20+ Wilderness Survival Tips and Bushcraft Self Reliance Skills
20+ Wilderness Survival Tips and Bushcraft Self Reliance Skills
20+ wilderness survival tips that may save your life and skills you can use to become more self reliant and learn how to live and thrive in the outdoors
This is hands-down one of the best wilderness survival videos I’ve seen! [6:39] Your fire-starting technique is brilliant. Well done!
I’m new to the channel, very impressed, and completely
1:24 scrap a bit of the birch bark to make a fine dust add this to the resin..
Great info. Just a note about breaking long branches for firewood. Don’t bother expending the energy to break wood to your desired campfire size. Place the branch or log on the fire with the end of the branch extending a foot or two from the center of the fire and the fire will do the work for you. And, it is easier to drag a branch intact through the woods rather than having to take off your belt to bundle the pile of broken branch pieces.
Nice, easy and to the point. NO fluff or fillers. GREAT INFO FOR BEGINNERS !!!!!!
Fantastic advice, the best I heard so far. Great Video in general.. Real life-saving advice .. thank you
Great tips! Thank you!
because of you, i wander and collext pine sap and birch bark. thanks
I didn’t know I can use trees as torches
tough to get off your hands also
I did not know the tips about the Bick lighter, I am smarter now than I was five minutes ago. Great video, right to the point, no BS, crystal clear, spot on. Thank you so much.
Dude you used tools to survive you basically cheated
Great Video and Channel! We have a cool Firestarter, any chance of maybe doing a product review on our Firestarters?
I am a true outdoor survivalist, and I have learned a lot of things, even though I am only a teenager, but you never cease to make me learn something new
Awesome video!!!
What belt knife are you using in this video please?
Good to know. I’m going camping with my mom who wants to kill me off for inheritance… Definitely might have to use some of these
Very impressive demo, they are great helpful for bushcrafters in woods.
7:25 u hear that?
It’s 4AM. I can’t sleep. I never go into the woods. But I am watching this, and I like it

3:21 you were surprised.
Your sock lint!!!!!

Great video ! Thanks for posting .
Great pointers. We all need to brush up on these tactics
I could smell that candle through my screen
Some of the tips are useful
Some of them are common sense,a natural instinct i would say.
My attention span is short, yet i can watch this without skipping through. Nice work
For fire starter I use pine cones, they light and have some pine sap to get hot.
מיומנות שימושית להפליא
I love these videos
I don’t have birch trees where I live.
Thank u I love learning about survival
¨carry your logs with one hand and hold your pants with the other¨
i have no desire to do any of this stuff but i’m still properly fascinated
Hey there, which knife or knives would you recommend that’s good for many bushcraft-related things and stays sharp when making feather sticks?
"Put your stick between the two" I have a dirty mind lol.
oh ya found my new survival channel. cheers dude!
Fix subtitles please.
Do you ever worry about starting tree (surrounding trees) root on fire under ground? Like..with the two hole pit? That…can be deadly to a forest. The fire follows the roots up the tree and then the tree bursts into flames. I’ve seen it happen….on an island when the campers left, built a fire on top of the ground near trees and shallow roots. We people jumping into boats and fighting the fire before pro help came saved the island! The whole thing would have burned down! It had been a good week of sunny hot weather with little rain. Scares me death now!
The part of the BIC that you are removing is a wind shield, not a safety feature for kids.
If you poke yourself in the eye you’re gonna have a "biccer" problem
very helpful and skillful!!!
Awesome content! If you’re looking to explore these topics even further, we actually produced an award-winning documentary called Grid Down Power Up – Documentary, narrated by Dennis Quaid, that dives deep into these issues. It’s available for free on our channel, and you might find it really insightful. We also have some resources on our website for taking action, like contacting legislators and public utilities. Please help us spread the word
lol love how you gotta double remind peeps to actually boil the water
Amazing video but one question how do you get the pine sap off your hands in the wild.
I know that you cant get it off with rubbing alcohol or peanut butter but i dont know of a way to do that in the woods where i dont have those recources.
Very well done video here, thank you!