Glamping IS Camping ⛺: Let's Settle the Debate!

Glamping IS Camping ⛺: Let's Settle the Debate!

#camping #glamping #campingorglamping
Glamping IS Camping ⛺: Let’s Settle the Debate!

Welcome to the ultimate showdown of the summer: Camping vs. Glamping! Are you ready to rough it out in the wild, or do you prefer a touch of luxury under the stars?

Today we’re diving into the hotly contested debate of camping versus glamping. What’s the difference? Is one easier or cheaper than the other? And does glamping take away the essence of what it means to camp? Let’s find out!

In today’s video, we look at Glamping IS Camping ⛺: Let’s Settle the Debate! Keep watching to see which is better camping or glamping, summer camping, summer glamping, camping vs glamping, a camping and glamping comparison, comparing camping and glamping, what is camping, what is glamping, are camping and glamping the same, camping gear, camping tips, camping tips and tricks, money saving camping tips, money saving glamping tips, glamping tips, glamping tips and tricks, and so much more!
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6-person tent:
9-person tent:
Adult sleeping bag:
Children’s sleeping bag:
Single camping mat/pad:
Double camping mat/pad:
Telescopic camping light:
Power station:
Propane stove:
Water storage:
Mess kit:
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  1. @audio3980 on December 10, 2024 at 8:07 pm

    Camping is pitching a tent. Glamping is adding AIR CONDITIONING and WIFI via satellite to that tent. Any questions? 😊

  2. @JasmineTea127 on December 10, 2024 at 8:11 pm

    As someone with chronic pain and illness I need comfortable warm camping equipment that’s not going to hurt while I sleep or a cabin. I don’t care about the luxury.
    I don’t have a good time when I’m freezing or sleeping on bumpy ground no matter how much my boyfriend makes fun of me. 😅

  3. @mareped9010 on December 10, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    Zion is pronounced Z-eye-uhn not z-eye-on. Just for those who don’t know. 🥰

  4. @Salman-Bin-Ahmed on December 10, 2024 at 8:33 pm

    Now glamping is what I would opt for. That seems like my kindda thing. Perfect.

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