Backcountry BS-ing Episode #3 – Frozen (Outdoor Adventures)
Backcountry BS-ing Episode #3 – Frozen (Outdoor Adventures)
We talk with Frozen about his upcoming AT thru hike, how he got into backpacking, and why he’s never used uber
Thanks Jason
Go Pro:
Little Tripod:
Big Tripod:
50mm Lens:
24mm Lens:
Lavalier Mic:
Shotgun Mic:
Phone Mic:
Camera Backpack:
1st bsing episode Ive seen and cant wait for more. You guys do an awesome job
KS has a natural ability for interviews. This was great, hope you were able to isolate Gary for some bs.
I hope y’all can one day do one with Shug! Hint hint
loving these BS’ing videos!
I think this was a fantastic session a lot for good questions and info.
Hi from Holland, enjoyed the interview
It felt like I was up way higher than 749ft on that chair.. Especially when I fell off when the back legs sunk in the ground. Enjoying these BS’ing episodes, can’t wait to see who you have on next.
My son Caleb walks in the room and goes…”He’s in a chair. Why is he in a chair? This comes from the kid who met him once at Mohican and may have seen a few sporadic parts of his videos. Got me laughing at that one. Great video guys. Can’t wait to see Frozen tackle the AT.
Good times. Who set up the cameras and didnt think about the branches being in the shot?
Sorry …….
Do you think you could put these on audio podcast platforms for listening to when driving or hiking or wherever the video isn’t convenient. I know there are some free podcast hosting platforms out there.
Are you guys planning to go back to the CO Trail next year? After doing Segments 11-14 a few weeks ago, I am toying with the idea of Segments 1-10 next year and eventually section hiking the entire trail. I love Outdoor Adventures! Glad he made it up to the SHT.
Do you know of any women that backpack on you tube. Ive seen dixie of course and seen a couple more but i dont really see too many like i do you guys. Ive really enjoyed finding this hiking family and its really cool to see so many of us that live in ohio.
Awesome video with Frozen guys! You have definitely become one of my favorites backpacking channels

I love these BS-ing videos! I think it’s a great way to highlight the backpacking community. I know that for some of us, backpacking is often a solitary thing, it’s helpful to be reminded that there are others out there doing a lot of the same things.
However, sorry Frozen…the Penguins Suck!!!
I’m probably in the distinct minority, but I don’t know who Frozen is, other than having heard his name dropped a few times. Sounds like I’ve got a lot of back content to go through!
Hi from Australia. Love your videos. You guys are my favourite! Always enjoying yourselves
Another great BS. Frozen was a fine choice.
I really like this. Great job by both.
Ha Frozen, it’s funny you say your first backpacking trip was in January/February when it was freezing cold. My first experience wasn’t quite as bad, but close. It was the first weekend in March of this year, and it got down to high teens overnight; snow on the ground, super windy, etc. I was pretty close to asking my buddy if I could come over to his tent cause I was cold haha. Gutted it out, and now hooked on it. Can’t wait to see your thru-hike coming up.
A BBSing idea: Go from superstars like Frozen to nobodys just starting out so if they break out Kevin can say "WE KNEW THEM WHEN…" or if they flame out Andy can say "CALLED IT"
Out west is amazing. The Sierras are insane. I want to hike it all!
Great job, guys.
This was good
Nice vid . frozen is a good dude
Those are some sexy white legs
Frozen will need a chair for the AT
Great format. If you guys can make the trip to Oregon and want to spend some time on the PCT, let me know. Would love to be your Guide or just walk the trail with you. Oregon is beautiful. We’d have to do the buffet at Timberline Lodge.
Frozen loves chairs. He carries two chairs on every backpacking trip.
It was so cool that you guys put 2 phone books in his chair to make him look adult size.
Another great episode guys. I have no doubt that Frozen can finish the AT. Can’t wait to see who you have on next.
Awesome again! These are one of the best things playing on YouTube right now. Keep ’em coming!!

Who is this "Gary" person you speak of?
Awesome guys!
Great video. Funny and enlightening. Frozen will finish the AT easily with his personality. I’m loving this format.
I like your new format formula with other you tubers like Jason (Frozen) and Tim WAtson.
Awesome! Great video
Great episode!! This format works.
This is such a great concept for a video series! Keep up that BS-ing!
Yeah no idea who Frozen is but good vid.
Absolutely love this new format. Great Q&A
Nice episode. Who is Gary? Thanks.
It was funny to me when Frozen said he never thought he would have more than 50 followers on YouTube, we hit 50 subs yesterday
. I followed his adventures on the AT, thought it was great how much he learned and discovered about himself out there!
Gentlemen, love the backcountry BS’ing episodes. Keep it up!
Great job guys. Awesome interview. Really liked hearing that he’s going to try and use a hammock on the AT. I’m not sure about starting in February. The Smokies might make him pay for that. Lol. Enjoyed it.

Pine mountain in Ky is called the little AT great training hikes and it’s beautiful
Great episode.
One question-who the hell is IV Tats and where are his videos?
Hearing someone call Millinocket a city cracks me up!
You boys are onto something here these…the CDT is the toughest I think…yall have a good series ..great video
Hey, forgive my ignorance but who is “Gary”. Love to see his channel.
Awesome concept fellas. Love the bsn idea. You guys are pros already great episode keep it coming. Maybe you guys can the one and only Shug on an episode. Rock on boy’s excellant job.
I discovered your channel a few months back and I’m really enjoying this series! Great idea, great videos!
You guys need beers. The only way this gets better is if you’re all drinking beers.