Expert Tips for Camping With Your Dog
Expert Tips for Camping With Your Dog
Going on a camping trip with your dog? We bet you know to take basics like food and water and a dog bed, but Dr. Sarah Wooten shares a packing list and safety tips you might not have thought of. Check out her new video, and learn more at
Lost me on the jacket and shoes. Dogs are not humans.
What an awful woman.
Great video! Hiking with dogs is the best! Here is my yellow lab in action –
I’m going to a campground so it’s not like I will run out of water or food. (There’s a camp shop there as all of the other campgrounds I went to have had.)
how do you prevent them from tearing your tent ground cover with nails ?
It’s gotten crazy. Dogs can’t drink lake water. They eat carrots and green beans. Wear dog shoes…We’re raising a buncha Yuppies !
It’s ducking 80 degrees Karen, I don’t think your dog is going to get hypothermia
I have a service dog and she’s a toy breed for medical alert reasons and I live with mountion lions bobcats cougars puma cyotes and I was getting ready for bed at night when I heard that something was on the outside of my house circling it and seeing the cougar for myself not great and my oldest sister saw one circle her yurt and I take living in the country safty perconsions very seriously I pottyed trained my dog to use pee pads at night and I’m so glad I did because after word I make it clear that’s She’s in after sunset
“Quiet, low maintenance, and generally easy to please” I don’t think my dogs got the memo on that one
Best tips for Camping with Dogs from Survival Gear Book
Absolutely the dumbest "how to video" I’ve ever seen".
What about ticks how do you stop or prevent those
I’m taking my 13yr old terrier and 12 week old mastiff/mal camping this week. Wish me luck. We made temp. ID cards with camp info, 15 foot lead, lots and lots and lots of toys…
Thank you so much for posting this super useful video! I know this was made quite a few years ago, but as someone who will be camping with her dog for the first time – there’s a lot of incredibly useful tips made available here. Your video and several other blog posts from other bloggers really helped me consolidate and compile a list of tips, recommendations, and things to pack that I’ll be using to prepare for our upcoming trip! If anyone else is interested – I’ve put up all my research here: – we’re going to be camping with our dog in the upcoming week so I’m pretty excited to put all the tips and recommendations into action when we go!
I think this video is paid by dog’s supplies and food companies
Use a life straw
I love your videos! I am striving for ultralight within a reasonable budget & durability. I have a 90lb lab who sleeps in my tent with me. I am shopping for a new tent and want a ultralight (3lbs or less) and hopefully some durability which can be tough for ultralight. Could you please provide suggestions for a 2 person 2 door tent for me & Yoshi? Thank you!

Brilliant advice
… and hire a Sherpa to carry all the equipment
So basically bring everything you normally use at home? How much do you think I can carry?
NIce Article
Thanks for this great post, looking forward to more!
I like all these tips but the one where you have the number of the campground you’re staying at on the dogs collar is rather impractical if you’re traveling from cam ground to camp ground
How should I store my dogs caviar? Should I ask the campground if they offer outdoor catering instead?
My dog is going to be 12 next month and this is what I want to do is take her on camping trips she loves the outdoors and has never needed a leash she’s half heeler and collie so shes always been smart and work schedule is very tight and hardly have any time to take her for her walks etc. But from here on out I’m getting a tent and takin fishin gear and we’re gonna do some campin. She’s gonna love it it’s gonna be a lot of fun catchin some fish and hangin out with my best friend by the camp fire and grilling up some good food. In Texas camping is better when the temperature is colder. No mosquitoes to deal with and don’t need ac unit just a few thick blankets, pillows and tent. Cell phone on off
These no-nonsense tips seem common sense, but it’s amazing how many videos I watch with people camping with dogs where the pup has no (or minimal) gear. The human will have layers of clothing and raincoats and boots hats special food etc. while the doggo gets soaked and is expected to just be okay. This gives me hope though. It’s thanks to people like Matthew Posa and NutnFancy that I know anything about really camping with dogs!! #cheers
Much of these expert advices applies to children.
Oh lord…this is some nervous Nelly stuff right here…Oatmeal want’s two no if ewe put a helmet on your dog as well?…We would not enjoy "camping" with ewe. My dog is "fearful under the stars"…LOL
that dog got a big ass nose lol this was cool thank u beautiful nice dog too lol
Wanted to see your video, but what pops up ???? Another fucking ad. Thumbs down !!!!!
When did dogs become so artificial? Dogs didn’t evolve as pampered robots. Dogs like humans should not be camping in the first place if they need all these things.
i stepped in dog shit once
you crazy deluded woman …….DOGS are made TO BE OUTSIDE FFS ……..
So put the dog in the bearbox?
Never let your dog wander around the campground, no matter how friendly it might be – it’s extremely rude to everyone else in the campground; also, some people really don’t like dogs, and some people are afraid of them; worst case scenario, someone might even complain about your dog so bitterly to the rangers that they tell you to leave. Keep the dog out of others’ sites and under your control while in the campground – anything less is extremely rude and irresponsible.
Wow… I wonder how dogs ever survived the outdoors… Can’t even walk without shoes…
Why would you want your dirty dog sleeping all over you. Just have him a vestibule with a bed
Or just let your dog run off leash. They enjoy that the most.
All this applies to untrained dogs
Well He’s A Male And A Big Dog Too He’s A Belgian Malinois
bruh she said bleach
The dog tag tip was a good one! Should’ve said that in my video!
How about Lars Monsen. He let his Huskies sleep outside of the tent in a – 40 C snow storm.
Most of those is irrelevant here in FL
0:52 Why do you have a harness wrapped around that dog’s face to keep its mouth closed? Utter cruelty.
If i tie the lead eny where my dog is going to to start crying and barking because she wants to be with me

bleach in water? yuck
"Canines are quiet, low-maintenance, and easy to please." Definitely has not met my dog
1:28, what is the definition of this, "train?" Not training, right?
don’t drink bleach folks, just drink the water, nothing cleaner than fresh water