1. Jack Saltzberg on September 16, 2019 at 6:32 pm

    So sad hope ur hubbys ok

  2. Kevin Schilling on September 16, 2019 at 6:34 pm

    Don’t spread lies over something you didnt do your research on. Outdoor Adventures is pretty straight forward and a great company to be a member with. They do have some downfalls but in the long run its a great investment. Sorry you did not read into what you were signing up for.

  3. Ryan Williamsjil k u on September 16, 2019 at 6:35 pm

    Anyone get any good prizes after there 90min presentation? Says u get 2 of 5 prizes

  4. Cheryl MacDonald on September 16, 2019 at 6:37 pm

    I bought only a two year membership. We sat through the same sales incentive and settled with the “sampler deal”. The membership ends next month. I will never buy a membership at Outdoor Adventures again. Too much money

  5. David Oickle on September 16, 2019 at 6:42 pm

    If the offer is good "today only" your guard should have gone up immediately, I’m afraid.

  6. Gooje Dooje on September 16, 2019 at 6:50 pm

    this is bad in AUSTRALIA to if you want to cancel see lawyer tell them fraud

  7. Becca Creque on September 16, 2019 at 6:50 pm

    We also were lied to by our salesperson, even had in writing on our contract, that they now say is not legal unless printed on contract. (which if we pushed I believe they would be wrong.. again..). Although we signed where he wrote on contract. Be sure you talk with owners that are camping around the park you’re being showed before make a long term decision. Don’t be bashful it’s your money. The people that already are camping been in your place. In the parks defense! It is very fun all the activities are a money saver. Free water toys, free movies rentals , free putt putt, free pools, free yard toys to borrow, ect.. They offer clean facilities. They have super nice employees at the parks. I camped 80 days last year 2018 my first year and was not as easy as we were told. But, it worked out and we had fun despite the lies. You want the truth find me on facebook.

  8. Susan Maldonado on September 16, 2019 at 6:57 pm

    Same thing happened to us. If anyone starts a lawsuit let us know we will join in a heartbeat…

  9. Brent Dietiker on September 16, 2019 at 7:01 pm

    thank you for the video… We will NOT be attending our appointment next week with Outdoor Adventures

  10. SmellyCat on September 16, 2019 at 7:04 pm

    Don’t ever sign up for shit. You’re Welcome.

  11. Dan Metiva III on September 16, 2019 at 7:05 pm

    Same thing happened to us. We purchased a camper that came with a “free” 21 days to stay at Outdoor Adventures. After having to travel an hour to “validate” the certificate, we had to sit through their 90 minute sales pitch and go on a tour of the campground. After being told to sign something for validation, we were then given a Good Sam credit card that we had signed for unknowingly. After only ever camping at the resort 1 time, and paying over $5,000, we contacted them and tried to cancel. After we were told we could not do so, we contacted the BBB. It was only after the BBB contacted them multiple times, that we were offered a “settlement” of $2500 to pay to get out of the contract. We dumped almost $7500 into camping at this place ONCE. Such a scam. Every time I see one of their ATV’s in the mall with a “enter to win” card on it, I put them all in the entry box blank so nobody else falls for this hoax and scam. Ridiculous how they can do this to people.

  12. michigancardaholic on September 16, 2019 at 7:17 pm

    Thank you for saving us a costly trip. My wife and and we’re heading there today and came across this video. Thank you for sharing this for others to see. God bless!

  13. Heather on September 16, 2019 at 7:18 pm

    I have a membership and we love it and never a had any of these issues.

  14. Kenneth Lindsley on September 16, 2019 at 7:21 pm

    We love our membership. We’ve been members for 9 years. You do have to camp a lot to make it worthwhile though. But then I also canoe a lot and get free rentals at the rifle river resort for the river. A lot of the other amenities are also no cost as they are included in the membership. When I think of last year alone if I went anywhere that cost say $30 a night (which most places cost more) we would have spent $570. In canoe rentals across the river at whites we would have spent $70. In boats rentals at other campsites charging by the hour we would have spent $50. Putt Putt golf is also free saving us $30 add that up and it was $720 that we would have spent. Over the years we have also rented cabins and at $30 – $65 a night for those you could never ever find cabins that cheap especially with all the amenities that comes with it anywhere else. It would take a long time to make up for the initial cost plus maintenance fees but we are getting pretty close. We’ve also found that if we go to Mount Pleasant its way cheaper staying there than going to hotels. Same with going to Frankenmuth or Saganing Eagle Casino. Like I said though at the beginning its something that you would have to use a lot.

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