Trail Building 101; How To Solve Water Pooling On Your Trails
Trail Building 101; How To Solve Water Pooling On Your Trails
Trail Building 101; How To Solve Water Pooling On Your Trails
Water on your trails is your enemy. How to fix water on your trails is your friend. This video outlines what the problems are, how they become worse and what you can do about it. Oh ya, never throw wood at your wood problems, it only makes things worse. You want solutions not more issues that cause further erosion, trail degradation and just ugly af trails.
The Trail Building Series so far:
Welcome to Trail Building 101
Why You Should Trail Build
Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Trail Build
What Tools You Need For Trail Building
What Hand Tools for Trail Building
How To Scope And Mark Your Trail
How to Bench-cut Part 1
How To Bench-cut Part 2
How to Bench-cut Part 3
How To Move Dirt
Drainage Solutions For Bench-Cuts
How to Trim Trails like a Pro
How To Remove Tree Stumps/Rootballs By Hand
How To Bench-cut Through Grass
How to save your trails over winter
Best Time of the Year to Trail Build
How To Remove Rock In Water Without Getting Hands Wet.
How To Solve Water Pooling On Your Trails
How To Cope with Geofence (and it’s evil cousin)
How To Make Gabion Baskets With Shopping Carts
Greatest hack ever; keeping dirt out of yer boots (Dirt Dogs!)
Poison Ivy 🌱. Tips and Tricks if you get ‘Trail Builder’s Delight’.
Silky Zubat Hand Saw 1 Year Review
How to Stealth Build and not get caught
#howtobuildmtbtrail #trailbuilding101 #trailbuildingtips #DIY #mountainbiking
I learned (the hard way) always lay out your trail in wet weather.
Hey, I realy like your jacket. I`m looking for a camo jacket for biking since a while, which one is it? 🙂
This is a good video! Most of the trails near me have sheets of weather resistant plywood ontop of wet spots. It works pretty well other than they don’t give much grip.
I’m glad you like my Home Despot patio stones Ben. Used on all 3 Gravity Cavities and hv seemed to hv held up for the most part.
I disagree strongly, corduroying a trail is a vital tool in my repertoire of trail solutions. And it’s time tested, it allowed Gen Sherman to march an army through the Carolina swamps at 20 miles a day. I find it particularly useful in areas with wheeled traffic, as it eliminates the lateral ruts that collect water which snowballs into a huge problem. Particularly in the spring when the weepers cause soft spots that are dry the rest of the year. A little corduroy strengthens the tread and prevents the ruts from starting. There is no ONE way to do things with trails, it’s all situation dependent and I rule out nothing.
i’m lucky, no one does that here
This is the pre-party entertainment I needed for my Friday night
The Moartown example is like how the Flats currently is with the one stream emptying into the river but the amount of tries back in the day to get it like that only to have someone clear it all out within a couple hours was ridiculous. I guess they liked riding through the puddle that was always there.
I am looking to get certified as a hiking trail technician, I live in Mexico. Can you suggest where I can find a certification to build hiking trails please?
great info ben!
Whats the purpose of crisscrossing the sleepers?