Top 5 Tips for Wilderness Survival
Top 5 Tips for Wilderness Survival
Paul shares his top 5 tips for wilderness survival.
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When I was a kid, I walked straight into the woods and about 15 minutes later I walked straight out almost the exact same spot I walked in. You can’t always rely on your minds sense of direction.
If you had a map and compass, you would have noticed that the road ended suddenly. Something similar happened to me but I was backpacking on the AT in winter time. I was dropped by my step father on the trail about 3 hours away from the house. I took the trail and expected to stay at one of the shelters on the path. I kept walking until it became dark and I thought the shelter was on the other side of the turn of the trail. I kept walking until it was about 11 PM. When I never found the shelter I kept walking until I went on top of a hill that was flat. I decided to sleep on the hill top for the night. I woke up the next morning in three feet of snow. Everything was white and looked the same. I decided to make a fire and sit and drank tea and coffee. I took the map and compass and I decided to walk on an easterly way to a road that was going north south. I finally found the road after about few hours of trekking and bushwhacking. I learned that the trail I was following the previous day was actually a deer trail and not the AT trail. I missed the shelter area obviously because of that. Now I am more careful. I also stop few hours before the sun goes down and stay where ever I can find an area that could be a good campground.
so this guy is (or was?) the vision of the guns and outdoors and life huh
21:00 I had the same happen to me, in 30 minutes l realized something wasn’t right so l turned around and walked 30 minutes back the direction l came, ran into the road and walked back to my car. In question l went down that road l was looking for and found l forgot the road turned gradually away from where l thought the road should have been. I learned always carry a compass in the woods, period.
Is this the pop tart origin story?
This man is my favorite human discussing my favorite topic. That makes this my favorite video. What’s better is that this isn’t his expertise.
PS… I love you, late Mr. Harrell.
I have maybe ten very terrifying survival stories from my day. I should have died in all those instances. I didn’t. I’m a bit of a legend because of it. That being said, the very nature of what happened each time illustrates that I did not earn the legend status each time. I was lucky.
I’m much smarter now. Back then… I was a fool.
RIP Paul. ❤️
Paul and his poptarts…. gotta love this guy!
AAR: After Action Review/Report
ENT: End of Nautical Twilight
BNT: Beginning of nautical twilight
After sunset there is a period of twilight. The moment that period ends and the night is as dark as it’s going to get, that’s ENT In the morning before sunrise, the moment that you first start seeing light in the sky is BNT
Many people have commented about my shortcut. Leaving the road and going through the bushes was NOT a shortcut. It made the trip longer. It was about going off road and negotiating obstacles, not about making the trip shorter.
I’ve never fast forwarded any of his "long winded" discussions because they’re always worthwhile.
I miss you sir , RIP
"😐 Quote 😐"
"… 😐 Close quote. 😐"
an absolute legend. Paul’s memory will go on forever
Love this story
Classic Paul! We miss you man.
Well now i am wanting to go out before dawn in the rain and try to practice making a fire. Thanks Paul
Damn I miss Paul. 😢
15:13 Cargo pockets. Many people do not like adding girth to their otherwise svelte forum. Three things that are practically made for cargo pockets and can make a huge world of difference in a situation like Paul’s story:
•A contractors bag folded and coupled with a space blanket, slid into a 1 quart Ziplock freezer bag
•Glove liners, watchmen cap and a throat buff rolled tightly and slid into a 1 quart Ziplock freezer bag
•A basics survival kit that includes purification tablets, a Bic and a few protein bars. Slid into a 1 quart Ziplock freezer bag.
By cross loading these suggestions along with a few sensible tools on a neck lanyard and a few of the heftier tools on one’s belt, handling an unplanned bivouac (particularly for just a single night) should be no problem. The two suggested types bags have so many applications that even a novice practitioner of outdoor competence will come out with a great cocktail party story
Subscribed to a dead guy, wondering what the next notification will be
Miss ya Paul. Stoked we can come visit with ya via the internet.
When Ray Mears is in the wilderness he puts on weight, when Bear Grylls comes back hes scratched and skinny, a mess.
Be a Ray.
I Laughed so Hard!!
Thank you Paul!🤣
In my older age when l walk unfamiliar woods l often snap small branches and let them hang as l trail in and l can simply follow them on my way out of there.
“It’s going to be a top 5 list, cause I only know 5 things on the subject.” Holy fuck I miss Paul haha. Rest easy old friend.
still with you Paul……..your’re gone but that doesn’t matter…….I’m here……………
You’re a good man Paul Thanks for all your videos You will be missed.😇
Pretty cool – Paul’s vids already have the "thumbs up" from the first time I watched them. 🙂 You left your mark, Paul. Well done.
the guy who gave you the…"we tracked you easy " statement is a moron…you were not trying to NOT be tracked id have told him…well im glad it was easy cus i wasnt trying to cover my tracks if it had been anything BUT easy that would be a sign of your shitty tracking skills and ps..u didnt find me maybe your tracking skills arnt as good as u think lol
Been watching some Paul classics and don’t know how I missed this one. Anyone else finding videos they haven’t seen? I love "I had a six-pack of pop tarts" so food was covered LOL
the ""We tracked you easily!" got him (understandably) very angry
As they say "Making good decisions comes from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions." I bring zip ties and duct tape too. And I leave a note in my car on the dash with my name, contact, family contact, detailed plans, etc. I fold it with just "Read Me" on the outside. In fact I made a template and printed out a bunch. RIP
(waits for the end of the story) this story should be a compass commercial
R.I.P. Paul. Great Video. I watched the anecdote and everything.
In rememberence ?
King shit
I wish that Paul could have done a survival series of videos. He would have been very good and could have opened a lot of people’s eyes. I would have liked to have seen him demonstratin how to cook wild game like rabbit, bird etc. I’ll really miss him. I learned a lot from that young fellow.
im sure our conversation in the other world will be as legendary as i imagined, we miss you paul.
I’ve carried a lensatic compass and map for over 50 yrs.. Sfc.Henry Jones beat that into my head in 1973. I like GPS but still read a map and compass.I carry light weight food and the ability to build a fire. Always carry a very large a light weight tarp. Makes a very good shelter. I’m still alive and kicking… barely ha ha.
Thank god for these videos. I miss Paul yet here he is. I found his channel about a year before his passing so I have one hell of a catalogue to peruse. Only problem is at some point I’m going to arrive at the end of his videos and that’s where his brother comes in. Thank god for him too.
😮 what just happened to me. Halfway through and I’m like did I learn something? Yes. People need to learn nav without electronics
Wonder what happened to the squirrel in his pocket?
The real gold here is every time his ego starts showing.. immediately the very next line he says you have to keep your ego in check. Lol
Anyone revisiting this story after Roy brought it up on the Thanksgiving Day special?
“We tracked you easy…”
NOBODY TRAKED ME EEEEASY 😂❤miss ya Paul i got lost hunting once i understand your thought process….
It’s so amazing that Paul left behind such a giant heritage of useful and entertaining videos for people to lean from and enjoy forever
Now that Paul is gone I have to ask; did anyone EVER skip past his “boring” anecdotes?