$20 Home Depot Camp Mattress & DIY Fitted Sheet (Cheap Camping Mattress)
$20 Home Depot Camp Mattress & DIY Fitted Sheet (Cheap Camping Mattress)
A super comfy camping mattress for $20?? And it doesn’t deflate on you?! Yep!
► My online store (SUV camping/vandwelling/overlanding accessories & SUV RVing merch): https://KamchatkaGear.com
** $20 camp mattress from Home Depot: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Camping-Foam-Carpet-Pad-10030CAMP-PAD/203243566
** $25 alternative (has many more reviews, but I’ve never tried it; it’s also narrower): https://www.homedepot.com/p/Future-Foam-3-in-Thick-Multi-Purpose-Foam-10030BULK3/203837114
** Gear I use: https://suvrving.com/gear
** SUV RVing the Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01HYMKE2K/?tag=suvrving-20 (Affiliate link)
** The blog: http://suvrving.com
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That is actually a pretty good deal on foam… I wonder if my home depot has that, I doubt it though.
Another place to get foams is foamsbymail, or foam factory. They have a bunch of different foams, to memory foam, and latex.
I have been looking to make a mattress to sleep on the floor. I have been sleeping the floor and it’s not too bad, but I think I would like have a pad or something.
At Walmart they have a air mattress for 7 bucks but I don’t trust air mattresses.
I’ve been looking for that kind of foam and never see it in Home Depot. Is it a regular item at the one where you bought yours?
This would work perfect for my Ford Explorer, I already have a thick sleeping bag so don’t need cover sheet – going camping with my dogs this wkend

You just gave me a really good idea. I even have a sewing machine. Thanks Tristan.
Man, you really butchered that mattress
Heat the knife & foam will cut like butter.
When my daughter was born, i went to an industrial place and had foam cut for her crib mattress; had a waterproof mattress cover. Inexpensive and worked very well for many months until I could afford a more sturdier crib mattress to support her growing baby weight.
Great idea saved a lot of money I will be doing this for my bed in my Astro van thanks!
Just go buy a 7.5cm self inflating mat. No messing and they work.
Very nice Tristan! Do you find the 3 inches of foam to be good enough for side sleeping? Would you recommend doubling to 6 inches?
Should want Harbor Freight and buy out a knife
I got a Tri-fold 3" Memory Foam Mattress with a cover already on it at Walmart for $29. It folds neatly and has Velcro to hold it closed and handles to carry it with. It’s very comfortable.
That’s good price
The same thing goes for footballs lol .
If the three pieces shift, you could try using duck tape on one side to stabilize them. You could still fold into a Z shape for storage.
How much do you weigh? I am a little on the large size….
Mad sewing skill!
Those inflatable mattresses from Walmart(are not returnable) or any store they will deflate..junk..!
a tri fold foam kids seat would work without having to cut it…great video
Score!! I’ve got a $50 gift card!!! I didn’t know what to get! I don’t like inflatables, seems the air kills my back in the morning. I didn’t even think of the elevation bit. Foam does get “harder and softer “ but once you get on it, your body heat makes it pliable. This foam pad looks like just the trick. Thanks!
so for storage r u able to fold it easily
air mattress and done.
What SUV do you drive?
I have a twin air .
Hello, to make a tone easier and much cheaper go to Costco get self expendable for $39 or sometime on sale for $29 set up time is 5 minutes wait for complete air in and 1 minute put it way.
OK, you sew…subscribing now!!! Great video thank you for including info about space like the back is 44"..I needed to know that.,, which video has your suspension system in it? i really need to know how you bridge the sleeping gap…thanks
How long is the foam?
If your interested in this just try searching for foam in the size you need. Once you add the word camping your just going to get the same thing for more money. Wouldn’t be unrealistic to find something similar to this for less than 10$
Im glad you did this video! Ive had foam pads like that in the past and they are very comfortable. Ive seen a lot of videos lately where people are saying the self inflating mattresses are great but after watching your review i believe ill go with the foam and the idea of cutting in 3 and folding to save space never occured to me, duh! .. simple ideas are usually the best! Thank you!
I bought a 25" mattress off amazon back when they were $67. I now know 4" foam is the minimum I would ever buy, but the extra firmness on mine is just right (I could tell when you easily squeezed your foam, it wouldn’t work for me). However, I’ve come to the conclusion tri-folds arent worth any storage benefits. Anyway, I gave this video a like just for the comedic value (the cutting, the "upholstering"…it’s all hilarious).
You needed to use an old electric carving knife. They cut foam smoothly.
$20…..Damn! here in Australia i cant even find one whats under $80
I’ve never seen a dude work a sewing machine , lol .
In the old days we called them hardware stores.
Props to you for being a fellow man that knows how to use a sewing machine.
Nice but I think even folding it takes up too much space. I am looking for something more flat and cool at night.
$20! WOW I paid $150 for a full 6” memory foam and I’m going have to trim it for my van. I could have just gotten 2 of these and not trimmed. I’m calling this a win for you.
Good call. Thanks. My local HD has them for $25. I have covers that I can cut this up to fit. Very good price.
Would stacking two be overkill and/or take up too much space for the additional comfort?
to cut I would take steel string and put 3.3V on it from computer PSU
An electric carving knife makes clean cuts in foam. They are pretty easy to find for cheap at garage sales.
$20 still sounds expensive to me for a piece of foam that doesn’t look comfortable
Tx for the idea, the foam doesn’t look like memory foam though which I think is not much more expensive.
Harbor Freight Electric hot knife
To cut foam, or fiber glass insulation, or other similar materials put a 2×4 along your cut line, step on it to compress the material, and then cut. It will come out much more clean.
I’ve slept on one for a few weeks, glad to hear others are using this cheap pad!
If I had known I could have told you that electronic carving knife works fabulous on cutting foam. I know this for a fact from working as a Drag show stage manager, all the Queens use electronic carving knives to cut and shape their padding.
Great idea. I’ll ck it out. Thanks. Like your idea of making a sheet-pillowcase.
Just looked up foam mattresses vs camping pads online at HomeDepot; there is quite a price difference!
not much help for a guy on a motorcycle, or backpacker.