13 Camping Gear Essentials (My Core Packing List)
13 Camping Gear Essentials (My Core Packing List)
In this video, I walk through 13 items (or categories of items) that I take on basically every tent camping trip I go on.
This list doesn’t include food (which you’ll obviously need) and there are several other things that you may want to bring on your own trips, that I personally consider to be optional.
I hope this will help you as a starting point for your own camping gear set-up, and if you have questions or want to share an additional item that you consider to be essential, feel free to let me know in the comments.
Hit like if something in this video resonates with you, and join me every Wednesday for new videos like this.
And here are the other videos/playlists I mentioned in the video:
Trash bag uses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV5VeqsIxzY&t=5s
Weekend packing list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy78HF7JlyU&t=21s
Layering clothes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GDFE74jc-U&t=5s
Camping food playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=277c5YjUse4&list=PLiCCxOTNW6eZYllz0AV7J0bLnKdLmiJgT
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Jokes aside, great video mate! Clear and concise, no fuss, and I learned a lot. I aim to build up my camping gears and do lots of camping soon and this is really helpful. Thanks mate! All the best!
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You are very down to earth and make great videos. I added so much to my list that I forgot , especially a spatula. I liked the video and can’t wait to go through all your playlists. Thanks a bunch from CA.
I like that you cover both backpacking and car camping. I car camp, too old to backpack and not too many reviews/videos for it. A little reminder that if you use a cot you still need a pad or you’ll freeze your little tail off. Hot lips! Greatest useful little invention.
You are very down to earth and make great videos. I added so much to my list that I forgot , especially a spatula. I liked the video and can’t wait to go through all your playlists. Thanks a bunch from CA.
Funny you said a sheet, literally a necessary item for me. I run hot and it’s a nice barrier to hot sleeping bags
Hey Jon its stanford from purdue! Recently I have decided to get into hiking and such so I have definitely rewatched some of your older stuff. Your videos are getting better for sure and I have been loving the content keep it up! I got an idea for a video, gathering info. I know it can be very depent on ur goals and such but sometimes get proper beta can be challenging. I recently found peakbaggers, fastestknowntime, 4000footers, mountainforecast, etc. to help gain info on my various hiking adventures. A video on your favorite resources, practices, or places to get beta would be nice.
I enjoy car camping with my wife. Over the years we learned how to make our lives easier when camping. One thing we learned was packing everything in extra large shoe boxes. Keeps everything organized and dry. 8 gallon boxes works well for clothing and toiletries.
I love how simple this is, and the baggies, LOL, it’s like backpacking in a car…
This was so helpful for my wife and I for the first time we went camping together
Lets see, tent , sleeping bag , uco candle, propane stove , coleman cooking set . I am goo to go . No sleeping pad needed , that is gathered at the camp area.
Headlamps are great but you wanna have a super bright flashlight on hand as well, they do have their purposes.
This was helpful. Thank you
TP is essential, but you also REALLY want to bring some wet wipes! Seriously! HUGE difference!
Dude, too much coffee? Off your ADHD meds?
Thank you for your time sir
You know you should have started with the Death Valley map first
Thank you for you videos. I found you about a week ago. I find them very helpful. And a pleasure to watch!
Thank you so much!
You can also use a vacuum sealer and vacumn pack your food etc to safe space. You can also dehydrate vegetables and them pack them up
You forgot the chocolate!
Otherwise a great list
If I had ALL THOSE ESSENTIALS why even go camping. Camping for me is roughing it getting out in nature with minimal gear.
Great video, man.
Omg you’re so cute! The pillow made me go “awww”
Really helpful mate
I love This
Very helpful – keep up the great work!
Ngl, I think ESSENTIALS would be a tent, lighter and stuff to eat/drink..
While I think all this stuff is nice to have when your camping, I don’t think it’s essential lol
Dont forget a camping chair!
Great video! Straight to the point and very helpful. Thanks
You wash your hands a bit too much don’t you?
This is a great resource. Primitive or glamping, its a nice core list to add to or minimalize from. I came from a camping family from Louisiana. I like the organization and planning here. When it’s time to go there’s usually a lot going on so the more you have everything organized into bags easy and ready to throw in the vehicle, the more likely you will get there with everything you intended to. Ben Franklins motto "a place for everything …" applies well when camping!
I like how simple it is, nothing fancy. Great content!
Great list, useful too. And nicely presented YT video.
I’d add a 14th. A small bag of off grid things to amuse yourself if your car breaks down or your smart phone is out of range, broken or lost etc. When travelling I have a small shoulder bag that contains a small radio, a couple of paperbacks, a couple of battery operated handheld games (from the 90s) of the intellectual type, a pocket chess / checkers set with some printed games and puzzles, a notebook and pens, etc.
You’d be surprised how many times I’ve been stranded (waiting for spare parts / floods / strikes / political unrest / even aircraft crashes * etc), in various forms of travel, and believe me, I’ve been glad I packed this stuff.
* Fortunately not any I have been flying in.
You forgot: power bank / electric wire and charger / lamp
Many years ago, I used to do 1700 km commutes motorcycle commutes over 2 days, between 2 Australian state capitals. There was a state forest
I’d stealth comp in overnight along the way. I quickly learned what to take that made the stay comfortable and I reckon I packed half the stuff in the YT video.
Of course the longer the time on the road the more stuff you have to bring. But there was a limit to the amount of gear one could put on a little 250, 4 stroke motorbike.
Thanks but you keep doing Illuminati Hand signals. WE that love God and not Satan, got this. He WINS.
Probably shouldn’t store all your fire starters in one place
Loved all the family made items! Great vid!!
Bros got the DayZ backpack
my outdoors friend, thank you for sharing this informative video. Stay safe out there. 
Excellent content. Great video for beginners and excellent checklist for campers in general
I think you forgot the small axe you will need it
I LOVE that you camp with your Grandma Made Pillow. That absolutely made me happy. Grandmas are so awesome
That Dawn is poison man. Throw all that shit out of your home. Buy natural
Good man fir mentioning the first aid kit. I watched a beginners essentials video yesterday, he completely neglected that.
Having a pillow your gramma made you is unexpectedly wholesome.
As a mom I can’t help but sober if you’re hands are sunburnt. All your tips are spot on.
No chair?