Video: Hikers run from a grizzly bear in Glacier National Park
Video: Hikers run from a grizzly bear in Glacier National Park
Video: Hikers run from a grizzly bear in Glacier National Park
Video: Hikers run from a grizzly bear in Glacier National Park
Video: Hikers run from a grizzly bear in Glacier National Park
What not to do when you see a grizzly
Anyone would run if a bear starts chasing you regardless if you shouldn’t
Bunch of idiots that SHOULD have been eaten by that bear.
I lived in Alaska for 30 and never seen a bear that wasn’t stuffed or in a zoo.
The first few years and last few years I did a LOT of hiking and fly fishing, never carried a gun ( which is REALLY STUPID in Alaska, never had the money to get one. Sure didn’t want a piece of unreliable shit ).
Seen lots of bear tracks and lots of bear shit…but NO BEARS. The Brown bears in Alaska are a lot bigger then Canadian or Lower 48 Grizzlies, are big as they are.
"Don’t run"? I wouldn’t have stopped running until I was in Cleveland.
They didn’t run….they hauled ass outta there lol
Whenever you go hiking, make sure you are not the slowest person… Those guys had never ran that fast up a hill before.
Never run.
Running from a bear upside the hill is pretty stupid idea: their short forward paws will outperform on a such kind of terrain any human. Also, bear, probably, was scared by itself due to the strange human activities, noises, screams near him.
Run for your life
My natural instinct is to run. I dont care if i never saw the bear. All i needed to hear was the screaming. Zmmmmmm outta there. And then once i felt we were safe i would have asked what happened…. Turn on Jets
The title of this video is misleading.
You don’t have to be a fast runner, all you have to do is be faster than the slowest guy. Hahaha
Wow, if you’re going to run, at least stay together.
How can you laugh?
Dont run? ridiculous! If you are that far away then RUN!
Get off the trail into the thick grass where you can’t move and wait for the bear to eat you lol no thanks I’d rather run. Animals don’t waste there valuable energy
Who was laughing? why would you be laughing at that.?
Why is that guy laughing? It must have been scary for those people….
that’s not a grizzly and if it is it’s tiny compared to the people running away.
I like to see that grizzly come after the a hole that’s laughing.
Guy: “Don’t run”
Bear: turns towards the people recording
Guy: “Oh Shit”
Only a CLOWN or a LIBERAL goes to GRIZZLY BEAR country without a 12gauge with GRIZZLY BEAR shots and a 45 pistol for backup, again with GRIZZLY BEAR loads. A grizzly bear has extremely tough Bone and muscles that the bullet needs to get through.
Did it not seem the Bear was approaching those filming?
gee, that was horrifying. 😂
Trump supporters should always run.
Bear starts chasing the people behind the camera
No 🐻 mace?
Hiking without bear mace?
That’s Larson’s gold.
Just goes to show you that you don’t have to be faster than the bear…….just faster than the other guy.
I was in glaicer national park, on that hike, at the time that this was happening
This was a run-of-the-mill bear encounter, just handled in the wrong way. When you go backcountry camping in Glacier, the NPS makes you watch a video that shows you what to do in this exact situation. Seriously, this exact situation. This bear has seen lots of hikers, and the bear handled it better than the hikers did.
All the poor bear wanted to do is give them a bear hug
Now he’s coming for your ass instead.
The guy laughing about this whole situation is the scariest thing….
Great capture Dulé
If you watch at the end you can see what looks like an elk running up the hill. I would bet that’s what the bear was after, and it could be that is what the people are laughing at. You see people run to the left and the animal run off to the right. That griz wasn’t after the people.
Taste like raw pork. Weren’t worth chasing.
What is the deal with the psychotic guy laughing about it?
idiots should not go into nature if they don’t know how to react. a group of three has only ever been attacked once.. hold your ground ya dingleberries!
Only a white person would this happen to, thinking his little screams are going to save him. I’m sorry let me correct myself, a city white man. And this is why you carry a pistola!
As a former staffer in Canada’s national parks, I encountered grizzly bears at close quarters on a trail on four occasions over 30 years. One, it’s extremely difficult not to run if you feel you have the option and the space. But if you felt an attack was inevitable, playing dead is recommended. Two, the guy laughing and laughing repeatedly is a douche! Three, those hikers were still some distance away, maybe out of visual contact, so it was a good thing to run. And four, I’m curious to know whether park officials knew there was a grizzly up that valley. All in all, a tense situation.
Don’t run?!?! F*ck off with your stupid advice! I know that’s the standard advice if you’re alone because you can’t outrun the bear (Yeah, yeah…we all know it’ll think you are prey if you run). But you don’t need to outrun the bear. You just need to outrun your 2 buddies! If they’re running and you’re standing their like a f*cking idiot because you listen to the advice of those morons, guess who is dinner for the bear? YOU ARE! Also, the running seemed to work here anyway. It startled the bear and made it stop. I wish the bear had kept going up the hill and attacked those great advice givers.
Ignorance and stupidity makes wildlife look like monsters. Almost everyone knows one should never run from a bear. It makes u the prey.
The twist at the end tho
They ran in diff directions and separated like a poorly written horror movie.
What kind of people LAUGH!!! at other people in danger of being killed by a Grizz?? I Hate! Humans!
Don’t run? Bullshit!!😜😜
"don’t run! don’t run!" mmmmm hmmmmmm, riiiiiight LOL!!!!!!
Why would people hike where bears live, at that point ur just looking to get mauled