Getting My License – THERE'S FISHING TOO!!!!
Getting My License – THERE'S FISHING TOO!!!!
Went to Walmart and finally got my fishing license for this year!!! Went to the Walmart in Philadelphia Mills and encountered a difficult time trying to get my license. My dad (Fishman Johnson) provided footage for a fishing trip for bass and crappie.
Fishing starts at 7:44.
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Pole (Rod & Reel) :
Camera: AEE Magic Cam S71 Video Footage
Sony DSC-WX350
Editing: Sony Vegas Pro 13 & Adobe Premiere CS6
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#fishing #license #crappie
Hey J Johnson hows everthing going? Found your channel by way of Extreme Philly Fishing. I got my fishing license yesterday. Fresh water and salt water. Not sure how much I will fish salt water. I live in Texas and it seems like most of the Texas Gulf Coast has been blown away and flooded by hurricane Harvey. Stay safe and God bless. – Dee
yeah buddy…..get them feesh
Cool video bro!
congrats, but I think it’s stupid that you need to pay for a license where you don’t keep anything, but get one for free in saltwater.
I like the vlogging and the spinnerbait bite was on! Nice vid!!
get it at dicks sporting goods prompt service
how much is walmart fishing license?
It’s all about corporate proffit.
Lug to see my brothers doing good family๐๐๐
Woohoo you got your slave license giving you permission to fish for food to licenses are a form of slavery.please don’t take this comment as racist it is truth fishing license are a form of discrimination denying poor people the right to catch food.
Fish Man Johnson took us to school with the black N blue spinner! Thanks for sharing those clips. Pops seems like a cool guy! I still need to pick up my new license. LOL
I subd bro hitMe back
What sucks in FL you have to pay over 300 dollars for a lifetime fishing shows that fishing is about the rich and we’ll off having to the right to eat.
Very realistic!
Lol too
I wish we could buy the fish license online. It’s not easy for me to get to the store.
I’m headed out this weekend I PROMISE! Are you guys going out?
Your pops got skills for the gills
We’ve got airbrushed cap swag now?! Also, 5 o’clock shadow is strong, lol
Great video
Nice vid Iโm getting a fishing lisences from. Walmart tooo
hey awesome video! i was wondering, not sure if you had mentioned it in the video and I may have missed it, where are you fishing?