How to Build a Fire || REI
A good campout deserves a good campfire. But not every fire is made equal. Watch this video to discover how to build a fire that burns through the night. Teepee, log cabin or pyramid: Our experts teach you three different ways. And, of course, we show you how to choose the right spot and how to extinguish your fire after you’re finished.
Stay warm, roast your marshmallows and remember to enjoy your campfire responsibly!
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I’ve made easily 500+ campfires in my life & unless the conditions are super perfect that pyramid thing of starting the fire @ the top will fail most times. Start @ the bottom
Great video! I finally built a fire that didn’t collapse onto itself after 5 mins
The more airflow to the fire, the more efficiently it burns and the less smoke it makes. I didn’t know the #2 style here was called the log cabin but I’ve done an off shoot of this 90% of the time. It creates a great path for air to enter at the base. Whenever I add wood, I always try to add in parallel pairs with space between them to create a flue effect.
The air is why a rocket stove is so clean and efficient.
When I build a fire, I pretend I’m like the man in Jack London’s "To Build a Fire". I only have 1 match. If it goes out, I die!!!
Pine needle the ones that are dry light well quick
I am not sure about the third method. Did anyone try it?
Teepee is my favorite method. Very easy to make. Dryer lint is great too. Just keep a supply at home over time
Going to try building my first campfire this weekend!
Thanks it def works!
Ya fired
Came here after watching The Sopranos Season 3 Episode 11: Pine Barrens
Thanks! I share here a sunset campfire in the tropics (US Virgin Islands) Relaxing Caribbean Sunset | Campfire Music | St Thomas
Wondered how anyone’s house catches fire by accident since I couldn’t get a fire going on purpose. I had tried on my own for about 30 minutes and couldn’t get it to catch before looking for a video and this solved it.
What to do if your fire fails to start…
𝟏. 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
Nice video but more detail should be put into the actual lighting of the fire. It’s surprising how many people can’t get a fire started.
Pov : next week is your first camping.
Great and informative video, thanks!
Log cabin is super easy to build, lights fast and big like stated, and easy to maintain. I don’t bother with any other type of fire anymore.
I’m going camping tomorrow and the last time I went I couldn’t get a fire started it kept going out. Even with logs and sticks and lots of matches…
I just failed at starting a fire in a small fire pit, i chalked it up to the fact that it was too windy (around 10mph) but in reality I didn’t have the proper strategy or materials, I need to get a hatchet to be able to make proper kindling out of my fuel logs
Note, a lot of paper does not equal kindling
That looks like a lot of fun. I’ll bring the live music. Guitar and saxophone.
I have built campfires but I have yet to get up the guts to actually light one. Not kidding, I put the wood in a pile, and swear to myeslf "this is the time", but I just can’t do it. Do you ever have problems with the fire getting outside of the ring? Or the hot coals popping out? It all seems so chaotic, like a living thing.
Tried third method, kindling and firestarter burns for a bit until it lights out, no real fire lasting.
0:09 how to make house do that ?
Wala sta3mlou les cubes (Carrefour rayon jardinage )
So for the log technique what are you lighting up exactly? The Tinder and Kindling? Where did the coals come from? Sorry if this is a dumb question
How do I meet a woman like that?
The pyramid will not work lol ur kindling will just go out
FYI: believe it or now!
In Vancouver BC strike anywhere & waterproof matches & lighter fluid have all been banned. Merchants are prohibited from stocking them.
Thanks REI for showing women building a fire. Getting started in camping, I’ve lost count of the men that have tried to belittle my lack of knowledge (or do things for me) versus helpfully offering to teach me. And the women that have been brainwashed into believing they’re somehow incapable of doing these things because they’re not a guy.
send me the link
Let me teach you.. get a propane tank, and fire fuel in front of the valve and light it up . There you go
hmmm… seems like she forgot to mention: type of wood, density of the wood, some wood toxic for cooking, wind factor, humidity, sry ive been camping a lot, like everyday for 2 yrs, also did 8yrs of fire prevention and trail maintenance. Awesome video though! Peace.
Thanks for making this video
The square method worked a little too well
Congratulations on picking the worst possible music, along with the mousiest-sounding narrator ever.
Who’s here after watching the “Survivor” show?
i’ve been casted to be on Survivor and now i’m scrambling to learn
Dude I just chuck cardboard in there
I like the girls hair in this. I got a undercut too for my long hair
Making a log cabin base is good i experimented and put a teepee over it and it worked amazing
Fire absorbing wood.
I like your video so much
I like how you used a match even tho we’re trying to make a NATURAL fire
Bruh I have trouble starting fires with gasoline and a lighter and wood
Never understood the obsession with bonfires and "the outdoors"