TOP 10 PLACES IN UTAH | (That Aren't National Parks)
TOP 10 PLACES IN UTAH | (That Aren't National Parks)
In this video I break down my top 10 favorite places in Utah, one of the most diverse, adventurous, and beautiful states in the countries. Filled with snow capped mountains, deserts, waterfalls, canyons, salt flats, and more, Utah has so many hidden gems. So much so that there is an endless amount to explore even past all of the national parks, which is why in this top 10 you won’t see any national parks featured!
Top 20 Places in Utah You Need to Visit:
Top 10 Hikes in Arches National Park:
Top 25 Hikes & Places to Visit in Colorado:
Top 10 Places to Visit in Arizona:
Top 50 Hikes in the USA:
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My blog on the top 10 places in Utah:
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Filmed by: myself @kevineassa
Edited by: David Bauer @dbauermedia
Featuring: Danny McGee, Brian David, Bri Amato & Evan Paterakis
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Excited to go there
Forgot Green river,dinasaur and all the state parks
it would be nice to have the ceo coordinates going there by car…
Fantastic video!!! Thank you for sharing this!
Somebody get me a Doctor
Thank you for such a great and amazing video. You do amazing work. I never realized that Utah had so many beautiful places. I think most of these places are cooler than the National Parks especially since you can fly a drone there.
Hey Kevin – can you share how and where I might get a drone permit for some of these places?
My favorite state
Why is there in Indian person trying to tell me to subscribe to this channel
Great Video!
Not that you care, but it’s pronounced hurikin not hurricane.
Great shots btw.
Thanks for sharing, great video and awesome recommendations. I will definitely add a few of these to my list of destinations to visit.
Beautiful lovely 🧑💻✨
Opening shot…. Utah Feels like that but it looks different….I stopped talking about SE Utah in 1990…. The year the mountain bikers discovered Moab etc. So go to the places shown here. Then I have MY private sand box all to myself. Factory Butte is in X park…. John C Fremont walked thru here in 1853 on his 5th expedition. just prior they had crossed the green river at Ruby and the San Rafael river and skirted along Goblin on the north side of the park.(they also walked along north end of Arches). This expedition was to find a Rail Line on the 38th parallel. It was Winter. They were on their own…. They later crossed the Wasatch range east to west and went down Red Creek Canyon. Men died. Deep snow. My discovery of SE Utah began at Dead Horse…. I walked up to the main view area. There was a sign that said "Hang gliders PLEASE (!) tell rangers if you are jumping". Today they would just arrest and kill you. The view was so unexpected…… Later I got on my Moto Morini 501 Camel and via the Potash mine road into Moab, and went Behind The Rocks over to The Needles (100+miles) and then into areas I keep to myself. I also recorded a UFO! The damnest experience…. Saturn shapped and zipping along at 1000+fps and no sound. It’s a long story. So have fun
You’re mispronouncing Hurricane.
Why did property taxes jump up so high here in Utah in 2022??!!
great… now all these tourists are going to show up in my state
Thank you for not saying "Hurricane" like a normal human being and not the retarded way its pronounced by locals. Im from Northern Utah and i refuse to pronounce it wrong just because some think its cool to have an extra chromosome.
Thank you for this great guide! It’s especially great for folks trying to avoid the crowds at peak season.
We are planning a trip from Grand Junction to Las Vegas and we use your videos quite a bit. They are awesome. I had a quick question do we need a 4 x 4 to get to see Benenite hills?
You should do a video of places you can fly your drone. We are going in March. So I can’t get a permit at state parks and National parks is definitely a big fat no.
😀😀ALAN DERSHOWITZ:"I’m a liberal Democrat. I voted for Biden," Dershowitz explained on Just the News, Not Noise. "I’m not gonna vote for Trump if he runs for re-election. I want to have the right to vote against him. I don’t want to see bureaucrats deny me that right to vote against him. That’s what democracy is. And this is part of an attempt to try to get him disqualified from running."
Dershowitz also said that a vast amount of Americans want equal treatment and justice for politicians on both the left and right.
"There’s the vast majority of neutral Americans who want to see fair justice," Dershowitz said. "They don’t want a different rule for Hillary Clinton and Sandy Berger on the one hand, and President Trump on the other hand. They want to see equal justice under the law."
Dershowitz then explained how what is happening to former President Trump is "selective justice."
"It appears as if this is selective justice," Dershowitz concluded. Now the FBI may come in and say, "Oh, my God, you don’t know the evidence we have. We had evidence that people were about to destroy the documents."
😀😀"Trump wasn’t even there," Dershowitz continued. "How could he destroy the documents? All they had to do was subpoena and make them appear in court with the 15 boxes the next morning, even before Trump could get back."
Dershowitz described Trump’s home being invaded as "McCarthyism from the left."
Thanks for the video!
This is an incredible video!! I’ve been to a few of the spots you feature but the drone footage is incredible. I wonder if you can enjoy most of these places from the ground as much as you can from the air. Thanks so much for being there and sharing!
Utainia Forever!
Hi Nice Places. Do you recommend all these places for drone photography?
