Hiking Tips: How to Plan and Prepare for a Hike
Hiking Tips: How to Plan and Prepare for a Hike
How to Plan and Prepare for a Hike. Hiking is an excellent low-impact workout. Studies show it offers multiple physical and mental benefits. From reducing anxiety to preventing osteoporosis, hiking is an outdoor activity delivering benefits beyond scenic and fun. In this video I am sharing some hiking tips for beginners to make their first hike successful.
To learn more about How to Avoid Ticks While Hiking, Tips For Pacing Yourself On The Trail, and Leave No Trace Seven Principles, please visit: JustGiji.com
#justgiji #hiking #hikingtips #hikingtricks @JustGiji
Love it! Great video very informative. So the snakes and bears have furthered my conviction that hiking is something I won’t be doing
. Great job as always keep it going!
Beautifully described video Giji. The clarity of the video is amazing! Really enjoyed the video, and great tips! Keep up the great job!
Awesome tips! Thanks for Sharing! Great video Just Giji..
I don’t need any preparation when I am with u . U r amazing .
Very Informative video! Thank you for sharing Giji…
Thích đi như bạn, giao lưu kết bạn để xem video tiếp theo nhé bạn!

Absolutely beautiful, and informative video! Keep up the awesome job Giji. Really enjoyed this, and all your videos in fact!

Awesome video Giji. Thanks for the tips, very useful info. Great job!
Very Informative, and beautiful video Giji.. Keep up the great job! Really enjoyed the video. Great job!
This is an awesome video Just Giji.. I was looking for some Hiking Tips and Tricks! I think I was one of your viewers that requested this through your website. Thank you for sharing this dear! Very useful and very informative.. Really love this! Love each frame! So beautiful!
Very nice video! Really enjoyed!

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing