DIY Gear Tips: Making A Silnylon Tarp (Step By Step)
DIY Gear Tips: Making A Silnylon Tarp (Step By Step)
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A step by step description of my recent silnylon tarp build.
This is awesome. Have you thought about cuben? I want to make a cuben bivy, and poncho tarp
Thank you for this!
You should sew up a stuff sack for your tarp…Great video!!!
well done, but is it cost effective? I didn’t catch any information on total cost.
Nicely described and good use of stills to capture the right moments. Thanks for sharing!
What kind of thread do you use. I am trying but it keeps bunching up underneath on the bobin side
Hey Joe! Thanks for your videos! Just ordered my materials. Can’t wait to make it!
Dude, this is an amazing DIY tarp. I was seriously sucked into this video.
Great video Joe! I am going to thru hike the AT next year and am going to be making some of my own gear. Would a tarp like this be good for the AT or is the AT to wet for a ground tarp? Thanks!
You crazy fucks …. Take an suv for fuck sakes. Lol
Did you cat cut the ridgeline?
Hey bud! What are the measurements on your guy line tie outs? Looking to make my own tarp
Thank you!
Also, have you ever sewn any panel tie outs like for a 3×3 tarp? Wondering the technique on that. Thanks.
Awesome job
You’re the man
This video inspired me to build my own tarp, thank you. If you were to make another tarp would you stay with silnylon or would you use silpoly?
very nice. thanks.
great video thank you.
Hey Joe i know this is an old thread but interested in the actual dimensions and google sketch up files if you still have them
Did you make your cat cuts all the way to the corners on both sides?? Or do you stop the cardboard angle cutout a couple inches shy of where the two catcuts will meet in the corner?? If that makes sense
Great stuff, Joe! Just getting into hammock camping and gonna need a tarp. Any chance you could save down the SketchUp file to version 8? (My nearly 10 year old Mac won’t run the lastest version.) Thanks in advance!
Hate cats ha ha strat cut 10×10.
Wow you are quite the seamster.
So….say I didn’t have a sowing kit, or that kind of time. Where would I go to get a simple 9×10 silnylon tarp with plenty of tie ins for variance that isn’t 300 bucks (I’ve seen some crazy prices) and is as around the lightness of yours? Thanks a bunch.
That rug, that knife and working on carpet gave me a flashback to a couple of people I had working on a project in a carpeted bedroom. I didn’t check on them until they left, the work was cut out on the carpet instead of a piece of plywood, and I got my carpet cut up in good shape~
Did I miss the total weight? Ur awesome!
which silnylon? There are many to choose from.
What type of thread did you use?
Really nice walkthrough of your project. Thanks for sharing it. I like your idea of using the bungee cord to keep the tarp taut.
It looks like you have a cat cut on the ridge line but you don’t say anything about that in the video, is that just the way it got tight when you picked it? Looks great btw! I want to make one as well now!
Couple questions, what weight silnylon, and what model, (double coated, ripstop)
Any post-occupancy reflections on the size? Were there rain storms when you wished it was larger? I am about to make a very similar one for 2 people in the summer, and for 1 person hammock in the winter. I would appreciate how wide you think that should be.. (I have 72" fabric.) Thanks. Well thought out details.
I really agree about the cat cuts getting way too fetished. No better proof than your final pictures…
Very well done. Gave me some great ideas for my own tarp, which is going to be a bit longer (12′ minus the seams). I especially like the D-rings on each side of the tarp. Do you know how much tension they can take? What is their breaking strength?
what does it weigh (everything but poles & stakes)?
Hi great skill. Did you use a hem foot or did you do it by hand?
Thanks for taking the time to lay it out step by step! Great video. Could you share the sketch up file? Would love to try this out for myself.
Thanks for the video. What size of thread and needle are you using? What kind of thread are you using?
It doesn’t take many stitches to get a load take out on a tarp, but if one wanted something more like an actual bar tack than a zigzag, simply stitch several times back and forth across the strap before going over that with the zigzag. That is how the machines do it to ensure that there is directional sewing in a transverse direction as well as in line. In this case almost all the load is in line, so well done.
You are a great at this!
What are the final dimensions?
why is the head a different dimension than the foot?
Can you get the side completely to the ground to prevent rain from the sides?
why didn’t you use cuben fiber except cost?
Joe—very nice vidJo. can you tell me the size of the O-Rings and where you got them? Looks like a 3/8" $6 a yard 58" wide. How he is using free weights, is how I use mine now that I’m too old and weak to lift anything heavier than my coffee cup.
How has the fabric lasted since you made this? Has two years of wear and tear kept it water proof?
Love your videos. I am interested in the actual dimensions and google sketch up files. Where would I find these? Thanks so much.
This is a great tutorial! Would you be willing to add this make and details to ? We’re looking at organising and helping outdoor enthusiasts find gear they want to make and improve whilst helping makers promote their YouTube channels and personal websites.
Hey Joe, awesome guide! I was wondering if you ever got to making the bug net with the bath tub floor to attach to the inner micro o-rings on the underside of the tarp? I am looking to make something almost exactly like yours! Cheers!
What thread are you using?
Pls could you send me the Google Sketch up ?
Have you got a pattern or drawing you could send me?
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