Bear VS 45-70 Machined Bullet
I recently Traveled to New Brunswick Canada to do a bear hunt. I had a lot of fun, got to test out some products, and do a lot of fishing.
On the trip I used several products from Sportsman’s guide (links and discount below), but I also took my Henry All Weather 45-70 with the Lehigh Defense machined bullets loaded by Underwood Ammuntion.
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God, I love that rifle. 😳 And I love sea food… …….take me with you. 🥺
I’ve never seen a squishy bear in the wild.
Pretty long for nothing video
Those bullets are mean. They cause a massive shockwave
Could you compare the LeHigh Xtreme Hunter to the Hornady Leverevolution in 45-70?
Always been a little on the fence about whether or not I should buy this rifle but now I’m 100% set on getting one
I would love one of them Henry’s now in 44mag or 45-70.
What kind of .450 rifle did Earl (?) use (because Canada
Well you see, the marlin 1895 does not have that loading problem, due to the side loading gate
Bear hunting was fun, but I was happy to just go.
You see any Bigfoot up there?
DUDE! I’m diggin’ the au naturel optic’s……when ya gotta do whatya’ gotta do when its raining! See you soon Man!
The "Quadrilateral of Family Friendliness" is the funniest thing ive seen all day!
Thanks for sharing your adventure. Looks like one hell of a good time.
Did you see fort scott 380 bear kill…..dropped it instantly very very impressive
Ehhh!! Here in Canada!
Quick tip for fixing that Henry loading problem with the Hornadys. I had the same issue, if you spin the tube back and forth while pushing it down (180 degrees to the left 180* to right, rinse and repeat) it will go down no problem!
I’d love to go up there Bear huntin
Looks like everyone had fun, thanks for bringing us along. God Bless.
Thoughts on PITa?
U think that kicks try myv4590
I love underwood/lehigh
Cool video pal. Love the Henry. Happy shooting from the UK!
Sooory you didn’t get a bear there eh? (being Canadian, felt I should throw in a little Canuck speak). It looks like my fellow Canadians took good care you and hopefully you had fun. When International Sportsman turns into a big deal, we’ll take you out again and get you the bear you deserve. Great video, thanks.
Black Bears are thin skinned… Brown Bears are not.
"I’m going hunting" guided,bait, told exactly where to go and sit. Lol that’s not hunting.
Wouldn’t have that problem with a marlin loading gate rifle just saying.
Let one attack your ass…and then u will see just how "Squishy" he is…I ain’t Never heard of a squishy Bear….!!!!
The problem is people miss the heart and lungs?
Yup baiting bears ,real hunting huh . People who bait animals are pos and are not sportsman in the least .
Your problem with your gun isn’t the fault of the ammo. Most straight wall cartridges have a "lip".
Where can we see the video of the results of that load on the bear ?
I’m from Miramichi NB. Where did you go bear hunting?
hmmm, enjoy a hunting video with no hunting in it…. NOT !
Were bolt actions allowed? What kind of restrictions are there on weapons you can use?
That Henry is a great lookin rifle. I can’t afford one but they’re sure nice.
Should knock the soup out of a big bear.
There’s walleye there to so nice up there
Get a better kickpad bud. +P is ALWAYS better w bears. From your own lips. 30/30 wasnt enough gun for a bear & Canada/Alaska have monsters. NEVER have too much gun for bears.
What the hell was Henry thinking when they made an “All Weather” rifle with a painted wood stock that is lacking checkering
Short Story,
My brother, father and I went on a bear hunt in Montana. Where it was free range hunting. My brother shot a black bear in the chest about 25-30yds with a 7mm-magnum. The bullet exited the bear’s left side. We tracked it for over a mile through some of the roughest Montana mountains. There was a spot we found where the bear had rested against a huge pine tree. And in fact. Packed it’s wound with dirt. At this point, I realized bear are very tough. And pretty smart.
The quietest animal in the forest is the bear, the lion, and the deer.
I have hunted all three and I think the bear is the stealthiest critter in the woods.
Looked to be a good time, thanks for sharing.
What kind of sinner puts a hand guard like that on a lever gun?
Where is the meat?
I really like Doc’s Henry! Just beauty 🙂
Thanks for the shout out! Give us a heads up next time your up this way and we’ll hit the range.
Wow great performance.
Wouldn’t have that problem with a marlin loading gate rifle just saying.
There’s alot of grizzly attacks.. due. To hunters injeri g them n leaving them .