Do These 3 Things to Hike 20 Miles EASY // Training Tips for Hiking & Backpacking
Do These 3 Things to Hike 20 Miles EASY // Training Tips for Hiking & Backpacking
Barefoot Shoes:
Resistance Bands:
Garmin InReach Mini:
Decathlon Down Jacket –
REI Flash 55 Pack:
Enlightened Equipment Enigma Quilt:
Garmin Fenix Watch:
Lanshan 1 Pro Tent:
X-T4 Camera:
GoPro Hero 10:
Insta360 One X2:
Rode Wireless Mic:
Samsung S10E Phone:
Saramonic Phone Mic:
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You’re right about the stretching. Lot of people don’t realize this but tight calves contribute significantly to plantar fasciitis. One thing I discovered is doing one long deep stretch, 2 minutes on each side, several times throughout the day produced a lot of improvement.
Tall boots.
"Protecting" the angles at the cost of 100% chance is knee pain.
When going down, human foot should become straight. It is impossible in high boots that restrict full range of motion of the feet. So the knees have to take the load that the the ancle (calf muscles to be precise) are design to handle.
Great tips!
My feet is what gets me. The bottoms of my feet are not used to being on them as much yet. Lost 141lbs. Im getting there. But 10mi takes me around 3hrs. 20 mi would take me 6-7hrs if I could make it
Have you done long hikes (12+ miles) with barefoot shoes?
Great tip for exercising glutes! I did my first long day hike last Sept in the ADK (18mi). My left hurt for days after that! I’ve been including for glute exercises since!
Very helpful video, thanks! I see you enjoy Catan

Great that you’re promoting barefoot training to strengthen the feet, it’s very rare in hiking circles. Many/most people already have short/tight lateral rotator muscles (glutes, quad fem, obt int etc) which often leads to lateral rotation of the feet aka duck feet (which also increases pronation and decreases gait efficiency). If you’re doing lateral banded walks with feet rotated outward, you’re strengthening the non-optimal pattern. If you focus on walking, even normal hiking with feet pointing straight forward, you reduce injury risk, improve arch movement, calcaneus movement, lower and upper leg rotation & torque thus increasing kinetic energy transfer which reduces muscle usage on trail and improves your endurance.
so helpful
I love that you wear a hat at the gym. Lol. You must not like being bald like me…at least that’s why I ALWAYS wear a hat.
Strengthen the glutes eh, let me guess you have a copy of buns of steel laying around somewhere’s lol
Curious as to whether you use/ recommend the rest step technique
It can be a god send when walking over rough/ steep terrain and the benefit is noticeable the more weight you carry
Always good, Justin. Thanks.
some great tips here, ive just got back from 16 miles a day with a 35kg pack, the lightweight gear is so expensive, the stretching is great advice it really makes a difference if you do it before going to sleep
Very helpful information!
What about hip pain?
Really awesome tips! It’s great you highlight that prepping for backpacking is more than just gear.
Also what barefoot shoes do you recommend?
Knee and foot pain is soooo underrated!
I NEED this.
1. Train barefoot (indoor & outdoor)
2. Glute exercises (squats, hip thrusters, band exercises like side stepping)
3. Stretching (calf stretch, standing bend, glute stretch)
Extra – low back weight
Awesome video. It’s great to go ultralight. I seen a few people advocate to just get stronger as well. You need to strengthen your body as well and just lighten your pack. Thank you
Great videos, helpful tips. Many thanks!
As someone who has IT Band issues, this is helpful information. Thanks and keep up the good work.
You should also stretch out your soleus same as calf stretch but bend your knee to place the gastroc on slack
I have ITB with multiple PT sessions and definitely think people under estimate the importance of simple body weight movement exercises and stretching. I definitely stretch after every long hike.
I already suffer from planter fascitis, however just now walk about 4/5 miles per day on average, I can do about 8 miles no problem. But I’m training to do a 24 mile walk over 2 days in a few months time. Any suggestions? I’m scared I hurt my feet. I currently just wear trespass trainers, I need the arch support, can no longer wear flat shoes, just wondering if any hints or tips to help me train
I’ve got a weak right knee, sciatica pain running down my left leg, and ligament damage in both ankles, so….I love camping but hate hiking
Thanks Justin, Great tips I definitely will put some of these into practice.
Your logic and compassionate bar none!
I can’t recommend enough Chase Mountains exercises and programs for pain free hiking. I’m a 74 yr old hiker who follows his suggestions religiously to keep me going. Check him out!
I like to do yoga before a hike, its basically hardcore stretching. haha
The best ultralight tip for pain is to bring a couple ounces of cannabis and some rolling papers. It’s not only lightweight but it loses weight as the bag dwindles.
Do you recommend going on big backpacking trips with barefoot shoes? I usually hike barefoot and have weak ankles. However, I’m going on a 100 mile backpacking trip in Yosemite and I’m wondering what my shoe choice should be
Hey Justin, will you do a review of the Gregory Focal?
I recognize those stairs…
Great tips! However can we talk about how there is Settlers in the background? Lol
Great video
My knees KILL me when I come DOWN a mountain only