How to Field Dress a Deer with Steven Rinella – MeatEater
How to Field Dress a Deer with Steven Rinella – MeatEater
Steven Rinella gives a very detailed, step-by-step account of how to gut any horned or antlered game. (continued below…)
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Thanks for re showing gut process, been a few years.
I’m curious, why do many states require you leave evidence of sex on deer? Can someone educate me please.
Wish I had watched this last weekend when I got my first two does…looked like I took a chainsaw to the first one
The second was significantly better but still nowhere near like this
Would love to know what the knives are that he used
as a 19 year old solo hunter 2 years ago I watched this video after I got my first deer, any new hunters here follow this man
ps try to bring bags with you idk if rock dust and dirt is very clean LOL
i assume the deer was going to be quartered and packed out – otherwise opening up the cavity to drag is not wise
When you are the first person to fall asleep at a sleep over:
Great video and very informative. Thank you Steve!!
I refuse to kill an animal, unless absolutely necessary for my own life or my family
Would be amazing if he had a video doing this with an elk
If you have ice or snow you can pack the hind quarter area to aid in quicker cooling makes for better tasting meat
The funky porn movie music is s nice touch.
It takes someone with Hannibal Lecter tendencies to skin an animal. I just couldn’t
Does this hurt the deer?
C’mon, whyd ya have to cut his lip!!??
What kind of knife and saw is that ?
Hunting Native American here. What a good job man. More of the animal could be used like the lungs but good process overall. It’s a bit harder to do with obsidian but I like the precise cuts over speed with a modern blade. Awesome work
Обратил внимание, что все работают ножами с маленьким лезвием. В России же у всех охотников на поясе нож, которыми можно динозавров кастрировать.
Thats my pelvis?
Can you do one for hookers?
3:30 definitely made some women faint right there.
Man that’s an impressive blade
That’s a well behaved deer, results of good training.
What is that bone saw?
Thank you for this video. Shot my first buck in Michigan yesterday and this was amazingly helpful. Much appreciated Meateater crew!!!!!
Never seen this done before….
Awesome video
Love it
Can’t believe how stupid to cu both sides of Pelvis, Really? All I gonna say
Just went hunting last week for the first time ever with my dad! We got a doe, so so so much fun, I’m going to hunt with him now! He taught me how to do all of this. A skill that’s is more important than people give credit too. Being able to feed yourself all by yourself.
Thank you for this video. Very good knowledge. Going to watch it a few more times before I attempt my first archery hunt for mule deer out here in Az.
What kind of bonesaw is that? I need one.
Great video, I’ve watched it many times! My only suggestion, for those with a band saw (well, you can do it with a reciprocating saw, although not quite as easy), in highly recommend leaving the tenderloins alone, as you can cut through the spine and have loin chops, basically the venison version of T-bones and Porterhouses..
At the risk of setting the internet on fire.. when I tried to replicate the part of step 1 at 0:51 I had urine flow out. Where can I go to see what happens between the jump in footage?
I have watched my dad do this since I was a little girl, 3 years old. I remember being like 5 years old & holding the deer’s legs up while dad was cutting. Because I grew up with it & my dad always made it educational & respected the animal it doesn’t seem weird to me at all. Though being a girl I still get the ick when I touch the guts lol. But the end result is so worth the icky part. My dad would also process & butcher the deer with me all the way down to grinding our own burger meat. I lost my dad this summer but I was blessed that he bestowed this knowledge onto me & taught me where my food really comes from.
I’ve never done this before but I was expecting it to be much messier and gorier.
Very educational, thank you so much
Still relevant to brush up on and get rid of bad habits I developed, you’re the man Steven!
Well-described and videoed. Thank you.
I love eating meat, but GROSS watching this.
Thank you Steve.
1st question did you ask permission from the deer? 2nd questions does this hurt the deer?
Nicely done! Thanks for sharing.
I’ve never thought to do anus first before you have a mess on your hands with all the blood from cavity. As well a sharp knife is key but a small knife like the outdoor edge would aid me while I don’t have all my knifes with me. Something I will keep in mind for sure.
What knife is used in this video?
I think we have a different definition of a clean location, for placing raw materials.
I am going hunting by myself for the first time tom deer are so common here ima see many in 2 weeks plzzzzzz bro help he i want to take this adventure alone but need help
Great job.
I always carry trailcam to put on the carcass I create. Best predators pics.
quality of this video looks like a early 90’s video game
Back to watch this as my annual refresher