to go Winter Camping with CHEAP GEAR | Walmart/Amazon | Beginner's Guide to Winter Camping Gear
How to go Winter Camping with CHEAP GEAR | Walmart/Amazon | Beginner's Guide to Winter Camping Gear
Video Sponsored by The Ridge. Check them out here::
These are my recommendations for beginner / starter / basic / cheap winter camping gear.
Banana Flask (5oz Stainless Steel) –
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Banana Flask:
Ozark Trail Tent:
Outdoor Products backpack:
Ozark Trail 10 degree Sleeping Bag:
M-Tac Stuff Sack:
(Blue Backpack) High Sierra 55 Explore: discontinued. You may find it on eBay, but any High Sierra should be decent.
Sleeping Pad: Overmont –
$1 Ozark Trail Headlamp:
Winter Beanie (hat) –
Wool Fingerless Gloves:
Telescoping Hot Dog holder:
Stanley Cook Set:
I used to go light minimalist, but now I don’t have as much time to get out there, so it’s all about the comfort, and a six pack, flask, and a chair
Frugal camping
Dude TY….this is me this winter
Thanks for the Video, I love to car camp, short walk ,primitive, folding wagon. Most of my stuff is cheap. My husband and I are well past the century mark but it’s still fun to sorta rough it lol.
…cool video keep up the great content.. Thank you…
I used your old school backpack for years, and a dollar store bag lol. In my younger years I just laid on a blanket and used pack as a pillow. Boy can’t do that anymore!
Doing great son!
Another great video Sam, really enjoying these!!!
camping in your drive way or backyard if you have the option. learn what gear you need. thanks for sharing Sam!
419 shot glass. You got a minute?
For flashlights, make sure everyone has their own and bring at least one extra. Menards is a good place to get them. Bring an extra set of batteries too.
For utensils, go to thrift stores. They don’t have to match. You may even find a usable full tang knife.
Good tips for people that are homeless.. I’ve been that way more times than I can count.. managed to get out of it before winter.. it’s always on the back porch for me..
How to go winter camping on the cheap, = mid week flight to Florida, stealth camp on a beach!
As far as utensils go I use chopsticks. I do have a plastic just in case.
I bought High Sierra backpacks 30 years ago when I started using them. I used to hold onto them until they were just threads. They were tough.
Enjoyed it brother! Good advice! Check me out #BIPOLAR KORNBREAD
Team Burnt Titanium
This was a great one. A lot of the recommendation videos talk down to the viewer. I have all my gear, probably more than I need. However, I watched this and the earlier one. Very good content!
I always take a plastic trash bag folded up, a tarp folded. Everything goes in ziplock bags in the pack.
Arby’s sauce on brats.the food of kings..
Hey son do you remember a few years back you got caught in that bad winter storm at the caves? You had to hold the tent down with your body. Your telling of that night was pretty horrendous!
Great video as usual. Useful tip. Take medicine on your camping trip. One time I forgot to take my over the counter medicine and I had bad heartburn that made my trip miserable. I take Tums and Pepto Bismol and aspirin and a few first aid supplies. Aspirin can save your life. It’s not a bad idea to take aspirin a few days before and during a camping trip.
Video Sponsored by The Ridge. Check them out here::
Maybe save the booze until you’re done filming?
it isn’t the water that goes off, it is the plastic bottle
It’s good that you did this video because newbies need to know they shouldn’t spend their retirement on backpacking gear until they determine they like it. Plus, if you look hard enough you can usually find some pretty lightweight, good gear at fairly reasonable prices. Mardingtop is a good example. Gear Doctor is another. 3F UL has very good trekking pole tents, Stanley makes a great pot and frying pan, etc. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Sam you are one of the guys on YouTube that make me want to go camping again. Cheers happy Holidays bud.
Awesome video & very informative! Just started me a collection as well, got into stealth camping this past year, i also subscribed! check me out @BIPOLARKORNBREAD
I just ordered a pack from temu. I hope it’s not a piece of crap. LOL
Awesome video, Sam. Your videos are really engaging. Keep it up!
Thanks Sam and Mrs. B
Outdoor products has been around for years probably before wally world
What’s up bro
I winter camped in a hammock last year…. NEVER DO THAT you will be breathing hot air on your self and vigorously shivering the entire night. This year I’m gonna be sleeping on a cot with a sleeping bag two jackets long John’s thick pants wool socks and boots and spare dry clothes.
Hey buddy how’s it going. This was a good video man. It was awesome to see how you started out with the gear you used to get started with. Me & my family we do a lot of kayak camping trip doing the summer time while the kids are out of school. I hope you are doing well buddy. Thanks you for sharing this video.
The more liquor one drinks the better this gear looks I guess..
Glad I found this. I’m going camping (on a campground) with my partner in a couple weeks and I got us the Ozark Trail 10 degree sleeping bags, the cheapest ones I could find for cold weather. I could only find one other video reviewing it! Now that I know it’s not going to be as cold out as I initially thought, I’m very confident we will be warm!
Great budget recommendations for beginner winter campers.

My gosh the overloaded 55L B-roll. He think he Sam Porter
Looking to buy a hot tent and wood burning stove for winter camping. Any recommendations off Amazon or something similar?
Shout out from northwest Ohio
Got to love the 419 shot glass. Holy toledo.
Hell yeah brother. Outstanding AF
Better have been everclear Fucker
And if you cut back on drinking you can afford gear even quicker. Have fun stay safe.
Another great video I am planning on a hammock camping trip with one of my boys the weekend of my birthday in I can’t wait to get out there again. I am down 85lbs and hopefully 100lbs by my birthday and that how I am going to celebrate is go on a hike and over night camp.
Thank you for sharing this will come in handy. I want to try the sleeping pad. I never thought about doing the pillows like that. Petty cool.
Thank you for all the hard work and for taking the time to do this video. You are simply amazingly Awesome, you truly are WOW.