How To Find Local Fishing Spots Using Google Maps!
How To Find Local Fishing Spots Using Google Maps!
We have all had the challenge of finding a decent fishing spot at one time or another. Sometimes it gets old fishing the same places over and over, so you need to mix up your fishing locations. Lucky for us we have Google Maps and many other satellite mapping services available to us online that allow easy access to new fishing spots. In this video, Matt from SBFishingTV explains how he likes to use Google Maps to find new fishing spots and then how he approaches these new locations from a fish-catching perspective.
BioSpawn VileCraw:
BioSpawn ExoStick:
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Is that this months box?? I’m I the only one that hasn’t gotten theirs yet?
Man you are mastering the art of catching giant cats on lures. hahaha
Like your bracelet!
Put kendall gray in your vids @mtb
That lady said it’s a snag cus she’s salty lol love your vids man!!
I hate that spot lololol
Anybody watched 1rod1reel fish here 7:40
I have had success using Google Earth. Sometimes you can get first person view right from the road at boat ramp or something. Works well.
Didn’t 1rod1reel fish that bridge?
Great video…
1rod1reelfishing films at this spot a lot you guys should get together
saw 1rod1reel on a school trip there
You just can’t stop catching those catfish can you?
How about them people who disliked this video try making YouTube videos. It isn’t easy. Doesn’t matter if it’s long video or short alot time goes in too entertain you assholes people lack respect too people who put there ideas out there
Was there any snakeheads?
Please answer
1rod fishes this spot
"Where’s your Mama!?"

I use this strategy too for my Highway Bassin’
Couple of extra steps/apps I use are TruckerPath to figure out parking for the big rig and FishBrain to get ideas of what to expect
Um I just ordered my first mystery tackle box and it won’t let me log back in it says my password is wrong and I wrote it down on paper
U got greedy with the cat fish. And lost it great clip
That’s was Epic

Nice chunk
How is this a new Idea? I’ve been doing this for years. Golf course ponds, hidden ponds, streams, and river systems.
Fish brain
if it’s blue and it’s wet, i’ll fish it
I liked the bag. What kind of tackle backpack was that?
Gnarly wacky rig!
7:35 anybody else think to themselves hey that where 1rod1reel fishes
I hardly ever post comments, so to the commentators… who cares if another angler fishes the area…. I would have never caught a darn fish at all if I thought that, when I was fishing the BBWC in Texas..I mean could you imagine if I went to fish Lake Conroe, Lake Fork or even Lake Palestine and said.. OH. I better not fish here because LFG fishes it.. or fishing Lake Fork because Lake Fork Guide fishes it.. so who cares.. if you can fish it and catch a fish, then you are on the ball man.. but if you can’t fish worth a crap.. just shut up already….some of these guys are great anglers and contribute to the outdoors so that others can enjoy it, learn it and get off their butts and do it! and on this vid…Great video and good lessons on using Google Maps guys.. there are some other stuff on Google Maps also, hope you find it on my channel if you are interested.. have fun and TIGHT LINES! JQ OUT!
Was that 1rod fishing behind you?
Stop stealin 1rods spot, I met him there once
SB fishing on a MTB video is practically click bait!!! Lol

We enjoyed that video very much .. google maps has put us on some sweet spots lol def make sure its ok though … Fishbrain is a very good app and lotta fishing locations as well .. again enjoyed the video good job.. #BANKBOYZ
Thanks for the tips, Matt.
The best man!!
1rod fishes there. Thats not new.
What baitcasting reel are you using?
Hey dude another great video keep up the great work
The exostick looks very… Erotic
At 7:37 he fishes where onerodonereel has done some of his recent fishing videos!
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