One questions I get asked a lot is; are you not scared hiking alone? So in this video I want to share with you 15 safety tips for solo hikers to help anyone who is worried about hiking or backpacking alone and is looking for advice, as well as experienced hikers who may already be hiking solo to make your time outdoors as safe as it can be.
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Mentioned in this video;
↠ Emergency Hurricane Whistle:
↠ Leki Khumbu Lite Trekking Pole:
↠ Tick Removal Tool:
↠ LifeSystems Pro First Aid Kit:
As well as everything included in the above Pro First Aid Kit, I also include; Leukotape, Small Mirror, Tweezers, Swiss Army Knife, 1 x Burn Gel Sachet, Antihistamines, Hand Sanitiser, Anti-diarrheal pills & Rehydration salts.
↠ Dual Action Firestarter:
↠ Storm Proof Matches:
↠ Lifesystems Ultralight Survival Shelter 2:
↠ Lifesystems Heatshield Thermal Bivy Bag:
↠ Garmin InReach Explorer+:
↠ Garmin InReach SE+:
↠ SPOT X Satellite Tracker:
↠ ACR ResQLink View:
↠ Anker PowerCore II 20000 –
↠ Silva Ranger Compass:
↠ Sawyer Squeeze Water Filtration System UK:
↠ Sawyer Squeeze Water Filtration System US:
You may also be interested in;
↠ Filmed using my Canon PowerShot G7X Mark III – & Canon EOS 70D –
↠ Filmed using PEDCO UltraPod TriPod 2 –
↠ Filmed using RODE Wireless GO Microphones –
↠ Music:
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✧ Twitter: @hikertowriter
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Thank you for taking the time to watch my video, I appreciate it so much.
Mary 💚
#solohiking #safetyfirst #solotravel #hiking #getoutside #explore
I have followed you since your PCT days. You are so refreshing — confident, positive and encouraging. I expect a lot of people have become closer to the outdoors because of you.
If it isn’t illegal, get a taser.
The sound of the taser for more dangerous animals is pretty scary to them
i am never alone, ans my two buddy’s are always with me. Mr Smith, and Mr Wesson.
but in reality, if you are scared to be alone, then stay in the groups.
i am a hermit, so it is nothing for me to not interact with other humans for a week or longer. sad way to many people around that one can not avoid them here any longer than that.
and worse are the tweakers (meth heads) infesting everything.
What was that animal that ran behind her in the distance at about 1:00?
This is exactly the video I needed. I really want to ultimately be able to solo hike, just that hesitancy around being out as a lone female. This video has really helped put some fears to rest.
Also extra thing I plan to do…take my dog!! 🙂
Great advice, Mary! I do have a couple of quibbles with some of the equipment you’ve shown. Based on a realistic test of the SOL bivvy, I won’t carry that anymore as it doesn’t do what it advertises. (
I’m 67 and am a solo hiker (I’m old and slow, but I get there!) and always carry enough on a day hike that I can spend an uncomfortable night out if I’m injured. Yes, I did say uncomfortable (as opposed to not surviving the night). I live in the desert southwest of the USA and due to fire danger, campfires are out. There are some bushcrafting skills, however, that still can be utilized. Carry and know how to rig out a tarp for emergency shelter. Corporals Corner has some great videos on hitches, lashes, and knots ( Kelley is a great teacher, one of the best I’ve encountered at explaining how to tie knots.
Learn how to insulate yourself from the ground as conduction will suck the heat right out of your body. You can use leaves, pine branches, etc. for this. I carry a down blanket for winter for my topside insulation. My load changes based on the season. In summer I have to carry whatever water I need as there are no sources on trail, yet I still do carry the Sawyer you showed in the video in case I can access a spring.
You are spot on with respect to attitude and intuition. For those who may have trouble trusting intuition (mostly men I suspect, but maybe not) do read Gavin De Beckers book The Gift of Fear. Intuition is a subconscious that correlates data and tells you about trouble before you have enough facts to rationally determine that trouble is near.
Hiking solo is extremely rewarding! I plan to be doing this when I’m 80 and beyond!
I go with my dog for safety
Good solid info.
