10 KICKASS Date Ideas Guaranteed To IMPRESS! Ten Awesome Date Ideas
10 KICKASS Date Ideas Guaranteed To IMPRESS! Ten Awesome Date Ideas
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It’s Friday morning, and you have a date with your spicy senorita. During the course of communication, you ask if there’s anything she’d like to specifically do. This is where millions of gentleman go wrong because (a) she’s indecisive without a solid suggestion and (b) a gentleman ALWAYS has a plan!
In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro says that as men, we have a lot to deal with including the pressure of planning a romantic evening and amazing date. Yes, planning a kickass date is something that men struggle with so Alpha’s helping you out with some ideas guaranteed to impress. If you implement one of these ideas, you are going to look like a rock star.
Kickass Date Ideas
1. To-go pizza + 6 pack + chill place to go
2. Build a campfire and make s’mores
3. Bowling
4. Day date: bike ride or hike
5. Sports bar and share some nachos
6. Comedy club
7. Concert
8. Live sporting event
9. Music festival or outdoor event
10. Theatrical production
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Low key triggered you didn’t mention hockey for live sporting event.
Kickass ideas
more like get your asskicked ideas 
Ever thought about being a sales man?
Great video thanks
You suck
does the app work in the netherlands?
No nachos, we are not crunching and cheesing out together!

Hmmm options
Basketball, Baseball or hotdogs… I think I’m gonna go to hotdogs
The intro’s fking annoying , other that that the contents pretty good
1:41 i died here

I don’t like intros and usually like straight to the point stuff but I like your personality and I like you. Subscribe
Those are bad first date Ideas jsyk
Half of 6min video for ads
I was truly thinking bowling but I ddnt wanna go again

Nope on the sporting event. Unless your both bfanatics about it, it’s a bad idea. Games can be looong and if your not digging it you’ve got to stick it out until it’s over…or bail.
how about paragliding
well this video is suppposed to be helpful but foor me is hard because it gives me a headache when i tryed to talk to her and communicate with… -_- it looks like i need speech therapy maybe… idk myself anymore. i actually did it when i was mature person since 7 years ago before i watched this video.
Potential pantalones
Whenever I watch this dude I go in thinking he’s a douche and then by the end I’m like holy shit he’s so Charismatic
I’m going to the mall… I mean I’m poor hahaha is that bad?
i have a date tommorrow wish ne luck
Who this cheap ass dating

I don’t see indecisive I see that the girl wants the guy to either put in effort or she wants his input
Why do ppl think bowling is fun?? It’s soooo boring lol
I did the first two for my ex, told her I was going to take her to the “best pizza place in town” and I took her up to the lake with dominoes pizza, cheesey bread, and s’mores and we sat on the back of my wrangler.
Whats the thing on your left eye-ball?
Hook me up , im going right in guys, fresh im to a date RIGHT NOW, 27 JULY 2019 if im not coming back YOU BETTER BE GLOBAL ELITE ASAP… im a bit toe tipping, butterflies in my tummy.

fuck the new kids on the block tshirt.. im listen to battle born, no sudden movement 5fdp
and you 

How to impress your girl
Get one first.
i need to take a xanx after watching this
Seat Geek, Seat Geek, Seat Geek, (really fast) Seat Geek
Señorita spicy pants !!!
Funny !!!
My issue is I get girls but I can never keep them. I’m not particularly attractive, and I’m socially awkward, so I’m giving up until I’m older.
this is so hilarious this is so fucking sexist omL
Campfire for sh’moees
0:00 a new intro was born.
take a woman stargazing. trust me…
I’m thinking more like Kemah (like a carnival) for just like the first one. It’s more of just hanging out than a date
Hi this is david dobrik and this video is sponsored by seatgeek
“If you’re one of the six women watching this channel”
I’m undercover rn
Don’t call me out like that
I’ll just stick to having instant ramen
All of this would be great if my girl wasn’t so picky lol
Error 01
No girlfriend
Would a arcade be ok?
YO I got this girl she goes to church she is Christian and she don’t like sports idk what to do with her, she said all she does is stay home and watch horror movies.
culture. Screw that
Who’s here in 2019?
This guy will flame you then tell “BUT GENTLEMEN” right after.
What a sexist thing to say “Women are indecisive” maybe they are just trying to be considerate ever think about that and it wouldn’t kill you to add a diner date in there other than pizza and a six pack don’t get me wrong that sounds great and all but a step up would be nice ohhh and what about a movie or is that to expensive? Hey maybe it can go in your over $25 category! Your suggestions where bias and when you were talking you where sexist
That’s this helps
wish i lived in a bigger place, this app isn’t very helpful in Norway