Thank you
We have familiar images of the city of Arkalyk, Kazakhstan
Ogden Valley is breathtaking. World class skiing, incredible fall colors, amazing hiking and biking trails
Thank you. You might have mentioned there probably could have been TOP 100 PLACES IN UTAH that aren’t National Parks. Not on your list are White Ghost Hoodoo, Wire Pass and Buckskin Gulch (longest and deepest slot canyon in the world), Rainbow Bridge, Fisher Towers, Fantasy Canyon…. the list goes on and on!
Wow you should visit more places in Northern Utah I live here in Utah and I don’t really care for living here in Utah I’ve lived in places in the country that I like much better. However my favorite place in Utah a loop called the Alpine Loop and it goes through Alpine Canyon and comes around and back through Sundance through Provo Canyon and then when the most beautiful spot ever one of my favorite places to ever go is bridal veil Falls and I didn’t know this until recently but bridalveil Falls is part of Niagara Falls and I was trying to figure that out and so I did some research on it but apparently they’re only five bridal veil Falls that fall the way that they fall and one of them is Niagara Falls and I don’t remember the other three but there’s only five but also since you like to hike and the Alpine Loop is Mount Timpanogos which is a national park I believe but right now I live in Provo fairly close to there but people love to do that hike but I’ve not a hiker so I’ve never done much of it but I definitely like the caves and everything around there but to be able to just drive a little ways out of Provo Canyon and get to see bridal veil Falls there’s nothing quite like it it’s peace and Solitude like no other. However the first time I saw Niagara Falls was on the 8th of January 1988 and it was freezing cold we didn’t get out of the car but the Mistwood freeze on our windshield and it was absolutely gorgeous and it wasn’t until several years later but I actually saw at Niagara Falls as it’s meant to be seen and actually did the maiden of the Mist and all of that and lived back East for a long time and traveled into Northeastern Canada and it was a blast but definitely take some time out in your life did just take in the beauty of bridal veil Falls
What’s the place at 0:07?
I envy those living in Utah
Great list ! We are going to utah in may for our wedding anniversary, hopefully we can check out some of these cool places. Can we fly drone in goblin valley, dead horse point and coral sand dunes state parks?
Omg I wanna see all of this❤
There are also large underground lava caves in Snow Canyon. There are several cinder cone volcanoes near Diamond Valley but they are further off the road. The line has to do with historic water levels and iron oxidation and the chemical makeup of the rock.
Great video and list. I’m very happy that you did NOT include my top 2 places in Utah (maybe the world), because then I’d have to kill you, LOL! My lips are sealed.🤫
How do you get those camera angles?
I need to visit Coral Pink Sand Dunes! I live so close!
Are you allowed to fly drones in these state parks(Quail Creek, Snow Canyon, Goblin Valley, and etc)?
If you liked Monument Valley, go up the road a little to the NE and you get to Valley of the Gods. Completely in UT and almost entirely overlooked because of the opularity of Monument Valley.
Beautiful shots Kevin ! Between shoots, don’t forget to eat at the Thunderbird Cafe in Mt. Carmel Jct. Home of the Ho-Made Pies ! The best Route 66 cafe genre left !
Not scenic or cool at all! You’ll want to find other places to go, this is definitely not worth seeing or the gas money. Go check out Yosemite instead
Thanks for posting this. While I’ve seen video footage from some of these places, they were always from the ground—hiking, drive throughs, etc. Your drone footage took it to a whole new level. From the ground, you don’t get the total awesomeness of these places.
I’ve seen a hike up to the first ladder in Kanarra Falls but never any footage past it. I never even knew there was a second ladder. I’d have a real issue climbing even one of them if they both look like that.
I’ve seen a drive through of Snow Canyon and a hike up one of the side canyons, but this is the first I have heard of there being a volcano there. That’s pretty cool. Can you hike up to the top of it?
I’ve seen several videos and lots of photos of Dead Horse Point but had no idea of the massiveness of the canyon lands around it. Your drone footage certainly gives it a certain resemblance to the Grand Canyon, for sure.
And I’ve never seen Bonneville Salt Flats with water on it like that, although I’ve driven past them numerous times. That’s where all the land speed records are set and you can bet there’s no water when present when they do that.
I just can’t say enough about the drone footage. That was the crème de la crème of the video. In fact, that’s what MAKES the video for me. I’ll be watching your top 20 places in Utah next.
Hurricane, by the way, is pronounced "Her (accented syllable) – uh – cn" (yes, the "c" and "n" are run together and the whole of it is pronounced very fast).
I live in the Uintah’s this is such a good video of Utah, our state is beautiful. ❤
Wow dear visit sri lanka
Thanks for the video😊
What a professionally beautiful video – minus the amateur hour audio. Audio, and editing are underrated components of professional videography. What a shame, especially with noteworthy content. 💔
This was kinda like a cool video to kinda explain all of the kinda natural features and kinda places that you can kinda do a lot of stuff when you’re kinda exploring Utah… really kinda like all over but mostly kinda southern Utah. Definitely kinda worth watching.