This is a BIIIIIG BIG BIG topic that needs more adressing on this platform and has nothing to do with gender. A Bear will mess you up i dont care how MANLY of a MAN you are for example so the dangers are pretty much the same for a man and a woman. Im 41 yo man i would love to hike but i dont know anyone well enough that is into hiking also i love solitude honestly but yeah im a bit scared of hiking alone so i cant wait to see this video really.
G’day. Love your presentation. BTW the plural of "deer" has no "s." It’s simply "deer"; as in: I saw 10 deer crossing the road." Same thing with "moose." One moose or 10 moose."
Did she catch the animal that ran behind her? What was that interesting she didn’t even hear it
I’ve been hiking alone all my life since I was a kid. As a child or adolescent we often don’t think about potential consequences, and grow bolder. I took many unsafe risks, so by adult-hood I barely thought about "what if", I just did whatever inspired me. Even at 50 yrs old I took unwise risks. In retrospect I think it was crazy, but I had a lot of good experiences. Hiking alone is fine as long as you stay conscious and prepared enough to mitigate the most likely of possible mishaps. The most important consideration is how far away are you from help if you are unable to get yourself back from the trail. If the trail is heavily traveled with a good chance of meeting other people, you are generally safe.
After about 1 minute into the video something runs behind you in the woods. What was that?
Hairspray + lighter… both legal in uk
Hello 👋 Mary, thank you for sharing this informative video. Greetings from Northern California. You shared some excellent pointers for those venturing into the outdoors. Did you trek along the PCT a few years ago? You look quite familiar. All the best of good things for you. Always stay safe out there 🏕️. 😊
Sorry to hear that your England Government doesn’t want their citizens to protect themselves… Here in the USA, "We The people" is what America is, so "We The people" choose our politicians, and the good people (Republicans) always vote Republican to help maintain our 2nd Amendment right…. and the bad tyranny regime Government (Democrats) want to dissolve the 2ns Amendment…. So we do a lot of battling here in America, and so far, from 1776 to 2023, we Republicans have been successful in maintaining our 2nd Amendment rights…. I have been a CWP#357 holder for 30+ years to protect my family & friends against the deplorable Dems & Libs that have infiltrated our country…. I carry everywhere I go, in town & on the hiking trail, but on the trail, I also carry Bear Spray (also works on moose, cougars, wolves & coyotes) because I would NEVER want to harm an animal, except for Dems & Libs which is what my CWP is for.
What’s a midgie? I will be 70 in October and I want to learn to hike and solo hike. Is that safe at my age?
Oh man, I’m in the US and I can’t imagine backpacking withought my stun gun. I literally sleep with it clutched to my chest when I’m out there alone. I’m a pretty anxious person and super paranoid of being assaulted, but I try my best not to let that keep me from the solo backpacking. Great advice, and I hope to have your confidence one day!
Great tips. Great tips. But
I always hike alone and that is not very wise
Nobody would ever say that rubbish if you were a bloke
What a knowledgeable, kind, likable person you are. You are a real treat and hour energy is just so light. Thanks for the wisdom.
I use to hike alone for 10 years until I fell and injured my ankle 😫 I wasnts severely Injured but at the time I thought it was. Also my blood sugar dropped out of nowhere ive never had this issue before . But everything became blurry . I thought I was going to to die worst case I was alone . Although my husband new where I was the hike was 12 miles and no signal. The whole time I saw no one else on trail. Anyways after that I dont hike pr backpack alone it was scary realizing I was going to die alone and it would take about 12+ hours for someone to find me .it sucks becayse I have no one else to hike or backpack with but that experience scared the crap out of me . Now I just hike very populated hikes and nothing that will take more than 4 hours . It’s not the same i miss long hikes
I am an 81-year-old man and have hiked alone for 50 years or more, and enjoy it. Far from the madding crowd. Her tips for females also apply to male solo hikers. Good for her, and all solo hikers. Enjoy!
Nope not as long as I know where Im going
Who has friends or family?
Male black bears are keeping me home.
0:57 what was that? Behind you.
