Budget Cookware, backpacking, hiking, bushcraft, bug out
Budget Cookware, backpacking, hiking, bushcraft, bug out
Budget Cookware, backpacking, hiking, bushcraft, bug out
I wanted to go over what I look for in backpacking, hiking, bushcraft, or bugging out cookware. OUTAD makes a good budget set that I wanted to review. There will be a future update. But, it does boil down to personal preference… Thank you for watching
I was provided a free sample from the seller in exchange of my honest review…
OUTAD Budget cookware link 29.99
Discount code $1.50 off purchase, enter YKSOUTAD
11 Pieces Set: The pot, frying pan and tea kettle are made of solid and light aluminum oxide, which makes it high-temperature resistant and friction-resistant.
Portable: And all the objects in this camping pot set can be stored together in a bag for convenient carry.
Lightweight: Only 1.77 lbs, this is perfect for throwing in a backpack.
Non-stick: This set is easy to clean and very durable.
Compact: All of the pieces are stored together.
My cookware set I carry 75% of the time.
Stanley Adventure Camp Cook Set 24oz Stainless Steel $14.97
http://goo.gl/Yx5tgD (Amazon affiliate link)
GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Bottle Cup $10.95
http://goo.gl/6Q7iio (Amazon affiliate link)
Etekcity Ultralight Portable Outdoor Backpacking Camping Stoves with Piezo Ignition $9.99
http://goo.gl/AYzWgY (Amazon affiliate link)
Primus 100 gram Power Gas Canister (4 oz) $9.10
http://goo.gl/sh9Adz (Amazon affiliate link)
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as achef, let eggs dry, they just peel off
I buy this one best camping cookware. I like the camping gas stove especially: https://www.amazon.com/Camping-Cookware-Backpacking-Outdoors-Equipment/dp/B075F921GD/ref=sr_1_6?m=A26J7CHZ2E6J55&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1525793983&sr=1-6
do you live in oregon?, i live in portland Oregon
I’m glad you reviewed the cook set. My son and I have all the cookware we need for ourselves, but it looks like we may have a situation this summer where we have to cook for three, and maybe four people. This will be a one and done situation, so buying cheap just makes sense. I’d hate to pay a lot of money for a cook set that will never be used again. The Outad set looks like the perfect contender.
Good stuff Todd! Great video on the cookware and the sizes and weight to pick
Excellent video! I like! I wish you creative inspiration! I’m waiting on you new videos! Thanks for watching my videos!
Великолепное видео! Мне нравится! Я Вам желаю творческого вдохновения! Я жду от Вас новых видео! Спасибо за просмотр моих видео!
Bought a similar aluminum cookset at Winco, maybe 8 years ago for around $12.
not the most awesome, high-speed gear, but it’s light and durable.
it’s served me pretty well.
…..hey wait a minute, you’re claiming you bring along a frying pan on fishing trips
I thought only morons did that…lol. Great review and we need to start talking spring dates too. Hope all is well Todd!
really good review sir
Looks like a nice little set, not really my style but still looked to be a good starter set.
Enjoyed yre review. I love those mini kettles, use one a lot.works for me.
Thank you for the video. I appreciate your opinion. I have an aluminum mess kit (cheap) that I don’t like. It’s hard to clean and too small. I carry a lot of instant potatoes and rice. As long as I have a pot big enough to cook a whole package I’m happy. I have a pot like your anodized aluminum non stick pot which has been working very well for me. Again thanks for the video and best of luck to you.
I just learned a trick about heat distribution that really seems to work, if you don’t mind a little extra weight. Carry a copper disk that’s almost as wide as your largest pot. It should be thin copper, just thick enough to be more or less rigid.
Place the thin disk of copper on your stove, place your pot or pan or skillet on it, and cook away. The copper spreads the heat out and really seems to make a huge difference.
Nothing distributes heat better than copper, which Is why most very expensive pots, pans, and skillets have copper coated bottoms.
The widest pot I have is five inches. I also have a skillet that’s seven inches long and five inches wide. The same five inch diameter 32ga. sheet of copper works well for both.
Honestly, copper a lot thinner would probably work as well or better, but I use what I already had. I just had to cut it to sixe, and it takes tin snips to cut 32ga., at least for me.
All sound advice, I love my Stanley Adventure cook-set (cheap & useful). Furthermore, the OUTAD cookware seems worth it for the price.
What do you think of the cook pots that Solo Stove makes? I’ve got a Solo Stove Regular, and have been thinking of buying the matching pot.
