6 Most Disturbing Camping Encounters Caught on Camera
6 Most Disturbing Camping Encounters Caught on Camera
Here are 6 of the Most Disturbing Camping Encounters Caught on Camera. Featured in this video are some of the most disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary camping encounters on the internet.
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2:34 that’s his fire bro, he’s on the back side of his camp. You can see the stacked logs making up the superstructure.
we’ve always brought our dogs camping. I remember we heard an animal walking around and sniffing the tent and one of the dogs let out a low growl and whatever it was ran off pretty quick.
I don’t understand the mentality to keep quiet and hope for the best while someone is trying to break into your van.
Say something to let them know you are aware of them
Why are people not bringing firearms with them. That should be standard first thing to check off on your list of items.
For the first section/ Jason if you pause at 2:23 and zoom in you can see the animal.
I’ve watched enough ‘Hills have eyes’ to not camp in a cave.
Can we focus on the fact the cave dude DIDNT BRING WATER?????
Camping is dangerous, you need to be very careful. Here in Brazil I remember a case where a young couple (Liana and Felipe) went camping and a group of local boys kidnapped them, tortured them and killed them. It was a horrible and sad case.
Many cannibals in Cornwall.
The cougar was “escorting” him away from her babies. Her way of saying “ back off buddy, further… further … ok now stay out of my territory “
When a dude who spend almost his entire life in the mountain or forest say they never heard sound like "that"…
There is a k9 most certainly in the first video when they show the eye reflection pause video and magnify just to the right of the two eyes.
hears heavy ass chain moving, starts loudly talking in tight tunnels and corridors that echo like crazy … like bro, stop being stupid and be quiet!
Lol..i just love how people will do the shh.. Be quiet sign to the viewers, like we would be heard.
2:40 there are no wolves in the Appalachias you dummy
3:00 thats not eyes, thats his fire in his camp, u can see the light on the tarp above
nightmare neighbors v being alone in a camp at night
Pocket knife check, bear spray check, Colt .45 uhm…… No way I’d be out there without it.
Camping outdoors with nothing but a knife is the dumbest shit you can do
The fact Minecraft sent me a notification saying “don’t run, don’t breathe and whatever you do don’t turn your back… the creaking has arrived”
These were not bright people. What do you expect from influencers I guess .
What is the point of going to
Remote places yourself alone at night? It’s like you’re saying “hey death! How is it going? I’m here if you need me”
Was so expecting the first guy to be like "It sounded like some kinda pig…. some kinda bear… and some kinda man.. some kinda man-bear-pig’
That first video with how he didn’t even notice I thought that was a fire dying down with how the lights flickered.
The best part about camping is that you don’t have to do it

11:01 11:02 11:02 11:02 11:02 11:03 11:04 11:04 11:04 11:05 11:05
Ok dude I’m all about creepy vids but those "wolf eyes" was clearly the fire because one "eye" was flickering on and off. Unless the wolf was winking at him, don’t see how that’s possible. That was my first instinct when I saw that part, that it was a fire.not animal eyes.
My basics would be a 1000watt luminous flashlight. My sbr. 3 mags. And my 120 pound dog. And thermals/night vision. The woods is the devils church. I wouldn’t take any chances.
If you hear something creepy or scary, then stop taking so damn loud MATT.. Jeez! WTH is wrong with you, are you trying to lead them straight to you. My goodness, have some common sense!!
W vid
Why woukld a car jacker take pictures of the license plate ? He was proposaly innocently going to make sure the truck wasnt reported missing or part of a crime.
If you’re looking for danger, you’ll get it
I guess I’m the only one who saw the first set of eyes on the right side of the screen at 2:04 about mid screen before he pans back to his fire shining like eyes.
Theres absolutely nothing caught on camera in this, other than a few noises and people talking to camera
Big foot is real
Jason obviously heard Manbearpig
Why is it none of these dumbasses camping alone ever had a gun with them?
That second video is complete bullshit
I’m telling you guys gotta get guns if your gonna go camping or sleep in creepy caves
stealth campers: [parks somewhere they literally arent supposed to park]
stealth campers: why is someone taking pictures of my license plates and messing with my car??
Not for nothing, man but, yes, these guys are adventurous and its really cool content they provide and all. Now, you’re in the middle of nowhere, no one can find you, whatever is circling your camp can obviously see you, but you can’t see anything. Even if you’re packing heat, what are you supposed to do if there’s a real-life psycho out there just preying on you? You’re brave, man. That’s a very scary situation
That’s it….camping with the Kids in our Backgarden is OFF!!

Didn’t bring any water. Being raised by Aussie bushmen, my grandfather would give that bloke a real thickhead like Hoges with Strop.
0:29 excuse me, that’s not a damn tent
Every one of these situations could have been handled with a firearm.
Nr. 1 is just a reflection in a window make by themself to atention just fake Nr.2 they must stay home stupido Nr3 ,4 and 5 are very dumb dont go into the wild persons stupido’s all ready to die?PFFF BIG FOOT FOOD
bru i saw the part called "jason" in the timeline and thought this guy got pulled up on by Jason Vorhees
Efff thatt!!! Hearing a chain moving in the cave gave me the goosebumps!!! NOPE!!!
If i ever encounter something like that I’d probably have to change my underwear