Birdwatching for Beginners with Barbara Hannah Grufferman
Birdwatching for Beginners with Barbara Hannah Grufferman
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Join Barbara Hannah Grufferman as she discovers birdwatching with ornithologist “Birding Bob” DeCandido. Find out why birding has become one of the fastest growing outdoor activities, and how you can get started!
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great video
pov: you’re 23 years old watching an aarp tutorial on bird watching
i really enjoyed this video! i can’t wait to get out and learn about the environment around me.
Lovely movie. Super implementation. Congratulations on the idea. Greetings from Poland and invite you to visit our country.
I love birding

awesome video mam. inspiration
What sort of note book do I need?
Just found an (inhabited) Bald Eagle nest above my town’s reservoir, Central Virginia, definitely has got me into this hobby!!
2:46 „they like my chia energy bar :D“
The two look like they could be related! I loved this video thank you
Isn’t this the guy who uses his cell phone to broadcast distress calls to attract birds? I hope not.
What happens to a guy that’s birding gets a pair of glasses on a park . What do they label him as
Thank you!!!
I wish I could get a chickadee to land on me. Nice video. I just subscribed.
"an inexpensive pair of binoculars", he said, as he handed her the $3k Swarovski’s
The Cardinal is a rather majestic-looking fellow.
Birdwatching is for homosexuals
I love birds ,when I got up this morning and opened my eyes I was greeted with a lovely pair of tits . They were feeding on my seed feeder that I filled last night , a woodcock was nearby also .
The 2 week old chickens chicks I collected last week are doing great but 2 of them have turned out to be massive cocks so I’m expecting to be awake much earlier once they find their voices .
I’ve got another steeple Jack job next week as the church bell ringers had a little accident so I need to go up there to repair the bell end as it’s snapped off at the top it’s part of the ring piece. Oh well . At least I’ve got dinner sorted for this evening , faggots chips and peas . Hell of a week so far .
I was stressing at work the other day so I decided to chill outside on the grass during break. A Magpie sat with me for an hour as if it could tell I was upset. His friend joined but one Magpie who also tried to join was turned away…I felt like the "cool kid " everybody wanted to be around simply because I’m human lol Birds have their own personality and once I saw that It blew my mind because it’s a reality check.They are alive just like us…Idk… I just felt so ignorant and rude as if Ive been ignoring Hello’s and Goodbye’s all my life. The experience got me into birding:)
I just saw a beautiful cardinal in my backyard and got inspired! I really believe special people are drawn to birdwatching
BLACK BARON1:50 … Birds react and get curious in the air when you fly certain flight manoeuvres with a little RC helicopter in the middle of nature. I find it always interesting to watch the "Bird Perspective" from my position … "Grounded". I wonder if humans could teach them one day how to fly a "Looping".
I’m in a perfect spot to get into this. East coast on a barrier island. Bird sanctuary on one side, marshland on other along the bay. I’ve been here only 3 months but cant believe all the different birds during migration.
You gave them energy bars?
Unbelievable! Great! Awesome!
I love bird watching
The cameraman is the real birdspotter he has to spot and also film it too.
I would love to try this
Really loved this birding trail, relaxing and fun
Wait did he just hang a pair of Swarovski around her neck like they were a pair of $100 budget binoculars?!
Hi, where is this park? What an amazing place!!
Love birding and nature. Thanks!
I am 30 years old, what is YouTube trying to tell me??
I keep hearing a knocking sound from the woods near my house. So I took out my old pair of binoculars. I finally discovered the source of the sound a woodpecker. Lol. It was grey and white with a red spot on the top of his head. Does anybody have any idea what type of bird it is?
awesome video mam. inspiration
What happens to a guy that’s birding gets a pair of glasses on a park . What do they label him as
Well documented, kudos.
Cool hobby! He reminds me of marlin the dad from finding nemo
do not underestimate how relaxing this hobby is. Im in love with it
amazing, andaikan ini ada di negeri ku
The backyard is nice and relaxing. Found out I need a monocular and binoculars at all times.
Romans 10:13
New King James Version
13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Can I try this?
She talks every time he shushes her. How rude
Simply Beautiful!! Thank you for such a video
Nice video!
She turns into Snow White on her first day of bird watching!
I’m going bird watching tomorrow.
Saw two birds..with body shiny blue/greenish…with yellowish/orange becks and really orange feet…in Corpus Christi, Texas. Never seen them before…what are they..????
They call it sick. About kids I’m just saying it happens
Great video more bird watching videos on my channel.
Any pictures of the trousers birds ??