10 Amazing Camping Hacks how to
10 Amazing Camping Hacks how to
10 Amazing Camping Hacks
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sticking section of match striker inside lid of jar of matches – *NO!* They can strike accidentally when they bounce around, and then best scenario, you have no matches, or worst scenario, a raging fire inside your pack
Segurança zero para os fosforos dentro do vidro junto com a lixa, pode pegar fogo. Ainda pior se usar pote de plastico para não quebrar.
the match trick is really cool
Your tips are very good
Dude! You’re the best
the DIY lantern is clever BUT for safety:
1. use kerosene or lamp oil or vegetable oil, NOT lighter fluid.
2. make sure the flame is away from the glass bottle opening. If the glass gets hot it can shatter, then you have fire everywhere.
hack 3 , nice
Love the whole match ideas.
The floating jeychain can also double up as a fishing float, just add 2 rubber bands around it or some tape. If you don’t have those, we’ll, just tie the fishing line to a loop on one end and run it trough the other end to which you add the hook
Cool lantern
the matches with candle wax amazed me. how did I not know this??
I really like these!!
Well done mate. thx
If you remove the duck tape from the wound, would it be more painful?
4:33 For backpacking or hiking, I’ll replace the glass jar with something plastic & smaller, so as to reduce weight and size.
Good video with good ideas. Thanks.
Thank you for posting!
Flashlights are heavy. Carry a molotov cocktail instead.
I used your cork / key suggestion. Now my power door locks and remote starter don’t work! What did I do wrong?
Just getting ready because were having a camping nexr week!
Great Video!Great Hacks!
"boa ideia"(SQN) de colocar os fosforos dentro de um vidro(que pode quebrar(era so colocar em um de plastico), e colocar a lixa para acender protegida dentro tambem(mas o fosforo ao se mover poderia se riscar sozinho e por fogo em seus pertences.
Where are you from?
At 04:25 after you’ve made that match holder be sure and shake the jar as hard as you can for about 1 minute with the matches in it
Please share the video! Thanks!
I collect little bottles, I can’t wait to make little lanterns♥
floating keys are good when you are at the lake. Not so good when you are fishing in a river.
making this candle would cost more than just buying one
actually for water proof match just coat the front with nail polish
Try hard crazyrussianhacker

if you paint the cork orange it would be easier to see if it falls in the water. thanks for all the great hacks!
Thanks for the wonderful hacks. I have a girl scout troop that we are going to be using some of these. Continued success.
Enjoyed the video very much!
You got copied.
..YOUR A JERK.,nut case.?
crazy Russian hackers brothet
I always refuse bringing glass to camping. I use a one of those water park waterproof containers.
how to make miniature molotov
Wouldn’t fancy pulling that duct tap off a blister without something protecting the blister. OUCH!!!!
he is very good at this
so you put the striking surface in a jar of 200 matches… is this bomb making school?
you got skills…love your handle…lol!