How This Guy Became The Best Rock Skipper On The Planet | Obsessed | WIRED
How This Guy Became The Best Rock Skipper On The Planet | Obsessed | WIRED
Kurt Steiner is record holding champion stone skipper—and a master of the physics that underpin the sport. A labor of love that’s evolved into a world-class passion, see where Kurt harvests his preferred rocks, the qualities he seeks in them, and each factor he considers in order to throw like a pro.
Director: Charlie Jordan
Director of Photography: Chris Foreman
Editor: Jordan Calig
Expert: Kurt Steiner
Creative Producer: Wendi Jonassen
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Brandon White
Production Manager: Eric Martinez
Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila
Camera Operator: Brett Wineland
Audio: Andrew Santin
Production Assistant: Chris McAuliffe
Post Production Supervisor: Alexa Deutsch
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Andy Morell
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les garçons aiment les kayou
I learned how to skip stones in Maine during summers when I had nothing better to do. I believe my record was 26. People always seem to be very impressed I can do it.
Not gonna lie after a couple bongs and 1 beer just 1 beer this is crucial rock skipping is actually rly fun
6:46 real

Honestly just seems like a super nice wholesome guy. I enjoy skipping rocks and now I am going ro use some of these pointers to try and get some really good skips. Honestly you gotta enjoy the little things in life.
Tales of Woodsman Pete brought me here.
im better
Too many ads to watch before getting to the video. I’m outa
I watched the video to learn about slipping stones instead I got insight into a profoundly wise individual. He seems so down to earth and real. It gives me hope as an introvert the way he describes his revolutionary connection with Russ.
Authentic down to earth person
With an wonderful sense of wisdom
This guy looks like Donny Dust’s brother.
This should be in the Olympics.
Should be a olympic discipline!
love this. Thank you so much and about the value of connection, physics and beauty of stone skipping- and getting to see how a few specific tips really changed the interviewer’s (reporter’s) throw. "I couldn’t surf, but I could surf as a stone." <3
Me thinking my 8 skips is good
submariner baseball pitchers should try this
“It’s forgetting how you got there, why you’re there, what you got to do when you leave.” He has some great quotes.
I did a 17 counted by my Grand Dad at Kron’s beach on Madeline Island lake superior when i was twelve. He smiled and told every one back at the farm house about it. I miss you George.
thanks Chemical Brothers!!
Dude would make the best Grandpa
Can you teach me how to skip a rock like pro
Nice that his name is steiner.
In german means stone/r
Botany bay on vancouver island has thevbest skipping rocks, the flat shale falls off the rocks and tumbles around in the sand creating perfect discs.
What a wonderful video! Brings back memories of my best friend in high school, who taught me how to skip stones in the pools of the Eel River in northern California more than 50 years ago.
Man when he wasnt throwin like an old man I bet he could really spin it
The fact that literally EVERYTHING is a science I can be interested into almost anything.
At 1:35 u can actually hear the force and spin of the rock….sounds wicked!

I got 6 once
Pull up at the Creek brother I can skip some rocks
Olympic rock-skipping when?
This vidoe is wholesome what a cool man
Steiner is Stones in Norwegian
I would vote for this sport to be in 2028 Olympic..
Here for some golfing inspiration
If human can throw at 65 mph, what if a machine could throw the rock at mach 1 speed or or 767 mph?
I told his doctor
This guy needs to find disc golf
Hercules throws better than that!
what a great video
And… I’ll come skipping like a stone

What a wonderful man!!
I think he was in Erie pa on presque isle
This should be in the Olympics.
I have my own little spot now by my local lake. I have a hood bucket full of some stones. Thank you for giving me a new hobby
This man looks like one of those quiet buddies at a barbecue where someone says “you won’t believe what Keith can do”. Then he gets up and basically sails this rock across the lake and sits down like it’s nothing. He is so unimpressed with what he can do.
I love skipping em at Lake Erie, perfect rocks for sure!
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