Beginners Guide to Archery | Buying your FIRST Compound Bow
Beginners Guide to Archery | Buying your FIRST Compound Bow
Ryan goes over the many things to consider when looking to buy a compound bow and accessories. We briefly cover 2022 Mathews Archery & Hoyt Archery bow options, bow sights from Black Gold, Spot Hogg, stabilizers from RamRods, Hamskea & QAD rests, releases by Stans, Carter and arrows from Victory Archery. We also highlight targets from Morrell & Rinehart, and bow cases from Plano, Black Widow and SKB bow cases.
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Any good bow shops in Texas you would recommend?
Honestly I still have my genesis bow from like 10 years ago. I want to upgrade it to something with a 30-40 draw strength but i am sadly pretty poor so I can’t spend more than 100 on it
Awesome video brother, I am getting into the sport and this video really had alot of useful info.
Dumb question but would a bass pro shop be a bad place to buy a bow?
I am interested in archery, I did traditional archery as a kid, and as an adult I’d like to get into pistol shooting but it’s difficult where I live to attain a license, so I may fall back into archery again. I’m not a hunter, I’m mostly interested in marksmanship.
About to get into this, any new bow recommendations for beginners?
I’m 13 years old and can’t find any bows for teens that I can pull back I’ve had a pse mini burner that I’ve been using for 3 years and want a new one because it’s small for me so can you give me some options to use
What are your thoughts on Diamond bows?
I live near La, Iv done a lot a if searching and there dosnt seem to be a good shop anyware near me :/
I’m getting my first bow tomorrow I’m getting a Mathews mission radik
As a beginner to learn should I go recurve or compound bow to learn the archery shop in my area that does lessons says they start off beginners on recurve bows is there a reason for that I’m only gonna do target shooting so isn’t a compound bow good to learn on ?
Great video, very informative. I have almost no clue about bows and want to get into it. Thanks for the video
bows have been used for centuries longer than guns yet they seem so much more complicated
Going from recurve to compound will be like going from a Mosin Nagant to a kitted out M4
Infomercial. Lame. Way to promote your interests.
Stop trying to sell stupid expensive bows to beginners white boy. Chingaaa guey
Willow creek is awesome!!!
I’ve shot a few recurve bows but have never tried a compound bow since I’m a left-handed shooter and everyone I know is right-handed. I’m very interested in getting a compound bow and have looked at brands like Matthews, Hoyt, and PSE. I’m not aiming for the most high-end option, but I do want a good quality bow. I’m 6’5", and some people have mentioned that I’ll need a longer axle-to-axle bow. Unfortunately, where I live in California, there aren’t any bow shops nearby like the one in this video, except for Bass Pro Shop or ones that are a 4+ hour drive away. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I can sound like a pro when I buy my first bow….thank you
Great video!
I just walked up and bought one at a yard sale. It had accessories on it already. I have no clue about bows.
I’m right eye dominant but pull with my left hand which bow do I need left or right handed
This video was just a commercial and teaches you nothing about bow hunting. Garbage.
Manners…no filler all bs ..cheers
I have an old family Carroll Marauder from the 1970s that I’ve been shooting since I was a teenager. After kids I wanted to pick it back up and start shooting again, but found limb cracks that hadn’t been there before. Pretty heartbroken, but I guess I can move into this century and get a new bow. Thanks for the video, made me actually want to start looking for another bow.
First bow = overstock or used, readily adjustable without a press, and definitely NOT big $. Mine was $300 new, rth fully assembled, overstock and it shoots really well. I’ve since upgraded the sight, but that’s it. 1” groups out to 30 yds when I keep up my practice. Don’t spend a bundle when you don’t even know what you’re doing yet. Or maybe I should say do spend a bundle and then I’ll pick it up used cheap after you decide you’re not enthralled with archery like you thought you would be.
Piece kot
You think walking into a bow shop with only $500 is worth it ?
i bought a 45 lb recurve in 1970 no sights or any of that other stuff on it. shot birds all kinds of small animals and deer. if i could turn back time me that age and that bow i bet you could not outshoot me no one ever did.
I think that a Beginner video would be more relatable if you explained what things are, I ha e no idea what a "rest" is, or another the other stuff, so it would be helpful to begin what is what and WHY you would want them. Also, why you might choose not to use certain parts.
Ima pull up on you after some moto at perris, im getting into archery , these dang guns are getting harder to enjoy
Thanks for america for giving the world the compound bow God’s blessings from the uk
Going to be getting my first bow soon. Thank you
Beginners means "I’m thinking of buying a bow to see if I like it." 600 to 1700 dollars? I may or not like it after 1 week. Maybe I should look for something used.
Sadly Abilene Texas doesn’t have a big pro shop.
I was tempted to buy one out of the sale aisle at Wal-Mart lastnight… $21, but I don’t know anything about compound bows. lol
Being Wal-Mart I was afraid it might be junk, but I want to get back into archery now……
Might have been a sign, because I got some free misc. hunting & Mossy Oak arrows today… The bow will probably be gone next time I’m there, but I’ll keep my eyes out for another cheap bow to play with.
Thanks for this video.
Is 400 dollars a good starting point?
Gosh, looking for my first bow now. Late to the game at 40 here but dang, had no idea this would be so pricey.
I hadnt been shooting for almost 20 years, nobody would tell me what to buy. I got lucky and bought a phase 4, trinity rest, spot hogg FE 2 pin and some other bits, I picked pretty good.
How do I know what the right draw weight is for me, can all bows be adjusted equally? or can only certain bows be adjusted a certain amount?
Im getting a small random interest in archery since im like 25 and all I do is work and sorta want a hobby but like also I dont exactly have much money
but this seems pretty solid. I do wanna save for my first bow but worry this taste for freedom/a hobby could just be a passing feeling
Dazzlingly uninformative.
We have next to no shops like this where I live in Scotland. Having a bow is legal, but learning anything about this is much harder.
Cool Ty
Show what you’re talking about
Currently deployed overseas and stumbled across this video, had no idea an archery store opened up in my hometown. Shoutout Temecula and you guys keep up the great work, haven’t lived in Temecula for over 12 years but next time I’m home I’ll be sure to stop by.
You have really over complicated what is a simple process.Our shop is in Hagerstown Md . Come here for your first bow and i we will have you shooting without taking out a loan.
Thank you
My pencil inserted rocket paper bow arrow.
In the other place.