Thanks Todd, I like the GSI and Stanley cup. I just bought MSR Titan Titanium pot 4oz. I like the kettle also. Hope you are doing well my friend..
Looks well worth it but the things I e taken on countless camping and hiking trips are:
6in pan
Small spatula
Fork and a spoon and a throwing knife repurposed for eating
Steel cup
Grill rack that stands on tent stakes
And of course food
That was very helpful! Thank you.
looks decent for $30. i agree with the extra junk they throw in. guess they try to add value by given you alot of junk. good review
what about a small cast iron pan cheap at garage sales
Nice review thx
Brother, I love cook kits. I think you saw the video I did on simple DIY. Upgrades for the Stanley pot. I’m pretty sure that’s the video the I met you from a comment on. I really like your compairison and the way you call em like you see em
Who gives a shit about your opinion?
First time I ever decided to cook while fishing, I used a small bag of charcoal and a hubcap off my truck lined with foil to make eggs.
Im getting a real cookset-up now. I have kids and they love to fish…so, Im gonna do it right, like this!
And by the way if you are using aluminum anodize you must use it with wood cookware or plastic to prevent scratches….
are you playing the flute as well
Excellent video! I love looking earth, discover and relax…
I have the Stanley set, but my favorite cook set is an anodized GSI cook set that I bought 22 years ago. I may get one of these for my tear drop camper though.
Thanks for sharing this video with us….it is great!
Nice cookset and review!
great info
I learned a lot thanks
You should get one of those Mors bushpots. I really like mine.
All very good options!! you have a very set up for all kinds of different outings.
Aluminum is NOT a good choice for cookware. There are serious proven health issues.
always nice to trade advice, ty
Great vids as always. Keep up the great work brotha
………. just had to go and remind me that I cracked the bottom out of my 15" cast iron skillet fish fryer. 70 yrs of combined use…..
Got a pot set almost the same as your’s for buttons, on sale at Wally World except no kettle. My personal review was almost exactly the same as yours, plastic stuff went except the spoon and the plastic at the end of the handles is not so great. I think on this subject you could take 100 survivalists/bush crafters/preppers and get 100 different preferences. At the moment I prefer a Crusader 2 canteen cup with a French army aluminium canteen cup, light, portable, tough and does the job. You did a great, honest review, subbed!!
Great video Todd… I am with you on your personal preference, I use the MSR Stainless set that you show in the left of the video! I have used it the past couple of years and it gets knocked around a lot and still in decent shape! Non stick is not something I look for with budget cookware!
I prefer hallulite
Everything is in the description block my friend!!
A comment: I watch reviews of various products often and noticed that a reviewer will speak ill of budget equipment then toss the equipment around or into the dirt. However if the equipment is very high end it gets treated like the holy grail and the reviewer even has a special pouch or molle gear set up for it. Albeit kudos to all that review products, they save me tons of money which I have little of so Walmart Ozark trail gear works for me. Like he says it’s everyone’s preference. Anyways for what it’s worth.
I have watched this video a couple of times and in May I will be going on my first back pack hiking trip and it is only for one night. My question is what set up do you use to cook your food. I am not sure if I want a solid or liquid system but you had a pretty good fire in your video. What system is that. Thank You.
Nice demo … I do like the kit all in all, I am not all that big a fan of aluminum myself but it definitely is a nice setup for the price. I think for my Polaris Ranger kit this would make a nice addition for trail meal!
Great vid. Thanks for sharing. I went thru a bunch of pots & pans before finding a configuration that works best for my personal taste and use. Just way too many products out there to hit a home run right off the bat.
thanks for the info
Fast-Heating Outdoor Portable Cookware Utensils 1.3L Camping Pot With Bowl Cup
The set I just got looks almost identical, but no kettle, and maybe a touch smaller (MelloMe) and $10 cheaper. I think I should have gotten something like this, looks like the big pot is larger, and a kettle is great to hang over a fire with a wire or spring pole.
Did you ever get the plastic handles off? That’s what worries me the most. Using a canister stove right now so it’s not really an issue, but if that ever fails and I build a fire, I’d be afraid they would melt right off like you say. Makes me consider carrying locking pliers in my day pack, and I don’t want that extra weight!
This is an awesome video,
Im definatly subbing, i will try to visit your channel regularly from now on
if you can do visit my channel! That would be awesome!!
Until next time and keep up the great videos! Peace
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