Brilliant video – thank you! 😊
0:57 What the heck was running behind you there? Hey, great video! I’ve done almost all my backpack trips solo, great to run into other hikers (many were also solo), and share updates about trail conditions and stuff.
self protection whistle is one of the funniest things i have ever heard. not being able to carry a weapon in your country even when being out in the wilderness is a horrible law. Law or no law I would make sure I could protect myself against wild animals and sociopath people.
0:34 where is that clip from?
I can’t believe they won’t let you carry mace there, that is ridiculous.
Informative ❤️
I was confused for a moment when you mentioned fire arms despite the British accent😂
i am always wary of the 2 leggers. animals not so much.
You can be as prepared as possible, but it’s still not safe to hike alone. Unexpected accidents can leave you left for dead or seriously injured. Takes one encounter with a crazy human or an animal who feels threatened to wind up dead or one trip and fall leaving you seriously injured.
I just bought an emergency whistle yesterday! I’ve walked alone for over 15 years and in that time I’ve only ever had one bad incident, and it was my own stupid fault – I went out to hike a mountain in new boots, ran out of water and ended up coming down a mountain with heat exhaustion and banged-up feet on the hottest day of the year.I was saved by two tourists who came to my aid, got me water and sat with me until I felt able to keep walking. I’d made it to the treeline before I collapsed in a heap which was just as well – if I’d stopped while still out in the open I would definitely have ended up with heatstroke. My one big concern however is keeping my belongings safe while at campsites while I go to get food or have shower.
The only thing that is on my mind when I go alone, is black bear and mountain lions. Maybe Coyotes at night.
I’ve done hiking with big groups and alone and with my dog I think it’s not as bad as many think as long as you semi know what your doing getting hurt in the middle of nowhere scares me more than animals GPS coms are great the first few nights sleeping along are creepy but after a few nights that feeling subsides it helps doing trips with others to give you an idea of what 1st aid stuff you’ll really need and having an encounter with wild animals with others who are experienced is super helpful I would be much more worried coming across a bear if I hadn’t done that with experienced hikers before hand self defense could be helpful or just get good at running as that’s always easier than fighting two legged threats in my opinion that’s a very rare thing to happen most people that are deep in the woods don’t want problems I suppose that can vary on how far you are from civilization
Don’t be afraid to make noise or sing songs to yourself or dog definitely make it as hard as possible for you to walk up on animals without them noticing
Practice using the GPS coms I did not learn proper map and compas skills but I’d like to learn just in case I almost dropped my phone in a creek and then I would have been SOL outside of my garmin watch which wouldn’t have helped me find water to the extent I would have needed
Knife: check, Pepper spray: check, Self defence classes: check, Mini gun and 12 thousand rounds:
Your local threats are midgets and ticks? Wow that’s not too inclusive of you.
I done heaps of solo hikes down here in Australia. Years ago a mate and did hikes but I only saw him at the start, lunch times and when I get to the campsite for the night. During one up at Mt Feathertop I thought damn it, I’m hiking alone. So the next one I did by myself was great – I didn’t to hike quickly just how I wanted to, when to have lunch, stops and then get to where I wanted to camp. Now, over 30 years later I still hike by myself. In the next few weeks, I’m going do a solo snow hike up to Mt Bogong the highest mountain of Victoria. I’ve been up there many times and looking forward to getting there again. I use a GPS and carry maps, compass and PLB so if I get injured and can’t hike out – I can have support. I also make sure one of mates have the planning for my trip in case something really bad goes on and I can’t contact or the PLB get broken he can call the Police and advise my route, where I was planning to camp etc…staying safe is my most important issue for my sole hikes but it’s also nice to meet other people on the track.
40+ year old guy (in the military) & get this same question more than any other. I am perfectly comfortable hiking alone. Completely baffles most people.
Sister something ran behind you 1:00
Never hike with poles but was with a group with 2 other people..a woman I hike with had someone sneak up but she showed she had the poles and was about 6 ft
Thank you so much!!! I needed this.
More likely to cross paths with a scumbag in a town or city but carry my Axe with me everywhere while out camping in the wild.
Having two friends along named Smith & Wesson is also not a bad idea.
thanks lady❤