4K Virtual Hike – Amazing Nature Scenery with Soothing Music – Sol Duc Falls Nature Trail
4K Virtual Hike – Amazing Nature Scenery with Soothing Music – Sol Duc Falls Nature Trail
What a beautiful virtual hike! Sol Duc Falls Nature Trail leads through one of the greenest, quietest forests you’ve ever visited. Scenic trail is very rooty, with trunks of fallen trees, stumps, and romantic wooden bridges! You will walk along admirable forests paths and look at the impressive giant collapsed trees and rooted trunks! The finale of the 4K virtual hike is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Washington State – Sol Duc and Marymare Falls! To get to beautiful waterfalls, you will have a virtual walk through a semi-magical forest: thickets of fern, moss-covered branches… The canyon walls are dripping with moss and mist… The forest all around the falls is dense and so very vibrant that you’ll feel as you’re in an Iceland fairytale! Breaking through sunlight creates a special calm and positive mood. Soothing sceneries of high powerful trees and great waterfalls will bring you an unforgettable feeling of harmony and inner peace! Feel relaxed and open a virtual window to REAL nature! Recharge with soothing relax melodies and get a buzz!
Video from: Sol Duc Falls Nature Trail, Olympic National Park,
Washington State, USA
Video resolution: 4K UHD
Equipment used: Go Pro 7
Video type: walking tour
Filmmaker: Roman Khomlyak
Editor: Anatolii Pylypenko
Special THANKS to our professional filmmakers and editors for their fascinating, creative, hard and challenging work.
Brighten up your day with amazing nature scenes in 4K while watching this walking tour from https://beautifulwashington.com and https://proartinc.net
You may download this video for personal use only from: https://proartinc.net/shop/4k-virtual-hike/4k-virtual-hike-sol-duc-falls-olympic-wa/
Don’t miss a chance to dive into the wonderful world of Washington forests and waterfalls! This walking tour will bring to one of the prettier waterfalls in the Olympic Peninsula – Sol Duc Falls and to the tallest waterfall in Olympic National Park – Marymere Fall! Take in the spectacular views on your TV whenever you want. Admire the splendid natural beauty of the Sol Duc Falls Nature Trail without leaving your couch. Experience nature with our 4K virtual hike! Escape from the daily routine to the forest – it is a perfect crime!
Benefits of this virtual forest walk for you:
– Quarantines are meant to restrict the movement of people for some time. Instead of staying at home, it’s high time to go for a virtual walk to the forest!
– Diversify your leisure: walking tours will be a useful activity and interesting pastime for people from nursing homes, boarding houses, health resorts, hospitals, and more. Spend your free time with benefits.
– Behold the gorgeous nature scenery from the Sol Duc Falls Nature Trail without leaving your home.
– Feel the atmosphere of the majestic old forest and the influx of new strength and inspiration.
– Recharge with soothing nature sceneries and relaxing melodies.
– Plan your next hike! Use its virtual scenic hike as your personal virtual-guide.
– Get surrounded by natural beauty! Explore this wonderful forest and stay connected to nature wherever you are. Take in the relaxing views on your Oled TV, Samsung 4K HDR TV, Sony 4K TV, LG 4K TV, etc.
– Make your place unique and atmospheric by using this 4K video as stunning video walls for any waiting room, lounge, office, vet clinic, museum, public space, dental clinic, hospital, nursery house, home, etc.
Watch Online: https://4krelax.com
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All the music used in the video is licensed through musicbed.com artlist.io and soundstripe.com
Relevant hashtags: #virtualhike #4k #naturescenery
I enjoy a walk like this but never alone. It just doesn’t seem safe anymore. Watching this video is nice but longing to take a walk in a peaceful place with the Lord!
Thank you!
Ads really ruin this for me. i would have contributed to not have ads.
Love the video , the scenery thru the whole thing is so relaxing.
Incredibly wonderful! Fabulous nature and enchanting music….
Thanks so much for doing this. I just lost my Mom and this is so therapeutic.
جولتي الصّباحيّة الافتراضيّة، رائعة!
I’m so glad i live here and grew up hiking this trail 殺 the video while gorgeous doesn’t even compare to it’s true beauty
thank for beautiful and calm nature
Lose the music and leave in the nature sounds of the hike.
Absolutely beautiful!
this music is more than your average music is these kind of videos
Всё пройдёт…, а музыка вечна.
Я желаю тебе дорогой мой человек, читающий эти строки:))) счастья, пожелаю любви , мира,пусть будет небо над тобой голубым , пусть будет трава зелёная, и детский смех!
i’m on shrooms watching this man so beautiful
One of my favourite videos for studying, reading and just zoning out. Helps me calm down and cope.
I would love a cabin right next to that stream. So beautiful. Great video.
I thank you also, may GOD and JESUS bless you richly for this , I too love
nature and hiking , but now iam overweight ,at 64 and must not leave house much. Hurts me soo deeply , but this does help a lot
good medicine all of it is perfect , the soft music also, thanks again , makes my day a little brighter 
Love these videos, nature walks are the best!
im scared i feel someone is wathcing me while im walking in this forest
Music 100% ruins this. The sound of nature, especially in Olympic National Park, is one of the most amazing things.
Just watching this makes me feel a calm euphoria I cant explain
. I love nature walks 
Disappointing to listen to music in nature
Please stop putting music to hikes. I know you think it will be boring without music, but it is the very sounds (audio) of nature, the birds singing, the rush of streams, the sound of boots crunching in stones, the whole audio, which is part of the relaxation of the experience. It is NOT BORING so please people provide us with the full experience – visual AND audio
Beautiful landscape and soundtrack! Thank you!
Such a beautiful hike…love it!
To whoever is reading this, you are loved. You are blessed. Your dreams are manifesting as we speak. Time is on your side. Everything will work out in your favor. May you find more love, peace and prosperity. Keep shining your light in this world. We need you and we love you
never seen anyone hike in slow motion… so boring.
If you are reading this, may God remove your doubts, worries, and fears and replace them with good health, happiness, and peace.
Now i understand why Americans love to hike, they don’t understand how lucky they are. Beautiful nature, National Park, Grand Canyon, Alaska, Dessert. You guys had everything there! One of the best nature in the world imo

570 Ena Stream
So amazingly lush! I like the music! Where is it from?
Иногда самые большие трудности — это ступеньки, которые помогут идти дальше по жизни. Желаю вам добиться успеха
great video of our wounderfull planets forests, it would have been perfect exept for the big smoudge in the center of the screen? my eyesight is not the best being a pensioner and a glasses wearer but i can see it clear as day but no one has even mentioned it?
I have watched this video several times. It is so calming. It has helped relax me through some of my toughest times. I only wish I was actually there. Beautiful!!!
This is a stunning place and great recording, I wish I could do this.
I am trying to do something somewhat like it, well I am trying to get the feeling of hiking there, this is so smooth it’s insanely cinematic, but I am including the bobbing up and down and sound including footsteps and ambient sounds. I don’t have quite as beautiful locale, but I am trying to get the recording and editing right to give the experience of being there.
If anyone would like to give me feedback I’d be grateful, frankly I’m not sure if my cencept works or is just a hobby horse of mine..
I am one of the fortunate few who can actually say, I live here. That is correct, I actually work and live here
alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen,,,,,,,,,allah created the world very beautiful
Whenever I hike I always feel such gratitude for the people who made all the paths and steps.
thats remind me of wrong turn
I’m doing magic mushrooms right now and this is playing on my big TV in my room and I feel like I’m literally there. it looks all alien like and fuzzy and smooth.
The music ruins the Beautiful cinematography but that’s just my opinion.
5:49 The is a beautiful trail hike. I haven’t been able to hike for 2 years. I almost had to look for something else because of the visual transitions. Fading in and out of the video. If you can add when that ends. I can fast forward through that part and still enjoy the visual walk through beautiful woods. Thanks, Patti
Wow what a lush forest!
what a beautifull place…
Thanks for the wonderful presentation. In 1954 I was 18 years old and was hired by the forest service along with 5 others to totally rehab the log shelter by Sol Duc falls. We tore it down, saved what logs we could,and leveled the foundation. We then cut replacement logs. Then cut d cut up cedar logs and made our own roof shakes using a large hammer and a froe. Everything was cut and assembled by hand. We had no power tools at all.
Amazing views! Thank you for sharing.